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Aa Hiring New Flight Attendants!


I guess the sugar rush is running out. The mere fact that no FN's were never touched in any of the AA downsizing is completely unacceptable. You yourself admitted that you had a #3 who deadheaded with a new FN flight attendant. You have to be one of the biggest hipocrits on this board.

"It is true there are NEW Fn's on the line. In fact I just heard it today from my number 3 who flew a DH leg as was talking with a new hire. " see page 1 of this post!

Therefore, I have no reason to reveal my sources, and i can promise that there are very reliable sources that I have to prove this point. Stay tuned! The press will do it for me. We have been contacted. " When is American not "American"
coming to a new channel very soon.

All I am trying to do is reveal the information to see how faithful you are to your fellow flight attendants, or to AA. That is pretty obvious! Again, I may not come back to AA, but many of my colleagues plan on it. There will be a change, and they are the future of this company. AAnybody who agrees that Foriegn Citizens ( New Hires at that) should be flying American Airlines flights over those who have put in over 4 years, and in the case of TWA a hell of alot more than that, should really consider who it is you are working for, not to mention, if you really believe in your own country and the principles it was founded upon . 😛h34r:
AA should just get rid of all the FN's in South America and bring back our flight attendants on furlough. United has crew bases in NRT, LHR and CDG. These bases are not flown with FN's.

I think crew bases in SCL, BOG, EZE and LIM would be cool!
Flyboy4u said:

I guess the sugar rush is running out. The mere fact that no FN's were never touched in any of the AA downsizing is completely unacceptable. You yourself admitted that you had a #3 who deadheaded with a new FN flight attendant. You have to be one of the biggest hipocrits on this board.

"It is true there are NEW Fn's on the line. In fact I just heard it today from my number 3 who flew a DH leg as was talking with a new hire. " see page 1 of this post!

Therefore, I have no reason to reveal my sources, and i can promise that there are very reliable sources that I have to prove this point. Stay tuned! The press will do it for me. We have been contacted. " When is American not "American"
coming to a new channel very soon.

All I am trying to do is reveal the information to see how faithful you are to your fellow flight attendants, or to AA. That is pretty obvious! Again, I may not come back to AA, but many of my colleagues plan on it. There will be a change, and they are the future of this company. AAnybody who agrees that Foriegn Citizens ( New Hires at that) should be flying American Airlines flights over those who have put in over 4 years, and in the case of TWA a hell of alot more than that, should really consider who it is you are working for, not to mention, if you really believe in your own country and the principles it was founded upon . 😛h34r:
If the sky is really falling, then why hasn't big bad AA simply furloughed ALL nAAtive FAs and replaced them with the detested FNs?

Oh, that's right - because AA's current levels of FN FAs is governed by the contract agreed to by the APFA.

Relax. The sky is not falling. B)
wrx said:
AA should just get rid of all the FN's in South America and bring back our flight attendants on furlough. United has crew bases in NRT, LHR and CDG. These bases are not flown with FN's.

I think crew bases in SCL, BOG, EZE and LIM would be cool!
I think you would find that AA would immediately lose it's landing rights in those countries if they eliminated the FN bases there. National Pride trumps national economic interest every time down there. And, they count on the fact that the US would not terminate their country's national airline landing rights in the US in retaliation. So, Grupo Taca and Avianca and the like could pick up the slack while all of this is in "negotiation."
Hey flyboy4U: I'll agree to boycott AA if you can prove you only wear shoes that are made in America. Or only use American-made electonic gadgets. Ingest only American-mad pharmeceuticals. Buy only American-made toys.

I'm truly sorry about your situation but I ask where were you years ago when the American shoe industry, steel manufacturers, textile and toy makers etc were shipping jobs overseas?

Airline labor did not give a hoot about their union brethren getting tossed nor did you people care about the price of an airplane ticket as long as you kept receiving those free travel passes and union protection.

Why should we care about you now? Move on already. Sounds like you've got a budding career as a social worker.

Look into it.
Just received this today....

This is Liz Geiss, DFW InfoRep Captain, with an APFA Hotline Update
for Wednesday, September 24, 2003.

Despite rumors to the contrary, the Company is not currently hiring
foreign national Flight Attendants. In addition, per the Foreign
National Agreement, there is a cap on the total number of Foreign
Nationals the Company may employ. In accordance with provisions of
the contract, the Company may only use Latin American-based foreign
nationals to fly to or from Miami and only to the extent permitted
by the Agreement. You may see foreign nationals deadheading to and
from DFW in order to complete EPTs and RDTs. No changes were made to
the Foreign National Agreement as part of the Restructuring
Agreement. For additional information, please consult Appendix S on
page 595 of the contract or call the Contract Representative on Duty
at APFA Headquarters, extension #8171.
jimntx said:
wrx said:
AA should just get rid of all the FN's in South America and bring back our flight attendants on furlough. United has crew bases in NRT, LHR and CDG. These bases are not flown with FN's.

I think crew bases in SCL, BOG, EZE and LIM would be cool!
I think you would find that AA would immediately lose it's landing rights in those countries if they eliminated the FN bases there. National Pride trumps national economic interest every time down there. And, they count on the fact that the US would not terminate their country's national airline landing rights in the US in retaliation. So, Grupo Taca and Avianca and the like could pick up the slack while all of this is in "negotiation."
Yea in Argentina, maybe. Eastern had its fill with the FNs and were in the process of closing them out. That's why there were only 331 left. All that would remain would be the ones to fly mandated 7 EZE flights. All others are at the companies discretion. The great fallacy is that these countries require them for landing rights. How many did continental have to hire in Peru? How many did Delta have to hire for there South American access. If AA wants out its not that hard. They just don't.
Hey Mike

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't AA fly the FN into other bases besides MIA during our strike in 93?? I always had heard that but don't recall anything being substantiated.

Corinth2103 said:
Hey Mike

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't AA fly the FN into other bases besides MIA during our strike in 93?? I always had heard that but don't recall anything being substantiated.

I have a friend who was based at IMA at the time of the strike. You know how the company used to take two photos of you (one for your ID and the other they kept in a file somewhere.) Well, during the strike his second photo ID was used for a FN. He knew this because his name showed up on the crew list and people thought he was a scab. He had a terrible time with that. Fortunately proving his innocence was easier because he had actually been on the picket line when this happened.

My personal opinion is that the FN flying our flights during the strike was the reason that Clinton was able to get Crandall to change his mind and his attitude. If you remember on Sunday night of the strike Crandall was on TV in his usual arrogant mode. The next day, he looked like a beaten man. Something happened in that short period of time...what was it?
jimntx said:
I think you would find that AA would immediately lose it's landing rights in those countries if they eliminated the FN bases there. National Pride trumps national economic interest every time down there. And, they count on the fact that the US would not terminate their country's national airline landing rights in the US in retaliation. So, Grupo Taca and Avianca and the like could pick up the slack while all of this is in "negotiation."
Those airlines would have to get the slots to land. Also, AA is the biggest airline in SA and I doubt the Governments down south would kick AA out. To much $$ in tourism for SA to kick AA out.

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