Feb 21, 2004
Our new interm slogan. I just made it up. What do you think?? Should I apply for a gopher position in our advertising department??? Please don't beat me up too bad folks.
Our new interm slogan. I just made it up. What do you think?? Should I apply for a gopher position in our advertising department??? Please don't beat me up too bad folks.

Naw...'FLY,..GOOD JOB, Good Job.

With the exception of you hard core, PHL, (big city dudes), I expect most of the rest of you US folks will walk with a newfound swagger/bounce in you step once you put the new "UNI's" on,...and YOU SHOULD !!!!!!!!!!!

I quit Piedmont to sign on with AMERICAN back in the mid 80's, and I thought I died and went to Heaven ! It's a natural feeling.
But make no mistake, you NEED each other now, so make the BEST of it !!
We just won the lottery.

33% pay raise, working for the biggest airline in the world, getting rid of USAPA.

Saw that on the American board.

The AA r US is very clever; however, I like the one above--particularly with AA's penchant for spelling things with two A's that don't have two A's so that they can insert the AA symbol--i.e., AAdvantage program, AAdmiral's Club. The former inter-terminal transportation system at DFW was called the TrAAin.
Isn't it a corporate directive to spell everything with an 'A' with two 'A's'?
Are not executives promoted on the bAAsis of how mAAny words are spelled in their memos with "AA"'s?
It must be an evil plot for world dominAAtion to first alter the wAAy we spell, which in turn eventuAAly controls the wAAy we think!
AAmericAAn AAirlines will tAAke over the world!!! (insert evil laugh here)
Oh, what's that?
They already have?
(insert another evil laugh here)
Our new interm slogan. I just made it up. What do you think?? Should I apply for a gopher position in our advertising department??? Please don't beat me up too bad folks.

AA R US...Um... is a DUI a prerequisite to be a member, or only for the founding member, as it were? :)
Maybe 'FLY could change it to AA + US AAirways ?

Just 'foolin' ya'...'FLY, AA R US...is COOL, real Cool !

'HANG ON' fellow US-ers, You've NEVER been on a ride before like the one your soon to go on !
But it will be a GOOD ONE.
(GOD),I only WISH you good folks could have taken this up-coming ride, with (uncle) Bobby CRANDALL in the drivers seat ! (I STILL suspect (uncle) BOBBY will be watchin' DOUGIE like a Hawk) !!!!!!

' GET it RIGHT ' guys/gals !
If so, YOU, ME, WE, (active or Inactive)..will take a back-seat to N O...O N E !
I like you guys' sense of humor... got a good laugh out of that one...

US AAirways...

Doug PAArker

Isn't it a corporate directive to spell everything with an 'A' with two 'A's'?
Are not executives promoted on the bAAsis of how mAAny words are spelled in their memos with "AA"'s?
It must be an evil plot for world dominAAtion to first alter the wAAy we spell, which in turn eventuAAly controls the wAAy we think!
AAmericAAn AAirlines will tAAke over the world!!! (insert evil laugh here)
Oh, what's that?
They already have?
(insert another evil laugh here)

Now I'm gonna have to make some time to photoshop my cute little avatar of DP in order to include AA on it. Should I change the bikini-dress color or just the flag-thingy?