Why didn't you take this opportunity to promote the wonderful IAMNPF with its awesome $86 multiplier! What is it $100 "on the table" the IAM is asking for? What a joke, how do they expect people to actually live off that nonsense?700UW said:Learn to read. In your zealousness to try and prove me wrong, you made yourself look like a fool.
You dont have a true pension anymore, your not receiving any accrual since its freeze, AA only has to maintain minimal funding to pay the liabilities with no future accrual, you have no pension anymore. A frozen pension means you are not getting any credit for your years of service from the freeze forward.
At US all groups have a terminated pension, US makes NO contributions towards it.
They didn't lose any vested benefits, you are misleading people. Companies are moving away from MEPPs like IAMNPF because as more employers drop off the plan the remaining employers have added expense and risk as they lose economies of scale and diversification when the plan downsizes. Employees are putting their own money in the IAMNPF, they simply aren't putting the money in the envelope per se. The company considered the cost of the contribution in the comprehensive CBA so without IAMNPF other areas of the CBA would be improved.700UW said:Lets see $86 per month per years of service is better than you having to use your own money in a 401K to retire.
And on the table is $104 multiplier right now.
No one at US has a DBP except IAM members.
And ask the former NW agents who lost $1400 a month in their retirement because they are no longer union.
737823 said:Don't need to be an IAM member to know it would be difficult to impossible to live off that amount even today in low cost city. Again how do they expect people to live off this BS? Will Roach, Sito, and Buffy be subject to this or do they have other plans in place through the union? Will they get the same deal William O'Driscoll got?
This website really should create a forum where the two of you could beat each other over the head so that you wouldn't feel the need to hijack every other discussion with your pro-IAM v anti-IAM nonsense. You're both as disruptive to normal conversations as WT.700UW said:Guess you don't even realize the membership votes on the officers salary and benefits.
Keep trying Mr fraud.