There are no spare aircraft for the international flights. There are no parts in PHL (the west moved them to PHX) when the aircraft have maintenance issues. If an international flight needs a part it is removed from the one A/C that is staying in PHL for a check or drop dead MEL (which means that the 3 or 10 day limit has expired and the A/C is grounded per FAA until repaired.) The west has hung maint out to fail in PHL. There is no room for a hiccup. I believe 22 international flights and 24 A/C. So any A/C that has to have a domestic verification flight ( which is one flight other than ETOPS to assure a problem is repaired and does not reappear ). So alot of the time A/C with maintenance repairs are put on the SJU run, to be recertified for international flight (ETOPS). Our equipment is being pushed very hard by the west. All international maintenance is being done in a four hour period every afternoon in PHL and CLT. You are going to have massive delays. Just remember the west knows best..........