Who the hell cares about costs right now? Lets talk about Pride and Dignity...If you are an American Citizen and care about your profession and your fellow flight attendants, then working for a company that doesn't care seems be going against what this country was is all about. If you think there are ways about solving these problems without calling in sick etc....Then by all means lets hear them. I hope you aren't going to let the great Union known as the APFA take care of it? I hope you and your colleagues can sleep soundly every night knowing your fellow co-workers were thrown on the street to be replaced by foriegn nationals who are new hires working these flights! Thats pretty disgusting if you ask me. If you think AA has finaincial troubles now then you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until the press gets wind of this, and your fellow passengers hear about it.. There will be the biggest boycott of American Airlines you have ever seen, and I know for a fact know that there are reporters currently working on this story. Sleep well tonight Mikey and make sure tomorrow when you step onboard that airplane you have a smile. Unfortunately, I am having to help classmates of mine who were thrown on the street find a place to live and a meal in their mouth, as well as, their childrens mouths. They have been evicted and still can't find work.....If you and any of your fellow co-workers have any conscious left then they will do whats right. However, I am sure that is wishful thinking!
Who the hell cares about costs right now? Lets talk about Pride and Dignity...If you are an American Citizen and care about your profession and your fellow flight attendants, then working for a company that doesn't care seems be going against what this country was is all about. If you think there are ways about solving these problems without calling in sick etc....Then by all means lets hear them. I hope you aren't going to let the great Union known as the APFA take care of it? I hope you and your colleagues can sleep soundly every night knowing your fellow co-workers were thrown on the street to be replaced by foriegn nationals who are new hires working these flights! Thats pretty disgusting if you ask me. If you think AA has finaincial troubles now then you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until the press gets wind of this, and your fellow passengers hear about it.. There will be the biggest boycott of American Airlines you have ever seen, and I know for a fact know that there are reporters currently working on this story. Sleep well tonight Mikey and make sure tomorrow when you step onboard that airplane you have a smile. Unfortunately, I am having to help classmates of mine who were thrown on the street find a place to live and a meal in their mouth, as well as, their childrens mouths. They have been evicted and still can't find work.....If you and any of your fellow co-workers have any conscious left then they will do whats right. However, I am sure that is wishful thinking!