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flydcoop said:
I fly out of STL/SLT Mikey, Sherry Cooper has never represented us.

Last summer, when it was really bad, many of the forced transfers turned to our former base chairs (MIA, DFW, and LAX, specifically).

To be fair, Sherry Cooper has never accepted a salary from the APFA, I have to respect that.

Greg (vice-chair) represents us in meetings with the company. I can think of 2 situations off the top of my head.

Greg has also told us that his heart is not in it...he represents anyway.



BULL!!!! Just another one with an agenda to discredit Sherry and Greg. The likes of maggie, narey and clay. :blink:
No way. Coop has no agenda to bring down Sherry. He made a point about I post I made earlier. To compare him to that other group of wastes his highly unfair.
Bob Owens said:
I could never understand why F/As agreed to "brakes off-brakes on pay". You would probably be better off with a lower hourly rate but get paid for all hours given to the company.

(If someone knows differently, please respond. This is just what I've been told.)
As it was explained to me, it isn't an "agreed to" contract provision. It's an idiosyncrasy of the RLA (Railway Labor Act) and an accomodating judge. I'm not sure how the airline employees ended up being covered by the RLA, but the airlines used that fact as a way of getting the block out to block in applied to flight attendants.

Back when the RLA was first passed in the Depression, the railroads got a provision included that Pullman porters (who were predominantly black, if not totally) would not be paid while the train was in a station because they did no "real work" for the railroad at that time--just helping passengers with their luggage, showing them to their assigned seat berths, and getting them settled in--work for which they received passenger tips. The airlines got a later court to rule that flight attendants fall under the same provision.
twasilverbullet said:
BULL!!!! Just another one with an agenda to discredit Sherry and Greg. The likes of maggie, narey and clay. :blink:

oh give me a break! here's another prime example of "TWA can never do anything wrong" mentality. Someone asked if anyone from STL could verify that Sherry Cooper & Greg does absolutely nothing for that base because their hearts are not in it and it's mainly original AA FAs based there. Someone from STL does reply and says "Yes, Sherry does NOTHING for those based in STL and Greg does his job half-assed because "his heart is not it", and all of a sudden IT"S BULL, it's an agenda to discredit Sherry and Greg, it's another ploy to further kick those who are down, etc. Oh please!!! The only agenda in here is that both of them are trying to destroy the APFA in your behalf.

Sherry and Greg can't do their jobs as Base Reps because there is a huge conflict of interest and out of bitterness took it out on those poor souls stuck in STL. I've heard this from STL FAs and other base chairs themselves.
Oh sure, noble gesture of Sherry not to take a salary, big whoop, while Greg on the other hand still gets paid for doing a half-assed job because "his heart is not in it"...which makes him what? A parasite.
Tell me, how could these two do their jobs 100%, to represent the STL FAs, if they admit that their hearts are not in it?
The base would be a better place to be if those two were stripped of their titles, kicked out of office, and someone who would work for the STL FAs wholeheartedly was to take their place. Sad thing is that if this does happen, it'll just be more fodder for the "oh poor pitiful TWA me" whiners.
Frankly, you should place the blame on Sherry for not fighting for you guys 100% during the ACQUISITION. She now wants to take the high road and have you guys place the blame on AArs and the APFA instead of her and Greg.
This is really pathetic and pitiful. As long as those two remain in office, nothing's will be done right in STL.
"Tell me, how could these two do their jobs 100%, to represent the STL FAs, if they admit that their hearts are not in it?"

They are representing the STL F/As...the real ones

A certain "kumbaya" replacement "kum" STL "baya" F/A "ya" with 32 personalities "kum" is having a "baya" meltdown, and we just "kumbaya" love watching it. "baya"
twasilverbullet said:
BULL!!!! Just another one with an agenda to discredit Sherry and Greg. The likes of maggie, narey and clay. :blink:


That is a very unfair assessment to make of me. I have been kicked off the 4m by the moderator. The official reason is probably because I will not use my full name, only my approved company nickname and base. I have a feeling I was kicked off because I am a THB supporter. This is because many other THB supporters were also banned at the same time.

I am not trying to discredit Sherry or Greg. I am simply being honest about what has transpired at this base in the past 1 year and 2 months. I do not know of a single nAAtive who has ever talked to Sherry or even been able to leave a message...that phone just rang and rang.

I am not trying to imply that Greg does his job "half-heartedly"...what I said is that he said his heart was not in it.

I said that in spite of this, he does represent us.

Mikey, for the record, I am a female. You also have to understand the numbers in St. Louis. We have never had the numbers to outnumber TWA. I'm really thankful for that in the way the votes have been swayed. I only say "swayed" because so many nAAtives (and I hate saying that word) couldn't be bothered to vote. TW seemed more concerned about the career and the outcome than most of us could be bothered to. I welcome their input with their experience...I also welcome them back to the line.

I've flown out of St. Louis for over 1 year, I've had the ex-TWAer's on flights and I would welcome the opportunity to work on the other side of the cart from them anytime.

Someone else pointed out that with Peggy Hurlbert as a Base Manager, we shouldn't need much union representation. They were absolutely correct. Peggy is as adored by us as she was by TWA. I've never been mistaken about her loyalties (TWA) but she has never treated me with anything less than respect. I'm serious, she has impressed out-of-base F/As, who wish she was their Base Manager. The only thing we have close to that is Debbie Carvatta in ORD.

If we had an entire system of these two, we wouldn't have half of the problems that we do.



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