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Abuse of Power

For someone to capture computer data that is hooked up to a grid (and not the internet), they would have to place an individual power line monitor for the computer and filter out power surges/spikes to decode in/out data.
I would doubt that it can be used to extract data from the computer except for input/output power fluctuations.

B) xUT

He didn't say they were capturing off the grid, he inferred they were going through a specific AC line into a comp hard drive that wasn't connected to the net. You know, like "Dad, that electric company truck has been outside all week".
This is a nice little video on the REAL abuse of power.


At this point in time, you're committed until hell freezes over to deal with the blowback. We leave, they still coming.....turn the table and say the Arabs had the upper hand all these years and got their 60/40 or what ever.....they would have had more money and influence sooner to buy weapons and spread Islam to form a caliphate which end goal is global with Islamic dominance to which we'd be fighting them sooner or later.

Putting it bluntly, we're screwed either way in my book.

History supports Islamic attempts at dominance hundreds of years before they drilled the first well.
Dell if you have all this concern about possible abuse of power by a president then I don't know how in your right mind you would ever be able to vote for Gingrich.
Dell if you have all this concern about possible abuse of power by a president then I don't know how in your right mind you would ever be able to vote for Gingrich.

well you've pretty much nailed what I've been thinking but loathe to comment on.

Abuse of power is an epidemic in the Federal Government. From the ATF and FBI at Ruby Ridge & Waco, Gingrich as Speaker of the House right straight through to the Oval Office.

Truth be told we have a field of four crony capitalists and one Constitutionalist. Of the four crony capitalists all have had their hands in the cookie jar at the expense of the everyday Joe/Jane who draws a paycheck. There really is no difference, pick one. Hell, maybe you like sweater vests, then Santorum is your guy. Like your politicians snarky and sarcastic? NEWT all the way. If you like them polluted with graft and slicker than the Gulf after the BP spill then it comes down to pigmentation and religion.

There is only one who is different and we as a nation aren't quite ready for him.
well you've pretty much nailed what I've been thinking but loathe to comment on.

Abuse of power is an epidemic in the Federal Government. From the ATF and FBI at Ruby Ridge & Waco, Gingrich as Speaker of the House right straight through to the Oval Office.

Truth be told we have a field of four crony capitalists and one Constitutionalist. Of the four crony capitalists all have had their hands in the cookie jar at the expense of the everyday Joe/Jane who draws a paycheck. There really is no difference, pick one. Hell, maybe you like sweater vests, then Santorum is your guy. Like your politicians snarky and sarcastic? NEWT all the way. If you like them polluted with graft and slicker than the Gulf after the BP spill then it comes down to pigmentation and religion.

There is only one who is different and we as a nation aren't quite ready for him.

I forgot where I heard this when describing Newt. He's got Nixon's nastiness without any of Nixon's self discipline.
Dell if you have all this concern about possible abuse of power by a president then I don't know how in your right mind you would ever be able to vote for Gingrich.

Can't you see the Progressive Party is doing exactly the same thing as last election?



Why do you think there's such an effort by GOP to dump Newt?

Because they want a Progressive in there......doesn't matter which party, just further the parties agenda.

Newt has progressive roots but is more con than prog.....I just think it would be interesting if he gets the nod.....GOP will be beside themselves.

Lets put it another way, whoever gets the nod on GOP I'll have to support.

4 more years of Obama is not an option. I can't see wasting crucial votes on some smack in some party who has virtually no chance in hell of winning.

Has there ever been a president who has not abused their power? Any who has publicly declared to go around the legislative process?
Wilson?? Roosevelt??
You did dell.

Its all about getting Obama out....if Newt is the best available, then so be it. You have a perfect candidate?

So what, under those circumstances its the only viable option. I said it again in my re-edit.
Sorry folks but trade one Crony Capitalist for another just means that different Cronies get capitalized. How does that help?
Yeah well I said the same thing about Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, and Rick Santorum....LOL

Looks like you got me now..... :lol:
So what, under those circumstances its the only viable option. I said it again in my re-edit.

Try and spin it all you want you said you would vote for him. Evidently abuse of power really is not that important to you.
Spin the fact that I said I'd support whoever gets the nod.....there's your spin.

So in other words all this talk from you about the consititution is just that, a lot of talk.

Nice to know you are willing to support someone who talks about violating one of the most basic tennants of this country like it's not a big deal. Fortanetly for Newt there are a lot of people in this country who are ignorant of it's history and constitution.
Its just another case of it being ok if my guy does it but not ok if your guy does it.