Thanks for noticing we took 23%. Thats a book rate. I personally took a lot more. Close to 50% due to seat loss. But I'm not complaining. And I'm sure someone will spin that too!mjk said:Year 1: 23% reduction from current base rates
Year 2 - 6: 17% reduction from current base rates offset by 1.5% increase annually
Your 23% goes away 1 May.
With the 1.5% annual increase you'll be at a 15.5%.
Just think, you'll be at "16-17% like everyone else" before you know it.
Oh, and you forgot to mention a couple other things:
Typical stock option per pilot should be approximately 1026 options.
Reserve Guarantee increased from 70 to 73 hours.
AAviator said:Wouldn't you say its a good thing to have this ugly chapter in our history closed?
APA made it ugly by engaging in an illegal job action, why should the company have to 'clean it up'?
APA got busted, plain and simple, and then spun it as mgmt being harsh and inflexible when APA had to start making payments.
AAviator said:Lastly, if you can explain why AMR made it corporate policy to never involve labor when their action is a direct violation of a CBA, I'll look for logic in your last statement.
If mgmt violated the CBA there are steps in place to deal with such a violation. (FYI- a sick out is not one of those steps)
You wouldn't shoot your neighbor's dog for peeing in your yard, would ya?
You bet I will.AAviator said:I personally took a lot more. Close to 50% due to seat loss. But I'm not complaining. And I'm sure someone will spin that too!
Hell yes I am envious of your pay check. You come work 190 hours a month and take home what I do and you'd be envious as well.AAviator said:garfield, paycheck envy. waaa. your comments require no further response.
Lovely sentiments, but it seems to me that has to be a two-way street. If and when I see an AA pilot or co-pilot look beyond his own needs and consider solidarity with me, then we'll talk.goingboeing said:{snip}The pilots should be viewed as our union brothers and sisters instead of the enemy...{snip}We can take care of AMR management by building a wall of unity among the union groups at AA.
I think you might have it backwards..............I believe AA would love to keep the TWU.RogerRoger said:AA does not want any more AFL-CIO unions on property and will do anything to keep them out.