AA Accelerates TWA B757 Standardization

Kirkpatrick do you think enough leaves offered on the AA side, will be enough to offset any impending layoffs on the LLC side?
On 3/6/2003 1:06:00 PM FA Mikey wrote:

Kirkpatrick do you think enough leaves offered on the AA side, will be enough to offset any impending layoffs on the LLC side?
There are already 750 more furloughs coming up in Apr and May. The company anticipates an overage of 750 by May 1, and is chopping us to take care of that. About 450 nAAtives are coming back by May 1, and are not being offered the opportunity to extend their leaves. Certainly many of them would choose to do so if they could.

But the big problem is the 1500 coming back this fall in Oct and Nov. How many would extend those leaves if allowed? 600? 700? Every one of those is a job saved, and it now happens to be our jobs. Yours may be next.

With the death of LLC now slated for end of summer 2004, the only thing to look at is overage on the AA side. The 44 MD80's and 16 757's coming over this year, along with the associated flying, mean about 1200 more positions on the AA side. The remaining 32 MD80's, presumably to continue to come over converted in 2004 mean some 600 more.

Training is now the only thing that will save us. It will begin when AA needs people on the AA side. When will that be?

MK (gone by fall)
These A/C will find homes with other carriers such as DL, NW, AM, or even UA, but two years ago, only a few of us predicted the personnal tragedies soon to befall some of the finest employees in commercial aviation industry. It becomes more difficult for me each month to fly thru STL and get former TW crews.

With the additional bad news posted above, it looks like I'll stop looking this fall to again meet MK and many of his colleagues.
A swing and a miss by FA Mikey.

"The ones being offered with benefits were contractually negotiated years ago. They help ease the number of involuntary layoffs, by letting those who can afford to take time off, do just that. "

The point exactly.


There are more people on the property than required to get the job done.

"People do just drop there trips for others to fly. They must maintain a set number of hours to accrue sick, vacation and other benefits."

You completely glossed over the fact that there are more F/A's than required to run a full time airline full time.

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