AA orders yet another 777

Unemployment is back over 9%,payroll data is softening and it appears the slow crawl out of recession has taken on a glacial pace.

The idea that the government is going to allow any labor group at AA to voluntarily become unemployed in this climate is misplaced.The 2012 campaign is right around the corner,do you think with unemployment back over 9% you're going to be allowed to go out on strike?

Surprisingly enough, the rest of the public doesn't give a crap about the plight of the poor underpaid American Airlines employees.I found that out at a wedding recently where I got up on the well used 16% paycut soap box and was promptly knocked off of it by a couple at my table who had taken 100% paycuts with both losing their financial service jobs.

One thing has nothing to do with the other. Spirits pilots recently went on strike and there were plenty of strikes during the Depression.

The couple in the financial services sector may have lost their jobs but they probably made a lot more money than you did over their careers, if they lived modestly they'll probably do just fine and live better while collecting unemployment than you do working. The fact is I do not know of any A&Ps out there who dont have a job, I know of some who want different jobs but none collecting unemployment, so despite the broader economy our prospects for finding work are pretty good, both in and out of the industry. We recently had two more topped out mechanics quit and leave the industry. Both went to mass transit and within two years will be making $6/hr more than they did at AA, had a stock clerk in NY ask for an LOA, they denied it, so he quit as well.

You need to recalculate your paycut. Every year you go without a raise that matches inflation you took another paycut. You are closer to 40%. So despite the fact that you still put in 100% as much time, if not more, you are only getting 60% of your pay, the couple you mentioned lost 100% of their pay from their employer but they give them 100% less of their time, and get unemployment which gives them the opportunity to find something else. They probably still get at least 30% of their pay through unemployment while they get paid to look for a new job.
... snip

We recently had two more topped out mechanics quit and leave the industry. Both went to mass transit and within two years will be making $6/hr more than they did at AA,

... snip

If the didn't leave New York City, I find it difficult to believe actually they bettered themselves as they're still under the TWU, are they not?

All this shows me is two of your people haven't a shred of pride in themselves, continuing their employment under the "representation" of such a bottom feeding group as the TWU, the International of said group being a repository of professional thieves and liars.
Unemployment is back over 9%,payroll data is softening and it appears the slow crawl out of recession has taken on a glacial pace.

The idea that the government is going to allow any labor group at AA to voluntarily become unemployed in this climate is misplaced.The 2012 campaign is right around the corner,do you think with unemployment back over 9% you're going to be allowed to go out on strike?
Dont forget there are two sides to everything. With unemployment that high, there is a huge pool of people more than willing to take a position that has decent pay, medical and flight benefits. A time with high unemployment is the worst time to be thinking you have the company on the ropes.
This is a bit off topic, but the APFA pays 50% less then what the TWU pays for health insurance. With an aging work force with kids going to college, AA is not on the ropes.

I know a FA that is a RN and still works at AA because the health insurance is better here then at the inurance company she works at.
This is a bit off topic, but the APFA pays 50% less then what the TWU pays for health insurance. With an aging work force with kids going to college, AA is not on the ropes.

I know a FA that is a RN and still works at AA because the health insurance is better here then at the inurance company she works at.

Well, her insurance at her other employer must really really be bad. My wife is an AA FA, and her insurance isn't all that great either. The TWU negotiated insurance rates for their members is a joke. Any worse, and I think junk mail coupons would offer better coverage.

I don't know what you're suggesting with your off topic post; however, I will say that there are many more part time FSCs taking advantage of what used to be fairly decent insurance coverage. Now I see us full timers subsidizing these part timers with our ever rising insurance costs. All this courtesy of our communist union.
Agree. We're with similar coverage,but at least twice the monthly copay and double the annual OOP we had on AA's plan. If you compare within AA it might not look so good, but compared to the outside world, AA is still subsidizing more than other employers do.
Well, I recently worked part time at UPS while working at AA. The insurance I had at UPS was superior to what I had at AA, and there was no monthly cost coming out of my paycheck either. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
Well, I recently worked part time at UPS while working at AA. The insurance I had at UPS was superior to what I had at AA, and there was no monthly cost coming out of my paycheck either. I guess it depends on how you look at it.

I use a HMO option American makes available in TUL - I've been VERY pleased with them and will stay BUT - it's not the crap AMR offers its employees and for the few bucks extra per month it costs me it's well worth it to my family.
Looks like they are finally using their delivery rights (using the 18-20 months lead time afforded in the technically non-exclusive exclusivity clause they have with Boeing). Good on 'em. Maybe that rumor of 13 was correct, except that they're new builds and not ex-JAL...
With the trend now to acquire large aircraft, why not simply have Lockheed cobble up a few C5s into quad deckers and make the Scarebus 380 look like a sickly pup?

Different class decks for people, bars, bowling alleys, whorehouses, freight on the bottom deck and hang a 4-6 of those behemoth motors (12 ft. fans) on the wings or, for that matter, do the same with an AN-225 and trump them all - 8 efficient motors and work out aerial refueling for civilian aircraft.

The USA market might be a tad slim but the Asian market and their propensity to pack themselves like sardines would love them.

Probably could fit 1500 people on an aircraft with one of the AN models.
According to the Dallas Morning News, AA firmed up another 777-300ER for a total of 9. This time though they converted a 777-200ER option, which there was 7, now 6 remaining. Looks like the hypothesis was correct and AA is in the market for 15. What do you think, is that it, 15? Or more?

According to the Dallas Morning News, AA firmed up another 777-300ER for a total of 9. This time though they converted a 777-200ER option, which there was 7, now 6 remaining. Looks like the hypothesis was correct and AA is in the market for 15. What do you think, is that it, 15? Or more?


Why are they ordering all these 777-300ER?
It makes no sense.