The IFS Seniority Integration Committee is proud to have been elected by our peers to represent their interests in the seniority integration of the Delta and Northwest flight attendant seniority lists ...
I am not sure how much everyone really knows of how this election really went. Lets shed some light
There were 1900 names on the ballots, out of 13500. Roughly 14%.
The list of 1900 names included retired employees, and employees not wanting to be included on the ballot. This election was diluted purposely by Delta management, even after requests by dozens of people on the ballot to be removed from that list.
Lets also point out that out of 13500 people, according to Delta only 3000 cast votes. A measly 22% voter turount.
I would hardly call this a fair election, its about as fair as the last AFA election.
Now to the second part.
What management won't tell you is that after 20 days of negotiating Delta can send the seniority issue to arbitration. Looking out for flight attendants best interest? Or just trying to discourage flight attendants from voting in AFA?
Please remember that the "new" Delta, has a large chunk of old Northwest management. Lets look at the new IFS leadership team.
North Region Director - Britt Reller (NW)
BOS director - Andrea Misserian (NW)
DTW director - Deb Hanson (NW), 1 open position
NYC director - MaryAnn McCruden(DL), Kathy Ralston (DL), Ron Wolfe(DL)
Southwest Region Director - David Clayton (DL)
ATL director - Raul Alvarez(DL), Fred Jones(DL), Beth Trebendis(DL), Robert Waples(DL), Gail Cummings(NW)
MCO/TPA/FLL director - OPEN
MEM director - Maureen Nyquist(NW)
West Region director - Maureen Mariano(DL)
HNL director - Ben Mathieu(NW)
LAX director - Bobbie Bell(NW)
MSP director - Dana Bartel(DL), Deb Mozell(NW)
SEA director - Janice Fawcett(NW)
SFO director - Brian Boudreau(NW)
SLC/SAN director - Nancy Crook(DL)
Pacific Region director - Nancy Crook(NW)
General Manager IFS Scheduling Support - Brian Moreau(NW)
Northwest = 12
Delta = 12 (With DL having 4 in ATL and 3 in NYC)