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Aa Salary


AirDude - I was recently at Borders Bookstore where they had a book on careers and salaries. I was amazed when it gave such a range of salary of f/a's (all carriers). The range they gave was starting at $23,00 going up to $91,000. They broke it into 3 parts: lower, medium, and best paid. I have more than 15 years and I fell within the medium range. Don't know who makes $91,000 (unless it mean those holding offices in the union).
I have been told by senior FAs that they would have to work 4 or 5 days a week to make 91K/year.
LiveInAHotel said:
Call your base chair Sherry Cooper and she can help you out. Since you're a former TWA f/a she will gladly help you. She doesn't help the nAAtives based in STL at all. Not trying to start another AA vs. TWA brawl, just stating the facts about her.

Now that's what I call being nasty! That's the lowest of the lowest!!!!!! Ms. Sherry Cooper does everything in her power to help the natives based in STL and they should bless each day for having her. Don't let that nut case maggie joyce brain wash you, she only wants to sit where Sherry is now and it ain't gonna happen!!!! NUFF SAID!!!! :angry:

p.s. By the way......maggie joyce was fired from TWA and went to AA.
LOL Looks like we took some of your nut cases, and you took some of ours.

I have never heard anyone complain about a lack of representation in STL. Heard plenty outside of there complain. Like the people who complain about the short layovers for deep south. Complaints are from the people who cannot hold it and not flying it.

Until someone in STL says otherwise its garbage.
FA Mikey said:
LOL Looks like we took some of your nut cases, and you took some of ours.

I have never heard anyone complain about a lack of representation in STL. Heard plenty outside of there complain. Like the people who complain about the short layovers for deep south. Complaints are from the people who cannot hold it and not flying it.

Until someone in STL says otherwise its garbage.

You are 100% correct, guess the only thing to do is LOL. Thanks 🙂
StraaightTaalk said:
Personal Message received from LiveinaHotel:
And he still has not answered the question about the phantom BOS-SFO flight with DVDs and a reserve Purser. Answer the question, Live.


He can't come up with a answer that we cannot prove wrong.

He also can't agree to meet me (or anyone else for that matter) because then we will know for a fact that he is a fraud and a liar.

So, he just goes form thread to thread insulting people and causing problems and the moderators don't do a damn thing about it.
Garfield1966 said:
[Edited by moderator]

Your wish is granted.

PLEASE BAN ME FROM YOUR SITE, BEFORE I USE A 4 LETTER WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:
I could never understand why F/As agreed to "brakes off-brakes on pay". You would probably be better off with a lower hourly rate but get paid for all hours given to the company. That means from when you are due to report till you go home. Not only that but the PR advantage that the company has is clear everytime you fight for a living wage. Most dont realize that when they walk onto the plane that the F/As are not getting paid yet even though they obviosly are working, that when they try to comfort passengers during a long delay they may not be getting paid for that either. All they see is $40/hr.

With the way they are treating their ground workers and the trend towards farming out work you can probably expect more and more delays once they dont have spares lying around all over the place. You could easily put in two hours for every one hour paid, if not more.
LiveInAHotel said:
Garfield1966 said:
[Edited by moderator]
Your wish is granted.
PLEASE BAN ME FROM YOUR SITE, BEFORE I USE A 4 LETTER WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:

He will be back, sad to say.
FA Mikey said:

Until someone in STL says otherwise its garbage.

I fly out of STL/SLT Mikey, Sherry Cooper has never represented us.

Last summer, when it was really bad, many of the forced transfers turned to our former base chairs (MIA, DFW, and LAX, specifically).

To be fair, Sherry Cooper has never accepted a salary from the APFA, I have to respect that.

Greg (vice-chair) represents us in meetings with the company. I can think of 2 situations off the top of my head.

Greg has also told us that his heart is not in it...he represents anyway.

I will not get involved with the "Maggie" drama (bear in mind that STL/SLT has 3 "Maggies")


Thats sad to hear. I had thought better of her. You as a base of course have the right to oust her as your chair.
StraaightTaalk said:
He will be back, sad to say.

Yes, but if his LIH name was permanently banned like his wrx name was, he will now have to pay to rejoin this community. :up:
flydcoop said:
I will not get involved with the "Maggie" drama (bear in mind that STL/SLT has 3 "Maggies")

Gee, based upon reading Maggie's diatribes for more than three years, I was sure that she had at least nine different personalities.
Based upon my knowing the base chair and vice chair, I would bet you would have the best representation available should you seriously need it. Since Peggy Hurlburt is Manager of F/As in STL, it is unlikely you will need it. Maggie does appear to take different unrelated positions about issues at times.

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