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AA employees got shares for what reason?

737823 said:
Say whatever you want, I have a 401K and my personal net worth has increased considerably 2008 through thoughtful investing and tax planning. Doesn't change the fact that you are misleading people saying the NWA employees lost benefits by law they can't lose vested benefits. And it's the dues sucking IAM that imposes the restriction that the vast majority of plan participants (with a few exceptions) are dues paying IAM members, the IAM wants to penalize workers who seek to decertify the union and also sees IAMNPF as a means for organizing and retaining members with this requirement. But don't purposely mislead people and say they lost benefits.
He isn't misleading anyone, they (we) most certainly did lose benefits, my pension was cut in half. You see through the years we worked for less and gave concessions, the payoff was supposed to be the pension, so they took the concessions then took the Pension. My Pension will be half what I was supposed to get and I already put in 28 years working for less than I otherwise would have.

So yes they did lose, regardless of how you spin it, I was supposed to get around $4500 a month, now I will get around half that. If they did not have the pension they never would have gotten all those concessions for all those years.
Bloodhound said:
And, TWU's ATD Director Jim Little gave away Profit Sharing, AND the "Me Too" clause for ALL TWU employees, in lieu of a 4.3% base pay raise upon the merger completion which became effective 12/9/13.  So, we're definitely not tagging along. Although, if AA's future net earnings even come close to a reflection of the earnings in the nearly 23 years since I've been here, I'll take a 4.3% raise today and like it!!!
The pilots were the first group that agreed to the adjustment in the profit sharing which went from 15% to 5%. That was value was exchanged for a bump in the raises and the adjustment in the 401K match to include all earnings instead of just a base 40 hours.
At US Airways, the Fleet group doesn't receive or participate in the current LLC Profit Sharing Plan and it was made perfectly clear that there was no intent to agree to allow or even have a Profit Sharing Plan in the upcoming negotiations for the TWU or IAM.
Bob Owens said:
He isn't misleading anyone, they (we) most certainly did lose benefits, my pension was cut in half. You see through the years we worked for less and gave concessions, the payoff was supposed to be the pension, so they took the concessions then took the Pension. My Pension will be half what I was supposed to get and I already put in 28 years working for less than I otherwise would have.

So yes they did lose, regardless of how you spin it, I was supposed to get around $4500 a month, now I will get around half that. If they did not have the pension they never would have gotten all those concessions for all those years.
Saying your pension was cut in half gives the false impression that the bankruptcy cut what you had already accrued in half, which it did not. You will not be able to accrue to your goal of $4500 and thereby in the future you will end up with less than what you could have accrued.
Your current accrual was not cut in half.
From a maintenance standpoint only, I can say that we came nowhere close to "tagging along". A 4.8% equity stake  vs 13.5% is far from it. But, to correct you if you're wrong as you requested, I received 450 pre-tax shares with 22 years of service in the 1st round...sure as Hell isn't 2300. From a salary standpoint, pilots make nowhere near 5x what a mechanic does; so yeah, you've been misinformed somewhere along the way. Believe me, my brain is as slurried as yours Ha Ha!! 
And, TWU's ATD Director Jim Little gave away Profit Sharing, AND the "Me Too" clause for ALL TWU employees, in lieu of a 4.3% base pay raise upon the merger completion which became effective 12/9/13.  So, we're definitely not tagging along. Although, if AA's future net earnings even come close to a reflection of the earnings in the nearly 23 years since I've been here, I'll take a 4.3% raise today and like it!!!
Try reading my posts again. At no time did I equate "tagging along" or "me too" clauses with anything dealing with equal parity. All I said was your share were ZERO before APA and the pilots stayed at the table and pressed during negotiations. Fair, unfair, not proportionate for your 22 years? Whether or not I agree with it doesn't mean squat, they gave you X shares to cover their legal arses. They screwed all of us, and trust me, my shares are about $600K light from what they took from me.

Merry Xmas, it's all paper anyway.
700UW said:
Wrong again, you have never been an IAM member, and what they do or dont do is none of your concern.
So get a life.
WOW, does this mean that you will finally stop meddling with AMT's affairs? You have never been an AMT. You don't know what they do or don't do is none of your concern.
"The pot calling the kettle black" 😱
700UW said:
Wrong again, you have never been an IAM member, and what they do or dont do is none of your concern.
So get a life.
How many times have YOU been told the same thing about AA and the TWU and the AMT's.?​
NOT an AA employee
NOT represented by the TWU
NOT a Dues Paying member
I would even bet you are more of a COMPANY man than a UNION guys since the IAM at USAirways has done nothing but roll over​
But you keep telling us here at AA how much of what we want to do is wrong and that the HOLY IAM is better than sliced bread.​
You are the one who need to get a life and go beat your IAM drum over at USAirways.​
Ask me if I care about what you posted.
700UW said:
Wrong again, you have never been an IAM member, and what they do or dont do is none of your concern.

So get a life.
You have just set yourself up for life here on this forum.

Every time you post about something you have not done, or been a member of, someone here will remind you of this post.

You may want to retract it now and save some face, eat some crow.

Your response about "ask me if I care about what you posted" does not cut it.

You are being hypocritical here and you know it.
737823 said:
Do you? AMFAinMIAMI speaks the truth. When do the alliance road shows start?

Can you two not call a truce for one day, CHRISTMAS DAY?
Go run to the NMB and tattletale, lol!
NYer said:
Saying your pension was cut in half gives the false impression that the bankruptcy cut what you had already accrued in half, which it did not. You will not be able to accrue to your goal of $4500 and thereby in the future you will end up with less than what you could have accrued.
Your current accrual was not cut in half.

Still spinning for Little I see.

When AA cited the liability they would have by not freezing the pension and terminating future accruals it was based on what I would have received under those terms. So yes, when AA eliminated that liability I lost that money, it was money that AA had put on a website that gave me an approximation of what I would receive if I stayed till a certain retirement age, they created the website to justify the other concessions they took from us. Now if I stay till that same age I will receive around half of what it said before and I still have the fewest Holidays, least amount of Vacation sick time and lowest hourly rates. So I lost a lot more than half my pension.

Personally I've always said we should have let AA do what they were threatening to do back in 2003. The BK Juggernaut would have stopped there, at around a 14% across the board paycut instead of at least a 25% cut in compensation, then another 20% ten years later when they decided to file anyway. AA ended up with the best deals both rounds, and forced UAL back to the table and US into another BK. AA got more out of it than any other carrier, and people like you and Jim Little helped them.

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