AA Cargo Boys Busted

Carlo Gambino was a family man, too....

If the shipment was in-bond (it was routed ZRH-JFK-MIA-Brazil), then they're not just guilty of being stupid. They're guilty under Customs law for taking things out of the in-bond zone, and also guilty of attempted theft of an item in interstate commerce, which is also probably a federal offense.

All a prosecutor has to do is prove the intent to deprive the rightful owner of possession. Even if they try to argue that they had remorse and planned return the property, intent is already proven by the fact they removed it and placed it in hiding.

I'm sure FWAAA or TWAnr can probably provide more convincing legal definitions for larceny or theft, though.
You can also lay blame on the TWU for allowing all of us to be economically raped..
Carlo Gambino was a family man, too....

If the shipment was in-bond (it was routed ZRH-JFK-MIA-Brazil), then they're not just guilty of being stupid. They're guilty under Customs law for taking things out of the in-bond zone, and also guilty of attempted theft of an item in interstate commerce, which is also probably a federal offense.

All a prosecutor has to do is prove the intent to deprive the rightful owner of possession. Even if they try to argue that they had remorse and planned return the property, intent is already proven by the fact they removed it and placed it in hiding.

I'm sure FWAAA or TWAnr can probably provide more convincing legal definitions for larceny or theft, though.



Before you go and besmirch Carlo Gambino,...ask yourself, if CG was still around, do you think the BRUTAL russian gangs, or the Jamaican Gangs would be as bold as they are today in NYC ??

As for our "light fingered" friends at JFK/AF,

With the "fence" rate, still at 1/3, that breaks down to Only (approx.) $70"G's" /2 = $35 grand.

NOT smart at all !
Carlo Gambino was a family man, too....

If the shipment was in-bond (it was routed ZRH-JFK-MIA-Brazil), then they're not just guilty of being stupid. They're guilty under Customs law for taking things out of the in-bond zone, and also guilty of attempted theft of an item in interstate commerce, which is also probably a federal offense.

All a prosecutor has to do is prove the intent to deprive the rightful owner of possession. Even if they try to argue that they had remorse and planned return the property, intent is already proven by the fact they removed it and placed it in hiding.

I'm sure FWAAA or TWAnr can probably provide more convincing legal definitions for larceny or theft, though.

Agree completely. But given Bob Owens' eloquent closing arguments for the defense (and I mean that with all sincerity), I agree with him that they might avoid hard time. Of course they won't work at an airport again (well, at least legally - we all know that felons and undocumented workers work at airports despite the laws).

Something else that comes to mind: If I were a baggage handler at JFK, I might want to get some recommendations for a good criminal defense lawyer. Why? These guys were quick to implicate themselves and it's possible that the DA might offer them some leniency if they give up some of their former co-workers. Not every bag smasher has rifled thru a suitcase, but these guys know who has done it. And I'd be really nervous right now if I'd stolen from a checked bag during the relevant statute of limitations period.
These guys were quick to implicate themselves and it's possible that the DA might offer them some leniency if they give up some of their former co-workers.

Good point...

And yes, they'll probably avoid serious time since they were more or less caught in the act and everything was recovered intact. But they'll never get a Customs hologram again, and a felony conviction would rule out a lot of other jobs as well.
Good point...

And yes, they'll probably avoid serious time since they were more or less caught in the act and everything was recovered intact.


REMINDER: What have we said about name calling and personal insults?
Flip flop on what, Bob? They're still guilty of committing a felony, regardless of whatever deal they make for cooperating.
I'm not sure what's worse -- trying to blame a total lapse in basic morals and ethics on concessions, or the prospect that you actually believe what you wrote...

High value theft was going on when I started working in the industry 20 years ago, and I didn't see people trying to rationalize it on deregulation or anything else that occurred... Grand larceny almost always comes down to character and greed, and not the economic situation of the individual committing the crime.

Funny how the letters MBA can be the diference between grand larceny and good business practices. What everyone forgets is that may you rob and plunder legally if you have the right credentials. God forbid an average sluggo tries to make a move (albeit a stupid one). The book gets thrown at him as an example to other sluggos.
What I also find amusing is how we are told that our reward will be in heaven, while the churches aid and abet the establishment in plundering our savings and pension funds.

"Don't worry about a thing, you'll get yours in heaven." Sounds like a scam to me! :down:
Flip flop on what, Bob? They're still guilty of committing a felony, regardless of whatever deal they make for cooperating.
Who said they werent? My post was about the likely outcome, your response was obviously a challenge to that, then after reading FWAAA you agreed with what I said the outcome would likely be.
Funny how the letters MBA can be the diference between grand larceny and good business practices. What everyone forgets is that may you rob and plunder legally if you have the right credentials. God forbid an average sluggo tries to make a move (albeit a stupid one). The book gets thrown at him as an example to other sluggos.

Exactly, and all you need is one stubburn sluggo on the jury who is not willing to send the guys away. You have to remember they are entitled to a jury of their peers and more and more of us are getting fed up with the way the elites are screwing us. If I were on that Jury(if it even gets that far) I would not give them a conviction.

What I also find amusing is how we are told that our reward will be in heaven, while the churches aid and abet the establishment in plundering our savings and pension funds.
"Don't worry about a thing, you'll get yours in heaven." Sounds like a scam to me! :down:

Woody Guthrie had a song about that. I believe it was called "Pie in the Sky". It is a scam. Its nothing new that Religion can be used by the powerful to manipulate. Thats why people should read the good book themselves instead of letting some crackpot tell them what it says.
And closed-minded sluggos are exactly why jurors are asked if they have already formed an opinion if they're guilty or not... If you're not impartial, you're not seated. Unless you lie under oath about your impartiality...

If it's a federal trial, one juror can indeed cause a mistrial. If it is held in state court, supermajority would be permitted in just about any case except perhaps murder.

But that's all a moot point if they do a plea bargain. They've already admitted their guilt and confessed to removing the diamonds and hiding them in the locker. The only thing left is the formality of being charged and sentenced.
Exactly, and all you need is one stubburn sluggo on the jury who is not willing to send the guys away. You have to remember they are entitled to a jury of their peers and more and more of us are getting fed up with the way the elites are screwing us. If I were on that Jury(if it even gets that far) I would not give them a conviction.

One right that a jury has and few if any judges will not instruct jurors on, and even less Americans know about is jury nullification. A jury may decide that the law sucks or for what ever other reason they decide, throw the whole case out. What ever law that the defendant was accused of breaking is still valid but the jury chose to ignore it in a particular case.

Woody Guthrie had a song about that. I believe it was called "Pie in the Sky". It is a scam. Its nothing new that Religion can be used by the powerful to manipulate. Thats why people should read the good book themselves instead of letting some crackpot tell them what it says.
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Organized religion is man made and anything man made is corrupt. Its one big scam perpetrated through out the centuries by the elites to control and manipulate the masses. 'Let us take all your worth here on earth. Your reward will come when you are dead.' Its evil genious! :down: