Please note that some of these are devil's advocate responses... thus, a little more blunt and heartless than usual....
o Reduce Mainline domestic SIGNIFICANTLY
Yep. That worked so well for Pan Am...
Reducing mainline would simply alienate people like me who don't want to be flying Brand X, which then would make me less likely to be paying $1/mile to fly AA longhaul international...
o DO NOT sell A/E, arm them with a fleet of Ejets.
Can't arm them with Ejets under the APA scope clause. Can't get rid of the scope clause, either. So, Eagle is stuck with a crappy fleet of jungle jets and a relatively low cap on the number of 70 seaters they can operate.
o Offer an Early out to the AMT/FSC and F/A groups(with a guarantee that retiree medical, and pensions remain Intact ! (They would be lining up for miles, to "get out" !!!!!!!! )
Why? They can simply cut the benefits in bankruptcy, and it won't cost them a dime.
o Get a "deal" from APA over the Ejets ! (No deal, then BK would lie SOLELY on them, like in "bye-bye Pilot pensions". They'd ####/Cry and Moan, but in the end....a DEAL)
Doubt it. The new leadership of APA's scorched earth policy took them past the point of being able to save face here.
o Keep Mainline employees in HUB/Focus cities ONLY(Example east coast) BOS/JFK/LGA/EWR/DCA/MCO/MIA
Well, it's slowly becoming that...
o If they can,t keep contract M/E...close MCI.
Why? If you need to close a base, it's AFW. It's newer and more marketable to third party MRO's or another carrier. Once the greybeards at MCI actually retire, there won't be a rush of people looking to move there, so they'll be able to hire off the street at a lot lower rate of pay. AFW suffers to some degree by being in DFW's shadow, both in terms of seniority and in terms of operationally.
Having too much of your operation based in one state could wind up being a liability, and it's hard to dispute AA's being a little too dependent on what happens in North Texas. Missouri clearly wants (and needs) the jobs and will fight harder to keep them.
o As the a/c leases expire...GIVE EM' BACK !!!!!
OK, but did you look at how long some of these leases run?... 15 years with some of the Mad Dogs...
o (you won't like this but😉 Replace the A-300's/767's with A-330's( No delivery wait time)
The Boeing shell costs more, but it's still the better aircraft. They'd be better off replacing them with 777's for crewing commonality, range, and economy. You don't see 330's doing a route like LAX-SYD or ORD-HKG without a fuel stop... It might work for a domestic widebody, but AA needs more flexibility. Plus, the Boeing tails stay attached...