Addressed to Former ModerAAtor !!
Lets get "REAL" serious here, with each other !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cabin turns. After lil' johnny has spilled his bag of cheerios(from home) and ground them into the rugs, how in HEL* are the F/A's suppose to deal with that ??
Perhaps F/A mikey, and jimntx should invest in their own personal "hoakie", and pack it in their flight bags, to start their trips ??
Don't EVEN get me started on the lav's !!!!!!!!
For the F/A's, picking up the "heavy's" is one thing(seat pockets/newspapers), and even pillows and blankets.
My ol' grandmother had an ol' saying. "You can roll a 8 inch pie crust, until the cows come home, BUT you'll NEVER get it to cover a 10 inch pie plate" !!!
OK, "E", now lets talk about where the $$$$ "IS" going to come from.
Unless OIL goes down(and with the A$$ HOLE in DC, NOTHING is going to go down for another 2 1/2 years), the $$ will come from shutting down MORE mainline stations,( I would NOT want to be in stations like BDL/BWI/MSY/DTW/MCI/ELP/SAT/AUS/TUS/ABQ/SAN/SEA) and turning them over to A/E, WHO, can do it VERY nicely with an A/C like say a EMB-190.
And yes, "Here I go AGAIN". ....... "uncle" Bobby vowed, he would NOT chase domestic Nickles and Dimes, and would fly Mainline hub/hub...Transcons, and International "ONLY" !!!
My friend, I AWAIT your reply.