First of all, if Arpey continues Carty's abusive policy, then it's ARPEY'S POLICY. Of course, that is, unless you want to debate the definition of "is."
Secondly, if someone that's scheduled for furlough comes down with a headcold and can't fly, THEN THEY DO GET THEIR SIX MONTHS ADDITIONAL PASSES REVOKED.
Thirdly, for example, if someone is injured by a hazard that was ignored by management, then they are tacitly encouraged NOT TO REPORT THE INJURY.
This is wrong, unethical, and just plain lousy managment and leadership . . . . . but that seems to be AA management's way of doing business.
While pursuing a master's degree in business and management, it was generally accepted that corporations that suffer from poor labor relations almost ALWAYS have incompetent management. I also found that to be true in many years of experience in management and leadership positions myself. And in my whole life, I have never seen an organization with worse labor relations than AMR.