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Highest ranking Republican wants troops out of Iraq

I am often on a chat board where I am the token liberal. I posted that my 40 year old neighbor with a wife and 2 boys (7 and 9) decided to "re-up" in the reserves and requested a unit that is going to Iraq. I was a bit surprised when one of the conservative folk posted this:
The number of people who have been killed in this war is an abomnation and the blood from each should be smear across the bedroom walls of Bush!

Personally, I think the guy is in the middle of a mega midlife crisis...either that or he did something that is really gonna piss off the little woman (if his "patriotic duty" includes making her a single mom of two boys hasn't done that yet) that he had to get WAY out of town.
Yet another Republican is questioning Bush's strategy in Iraq.

GOP Sen. Collins of Maine said that GOP lawmakers are questioning President Bush's policy in Iraq because of the "tremendous loss of life among our troops" and "the failure of the Iraqi government to pursue the political reforms that are necessary to quell the sectarian violence."

"When you combine the increased sacrifice of our troops and the unwillingness or inability of the Iraqi leaders to act, you see a steady erosion for the president's policy."

And according to the NY TIMES:

White House officials fear that the last pillars of political support among Senate Republicans for President Bush's Iraq strategy are collapsing around them. . . . They say that inside the administration, debate is intensifying over whether Mr. Bush should try to prevent more defections by announcing his intention to begin a gradual withdrawal of American troops from the high-casualty neighborhoods of Baghdad and other cities.

Mr. Bush and his aides once thought they could wait to begin those discussions until after Sept. 15, when the top field commander and the new American ambassador to Baghdad are scheduled to report on the effectiveness of the troop increase that the president announced in January. But suddenly, some of Mr. Bush's aides acknowledge, it appears that forces are combining against him just as the Senate prepares this week to begin what promises to be a contentious debate on the war's future and financing.
News from the Front

Remember, there is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq according to the Democrat Party. No Al-Qaeda is there, and if they are, they are there because Bush made 'em go there, because Bush created them. Bush made 'em so mad they recruited all these other terrorists out there.

BAGHDAD - A new video by al-Qaida's deputy leader Thursday left no doubt about what the terror network claims is at stake in Iraq - describing it as a centerpiece of its anti-American fight and insisting the Iraqi insurgency is under its direct leadership.

But the proclamations by Ayman al-Zawahiri carried another unintended message: reflecting the current troubles confronting the Sunni extremists in Iraq, experts said.


When you read what Zawahiri says, it's almost as though he goofed up and didn't intend to say it. He's having trouble controlling the Sunnis, and he blames us and our military. He says the reason we haven't won there is because the United States is still there despite intense efforts of Al-Qaeda's allies in the United States, the Democrat Party and the American left. So here we have Al-Qaeda, via AP, confirming that American Democrats, who spent the last four years essentially lying -- not only to us, but to the world -- and they've put our national security and future at risk by demanding surrender and proclaiming defeat. Here you have number one Al-Qaeda guy saying this is the central front in the war on terror in our fight against America.

The Democrats have been saying there was never a reason to go there, and the only reason that Al-Qaeda is there is because we went there and so forth. Well, what does that tell you? Even if you grant them that last point, what does it tell you that they show up when we go? If Iraq is meaningless, if Iraq was always meaningless, then why does Zawahiri care about it in the first place? Why doesn't he just go there and fix Iraq and be done with it? Why did he send all his Al-Qaeda buddies in there to try to stop us? I don't care what point you grant the Democrats, they are embarrassingly, shamelessly wrong, and they have been making it up and lying about it, and we've had the number one PR tool of Al-Qaeda in this country, the Media, working in concert with the Democrats (strictly for partisan, selfish political purposes), to destroy the Bush administration and get themselves back in power.
News from the Front

Remember, there is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq according to the Democrat Party. No Al-Qaeda is there, and if they are, they are there because Bush made 'em go there, because Bush created them. Bush made 'em so mad they recruited all these other terrorists out there.

When you read what Zawahiri says, it's almost as though he goofed up and didn't intend to say it. He's having trouble controlling the Sunnis, and he blames us and our military. He says the reason we haven't won there is because the United States is still there despite intense efforts of Al-Qaeda's allies in the United States, the Democrat Party and the American left. So here we have Al-Qaeda, via AP, confirming that American Democrats, who spent the last four years essentially lying -- not only to us, but to the world -- and they've put our national security and future at risk by demanding surrender and proclaiming defeat. Here you have number one Al-Qaeda guy saying this is the central front in the war on terror in our fight against America.

The Democrats have been saying there was never a reason to go there, and the only reason that Al-Qaeda is there is because we went there and so forth. Well, what does that tell you? Even if you grant them that last point, what does it tell you that they show up when we go? If Iraq is meaningless, if Iraq was always meaningless, then why does Zawahiri care about it in the first place? Why doesn't he just go there and fix Iraq and be done with it? Why did he send all his Al-Qaeda buddies in there to try to stop us? I don't care what point you grant the Democrats, they are embarrassingly, shamelessly wrong, and they have been making it up and lying about it, and we've had the number one PR tool of Al-Qaeda in this country, the Media, working in concert with the Democrats (strictly for partisan, selfish political purposes), to destroy the Bush administration and get themselves back in power.

They still believe 'The War on Terror' is just a bumper sticker slogan and are willing to concede defeat for political gain. They really and truly believe we've brought all this upon ourselves and in a sense they are right in as much the radical Islamic world hates the very thing we represent.

Like sheep to the slaughter, they go blindly!


Its called denial while making a deal with the devil, and looks like the left has'nt learned a damned thing from history.

News from the Front

Remember, there is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq according to the Democrat Party. No Al-Qaeda is there, and if they are, they are there because Bush made 'em go there, because Bush created them. Bush made 'em so mad they recruited all these other terrorists out there.

When you read what Zawahiri says, it's almost as though he goofed up and didn't intend to say it. He's having trouble controlling the Sunnis, and he blames us and our military. He says the reason we haven't won there is because the United States is still there despite intense efforts of Al-Qaeda's allies in the United States, the Democrat Party and the American left. So here we have Al-Qaeda, via AP, confirming that American Democrats, who spent the last four years essentially lying -- not only to us, but to the world -- and they've put our national security and future at risk by demanding surrender and proclaiming defeat. Here you have number one Al-Qaeda guy saying this is the central front in the war on terror in our fight against America.

The Democrats have been saying there was never a reason to go there, and the only reason that Al-Qaeda is there is because we went there and so forth. Well, what does that tell you? Even if you grant them that last point, what does it tell you that they show up when we go? If Iraq is meaningless, if Iraq was always meaningless, then why does Zawahiri care about it in the first place? Why doesn't he just go there and fix Iraq and be done with it? Why did he send all his Al-Qaeda buddies in there to try to stop us? I don't care what point you grant the Democrats, they are embarrassingly, shamelessly wrong, and they have been making it up and lying about it, and we've had the number one PR tool of Al-Qaeda in this country, the Media, working in concert with the Democrats (strictly for partisan, selfish political purposes), to destroy the Bush administration and get themselves back in power.

By taking Hussein out of the picture it left a power vacuum in Iraq and allowed Al-Queda to move in and establish a foot hold.

News from the Front

Remember, there is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq according to the Democrat Party. No Al-Qaeda is there, and if they are, they are there because Bush made 'em go there, because Bush created them. Bush made 'em so mad they recruited all these other terrorists out there.

Al-Queda and Sadam

The CIA had concluded in June 2002 that there were few substantiated contacts between al-Qaeda operatives and Iraqi officials and had said that it lacked evidence of a long-term relationship like the ones Iraq had forged with other terrorist groups.

If Al-queda is in Iraq now, it is only because Cheney opened the door.
Lieberman says:

"I think it would be a tragic error to begin to withdraw from Iraq now, because the winners from that withdrawal would not be America," he said. "It would be Iran and al Qaeda."

Well, Al Qaeda certainly isn't losing right now! It has been shown the Al Qaeda has restrengthend and flourished in the Pakastani mountains. Al Qaeda is thanking the US for focusing on Iraq because it is allowing them to regroup outside of Iraq.

Al Qaeda is probably sending their terrosit-camp-rejects to Iraq to fight to preoccupy the US so that the real Al Qaeda can get on with their real plans in Pakistan.

I want Bush to follow through on this quote:

"We're going to get [Bin Laden] Dead or alive."

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