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Aa Hiring New Flight Attendants!


Who the hell cares about costs right now? Lets talk about Pride and Dignity...If you are an American Citizen and care about your profession and your fellow flight attendants, then working for a company that doesn't care seems be going against what this country was is all about. If you think there are ways about solving these problems without calling in sick etc....Then by all means lets hear them. I hope you aren't going to let the great Union known as the APFA take care of it? I hope you and your colleagues can sleep soundly every night knowing your fellow co-workers were thrown on the street to be replaced by foriegn nationals who are new hires working these flights! Thats pretty disgusting if you ask me. If you think AA has finaincial troubles now then you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until the press gets wind of this, and your fellow passengers hear about it.. There will be the biggest boycott of American Airlines you have ever seen, and I know for a fact know that there are reporters currently working on this story. Sleep well tonight Mikey and make sure tomorrow when you step onboard that airplane you have a smile. Unfortunately, I am having to help classmates of mine who were thrown on the street find a place to live and a meal in their mouth, as well as, their childrens mouths. They have been evicted and still can't find work.....If you and any of your fellow co-workers have any conscious left then they will do whats right. However, I am sure that is wishful thinking!
Flyboy4u said:
This is really sad and I personally will never go back to American and I am at the TOP of the recall list...Anyone working on the line right now should be disgusted with themselves and look really hard into their own morals and personal beliefs, and don't give me that crap about "How much they love thier job" and " How bad the economy is "...If you truley believe in your country and the rights of your citizens Now is the time to make a stand!!! Call in sick,,, Refuse to fly trips and let the press and congress know what is happening...American Airlines is Hirning NEW FLIGHT ATTENDANTS from other countries to do the jobs of your fellow furloughed flight attendants....No wonder there will be no recalls, and yes now I believe that another furlough is sure to come...Those left on the line at AA....Your job is Next!!! Beware and stand up for our rights!!! :shock:
calling in sick does nothing. They will just re-assign another flight attendant. Follow the chain of negotiations. Any illegal work stoppage will only hurt us in the long run. And ED I do like my job.
To add insult to injury. I have had at least one PL or EXP on every one of my trips this month, ask where we were based. When I say Miami, they say that explains it. Positive attitude, customer attention, Service without the attitude they normally get on this Typical FN destination. Its repeated over and over on the FQ boards where customers rake the FN's over the coals for there general screw you attitude towards customers. I am guessing these people are also not getting the ghost rides. Then again maybe there supervisors are taking a cut in the Sundaes for sale in coach service.

Its time for this sorry group to be thrown to the street and bring back a few thousand of those who were furloughed!
MiAAmi said:
calling in sick does nothing. They will just re-assign another flight attendant. Follow the chain of negotiations. Any illegal work stoppage will only hurt us in the long run. And ED I do like my job.
Goody, Goody for you Miaami

I am glad you like your job, but this just goes to show the type of a person you really are.. If you and the rest of the line holders are going to sit back and let this continue then enjoy what few days you have left at this job... I too liked my job as a flight attendant and I was proud to work for "American" Airlines but now I am embarrassed and saddened to have been a part of it! I happen to believe most of my colleagues still on the line won't let this continue and I do know some are not putting up with it. Miaami....You have made it clear where you stand...I hope you get used to the names trader and scab!
Flyboy4u said:

Who the hell cares about costs right now? Lets talk about Pride and Dignity...If you are an American Citizen and care about your profession and your fellow flight attendants, then working for a company that doesn't care seems be going against what this country was is all about. If you think there are ways about solving these problems without calling in sick etc....Then by all means lets hear them. I hope you aren't going to let the great Union known as the APFA take care of it? I hope you and your colleagues can sleep soundly every night knowing your fellow co-workers were thrown on the street to be replaced by foriegn nationals who are new hires working these flights! Thats pretty disgusting if you ask me. If you think AA has finaincial troubles now then you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until the press gets wind of this, and your fellow passengers hear about it.. There will be the biggest boycott of American Airlines you have ever seen, and I know for a fact know that there are reporters currently working on this story. Sleep well tonight Mikey and make sure tomorrow when you step onboard that airplane you have a smile. Unfortunately, I am having to help classmates of mine who were thrown on the street find a place to live and a meal in their mouth, as well as, their childrens mouths. They have been evicted and still can't find work.....If you and any of your fellow co-workers have any conscious left then they will do whats right. However, I am sure that is wishful thinking!
Ed, you react to things and exaggerate like a child. I would be fearful of having you in a tense situation on a plane. Calm, level headed thinking is always the name of the game.

Cost I care. AA is my career and I love my job, thank you very much. Understand unlike some, possibly yourself, it is not my life.

American Citizens don't give a crap. They will take what USAToday or CNN puts out in sound bites. So unless you make it there. No one will care no one will hear, and nothing will change. These are not the first jobs to go South of the border, unlikely they will not be the last. I agree its is unconscionable what AA is doing. We took cuts in people, pay vacation and sick time. Then they hire more FN's at full pay sick and vacation to fill out spots.

I sleep quite soundly Ed, and if you think I should be losing sleep because your junior butt is on the street. Well, sorry I don't. I will smile tomorrow and kiss the butt that pays the bills. Its great you are helping a friend, Its great you are able to. I do know that sinking the AA ship will not save AA. My coworkers have plenty of conscious and will work to improve our standings, getting return customers and working to the point AA can bring back the furloughed crew members, even you.
Flyboy4u said:
Goody, Goody for you Miaami

I am glad you like your job, but this just goes to show the type of a person you really are.. If you and the rest of the line holders are going to sit back and let this continue then enjoy what few days you have left at this job... I too liked my job as a flight attendant and I was proud to work for "American" Airlines but now I am embarrassed and saddened to have been a part of it! I happen to believe most of my colleagues still on the line won't let this continue and I do know some are not putting up with it. Miaami....You have made it clear where you stand...I hope you get used to the names trader and scab!
Yea it does. A level headed, well pounded intelligent person. Who will work to raise AA to a point, to allow all those who were furloughed to return if they so desire. Contrary to your belief, you cannot kill a cow, then demand it give you milk.

If you are so embarrassed and sad, why hang around? Why still hung up on AA? You must have some kind of life outside of AA. Why over dramatize everything so?

Trader? Scab? Are you sure you know the meanings? I dont believe you do. I guess when you are reactionary, petty and self absorbed person waiting and wanting everyone else to solve you problems. Then it could possibly apply.
FA Mikey said:
Flyboy4u said:

Who the hell cares about costs right now? Lets talk about Pride and Dignity...If you are an American Citizen and care about your profession and your fellow flight attendants, then working for a company that doesn't care seems be going against what this country was is all about. If you think there are ways about solving these problems without calling in sick etc....Then by all means lets hear them. I hope you aren't going to let the great Union known as the APFA take care of it? I hope you and your colleagues can sleep soundly every night knowing your fellow co-workers were thrown on the street to be replaced by foriegn nationals who are new hires working these flights! Thats pretty disgusting if you ask me. If you think AA has finaincial troubles now then you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until the press gets wind of this, and your fellow passengers hear about it.. There will be the biggest boycott of American Airlines you have ever seen, and I know for a fact know that there are reporters currently working on this story. Sleep well tonight Mikey and make sure tomorrow when you step onboard that airplane you have a smile. Unfortunately, I am having to help classmates of mine who were thrown on the street find a place to live and a meal in their mouth, as well as, their childrens mouths. They have been evicted and still can't find work.....If you and any of your fellow co-workers have any conscious left then they will do whats right. However, I am sure that is wishful thinking!
Ed, you react to things and exaggerate like a child. I would be fearful of having you in a tense situation on a plane. Calm, level headed thinking is always the name of the game.

Cost I care. AA is my career and I love my job, thank you very much. Understand unlike some, possibly yourself, it is not my life.

American Citizens don't give a crap. They will take what USAToday or CNN puts out in sound bites. So unless you make it there. No one will care no one will hear, and nothing will change. These are not the first jobs to go South of the border, unlikely they will not be the last. I agree its is unconscionable what AA is doing. We took cuts in people, pay vacation and sick time. Then they hire more FN's at full pay sick and vacation to fill out spots.

I sleep quite soundly Ed, and if you think I should be losing sleep because your junior butt is on the street. Well, sorry I don't. I will smile tomorrow and kiss the butt that pays the bills. Its great you are helping a friend, Its great you are able to. I do know that sinking the AA ship will not save AA. My coworkers have plenty of conscious and will work to improve our standings, getting return customers and working to the point AA can bring back the furloughed crew members, even you.
I'm glad you said it - 'cause I was thinkin' the same thing. B)

Everybody - didn't AA let go some foreign nationals following the TWA acquisition? Was it Cairo? Anyway - because of arcane labor laws around the world, AA is not in any real hurry to hire FNs, but it has to hire SOME to satisfy the governments of the third worlds where AA makes bushel baskets of money (like much of Central and South America). AA is NOT going to hire any more FNs than necessary. Trust me, as much as AA hates US Citizen FAs, it hates having to hire foreigners even more. But it has to hire some to keep the peace, so it hires a few.

Besides - don't like it? Should have negotiated a better scope clause. Sue your representatives and lawyers who let you down (again).
Give me a break Mikey.....

Hung up on AA no, but I think this company needs to be exposed for what it is doing. If you want to continue to bury your head in the sand and look the other way go ahead and do it....I have moved on with my life and making more of it then you or anyone else will trying to save a dead horse. AA will never change until those of us who want it to stand up and fight for what's right. You and Miaami can continue to turn you head on a nasty situation. Yes, I do know the meaning of trader and scab...The question is do you? Why don't you admitt what is going on at AA by hiring ANY new flight attendants is wrong? Instead you try put down anyone and everyone on this board who doesn't agree with your views. All I am doing is informing members of this board of what is going on with AA. Yes, calling in sick etc....may be extreme, but if you have a better idea then lets hear it? I am sure you don't since you haven't come up with one yet. Instead you would rather make pathetic immature comments about those who are advocating some change at AA. Admitt what this company is doing is immoral, unethical and just plane wrong and search for a change to the situation. Again, Sleep well tonight!
FWAAA said:
FA Mikey said:
Flyboy4u said:

Who the hell cares about costs right now? Lets talk about Pride and Dignity...If you are an American Citizen and care about your profession and your fellow flight attendants, then working for a company that doesn't care seems be going against what this country was is all about. If you think there are ways about solving these problems without calling in sick etc....Then by all means lets hear them. I hope you aren't going to let the great Union known as the APFA take care of it? I hope you and your colleagues can sleep soundly every night knowing your fellow co-workers were thrown on the street to be replaced by foriegn nationals who are new hires working these flights! Thats pretty disgusting if you ask me. If you think AA has finaincial troubles now then you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until the press gets wind of this, and your fellow passengers hear about it.. There will be the biggest boycott of American Airlines you have ever seen, and I know for a fact know that there are reporters currently working on this story. Sleep well tonight Mikey and make sure tomorrow when you step onboard that airplane you have a smile. Unfortunately, I am having to help classmates of mine who were thrown on the street find a place to live and a meal in their mouth, as well as, their childrens mouths. They have been evicted and still can't find work.....If you and any of your fellow co-workers have any conscious left then they will do whats right. However, I am sure that is wishful thinking!
Ed, you react to things and exaggerate like a child. I would be fearful of having you in a tense situation on a plane. Calm, level headed thinking is always the name of the game.

Cost I care. AA is my career and I love my job, thank you very much. Understand unlike some, possibly yourself, it is not my life.

American Citizens don't give a crap. They will take what USAToday or CNN puts out in sound bites. So unless you make it there. No one will care no one will hear, and nothing will change. These are not the first jobs to go South of the border, unlikely they will not be the last. I agree its is unconscionable what AA is doing. We took cuts in people, pay vacation and sick time. Then they hire more FN's at full pay sick and vacation to fill out spots.

I sleep quite soundly Ed, and if you think I should be losing sleep because your junior butt is on the street. Well, sorry I don't. I will smile tomorrow and kiss the butt that pays the bills. Its great you are helping a friend, Its great you are able to. I do know that sinking the AA ship will not save AA. My coworkers have plenty of conscious and will work to improve our standings, getting return customers and working to the point AA can bring back the furloughed crew members, even you.
I'm glad you said it - 'cause I was thinkin' the same thing. B)

Everybody - didn't AA let go some foreign nationals following the TWA acquisition? Was it Cairo? Anyway - because of arcane labor laws around the world, AA is not in any real hurry to hire FNs, but it has to hire SOME to satisfy the governments of the third worlds where AA makes bushel baskets of money (like much of Central and South America). AA is NOT going to hire any more FNs than necessary. Trust me, as much as AA hates US Citizen FAs, it hates having to hire foreigners even more. But it has to hire some to keep the peace, so it hires a few.

Besides - don't like it? Should have negotiated a better scope clause. Sue your representatives and lawyers who let you down (again).
Typical response from an uncarring and self rightous flight attendant....I am sure glad I dont have friends like you. Not to mention, those that were and are currently fighting for this country would turn their head on someone like you. If you think that's what this country is all about so be it. Good luck to you and all your foriegn National Friends.....and God Bless America!
I'm angry at the things that are going on at AA/APFA! But, when have we known AA management to follow what our contract says? They always beat it around the bush. Then the APFA files a Presidential Grievance to stop it, but those take months if not years to settle. APFA is an in house union with no backing from the AFL-CIO. If we want to turn the heat up on AA management, we need to get rid of the APFA and bring in a heavy hitter. Someone on the outside who belongs to the AFL-CIO. Someone who can't be bought by AA management.
My understanding was AA was looking at getting out of arcane labor laws and closed places, like Middle east/Isreal. They dropped local station personnel. I don't think TW had any FN's at the end. Kirkpatrick will be a better source of info on that.

As far as AA having to have FN's, I believe that is negotiable. The only guarantee that is subject to the contract and a government. Is the Argentinean based FNs get the first 7 weekly departures. Anything above is at AA's discretion. Unless someone can prove something in other than hear say. I am not buying the we have to have them all. Ex EAL people will tell you Eastern was in the process of closing out the majority of their/our FN's. They were down to 331 in the entire South America system.
wrx said:
I'm angry at the things that are going on at AA/APFA! But, when have we known AA management to follow what our contract says? They always beat it around the bush. Then the APFA files a Presidential Grievance to stop it, but those take months if not years to settle. APFA is an in house union with no backing from the AFL-CIO. If we want to turn the heat up on AA management, we need to get rid of the APFA and bring in a heavy hitter. Someone on the outside who belongs to the AFL-CIO. Someone who can't be bought by AA management.
The last thing the employees of AA need is some old fashioned over inflated self indulged AFL-CIO. Lets look at how well they have taken care of the AA ground crews? See there work heading to the farm out. APFA, TWU or IBT a presidential grievance takes along time period! Hey Mechanics and rampers can the all great TWU a member of the Grand AFL-CIO be bought by AA management? I will give you a preview answer, YES.

APFA recently won a 9 million dollar judgment on 777 staffing against AA.

If you are smart you dont hire a union you become one. We are one, and APFA is it.
FA Mikey said:
The last thing the employees of AA need is some old fashioned over inflated self indulged AFL-CIO. Lets look at how well they have taken care of the AA ground crews? See there work heading to the farm out. APFA, TWU or IBT a presidential grievance takes along time period! Hey Mechanics and rampers can the all great TWU a member of the Grand AFL-CIO be bought by AA management? I will give you a preview answer, YES.

APFA recently won a 9 million dollar judgment on 777 staffing against AA.

If you are smart you dont hire a union you become one. We are one, and APFA is it.

The APFA or I should say the National Officers and 13 BOD's have failed us all! Oh boy, they won us the 777 arbitration. Whoopee! The point is we need someone strong who can stand up to AA management. The APFA can't do that. They're allowing AA to walk all over them. AA is using APFA like we use our doormats at home. I have been flying here prior to the 93' strike. I have been through the good times and bad times, this is by far the worst yet. If we're going to succeed as a group we need to keep that UNITY strong! The bottom line we know who needs to go and we need to take care of it yesterday! The AFL-CIO is not as bad as you think.
FA Mikey said:
If you are smart you dont hire a union you become one. We are one, and APFA is it.
We are a sorry excuse for a union. Hopefully one day we can be a proud union again, but that won't happen as long as we have the majority of our current officials still in office. Paramount, is writing a new constitution that has some teeth in it. We need committed, ethical people in office...people who respect the fact that our dues are hard earned and the money should be spent carefully, wisely and honestly.
APFA is the laughing stock of the labor world.
FA Mikey said:
My understanding was AA was looking at getting out of arcane labor laws and closed places, like Middle east/Isreal. They dropped local station personnel. I don't think TW had any FN's at the end. Kirkpatrick will be a better source of info on that.
AA was not interested in taking our routes to Israel, Egypt or Saudi Arabia, so the people working there lost their jobs with nothing, since the company they worked for, TWA, ceased to exist. AA bought substantially all TWA's assets, not all of them. But these people worked on the ground in these places. We closed our only FN FA bases (Paris, Rome and Hong Kong) on Nov 1, 1974, and had strong contract language prohibiting FNs. This is the famous scope clause that some think was only about seniority.


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