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AA''s New Codeshare Partner?

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Wow, that's a shocker, and there do seem to be some significant overlaps between AA and AirTran route maps...

Overlaps? Just ATL-DFW/MIA, BOS-BWI, and ATL-CHI.

Right now though it looks as though WN is the only one with a sound business model, and the hub and spoke is broken.

FL seems successful (now) with primarily a hub/spoke system.
First of all, the code share between NW, CO, and DAL isn't nearly in the bag yet. I doubt politically if it will go. Secondly, an AA code share with Air Tran is a joke. SW wouldn't be interested.

As a second thought, if the government tries to prop up all the failing carriers, it's likely all will eventually fail.
There is AirTran's checkered past to deal with...

What "checkered past" would that be?
The answer lays in the far-east not South America. AA doesn't need code-sharing partners in areas were there is little competition from foreign carriers. For years these South of the Border Banana Republic airlines have done little to bolster their image. They remain sadly a tattered army of flies, each leeching off the other, buoyed only by National infusions of carefully laundered money.

On the other hand, even in light of Europe's and North America's worst airline slump the Far-Eastern airlines are racking up the largest yields and profits.

Go East young man.
AS does not only share with AA, they code with just about everyone, CO, NW, AA, etc.
On 8/29/2002 8:26:57 PM

Wow, that's a shocker, and there do seem to be some significant overlaps between AA and AirTran route maps...

Overlaps? Just ATL-DFW/MIA, BOS-BWI, and ATL-CHI.

Right now though it looks as though WN is the only one with a sound business model, and the hub and spoke is broken.

FL seems successful (now) with primarily a hub/spoke system.


The hub and spoke model is NOT broken. the prob is we have 6 large H&S airlines competing savagely against each other. SWA is more and more a Hub and spoke airline every day. Hom many long term successful point to point carriers are there?
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