A Nation of Cowards?


May 17, 2008
Of course, Eric Holder is correct.
When it comes to race we Americans are, for the most part, a nation of cowards. This cowardice was on full display during the most recent presidential election and continues today.

As they are in so many other areas of life, chief among our American cowards are the representatives of the national political media. During the presidential campaign, there was a maniacal effort on the part of the national media to find whites who would not vote for Barack Obama, never mind the reasoning for choosing so. Whites who were not for Mr. Obama were automatically racist in outlook and action, you see.

No major media network or national newspaper attempted to investigate the associations of Barack Obama with William Ayres and the Annenberg Project in Chicago. No major media network or national newspaper launched an investigation as to the release of Barack Obama's grades in college, the lack of legal scholarship that somehow landed him as president of the Harvard Law Review, or any other aspect of his mysterious academic record. Think back to how resolute and determined that same media were in smoking out the academic record of George W. Bush to prove he is a dolt.

We, Americans of goodwill, must push back and declare that the sentiments of people like the attorney general are invalid, untrue, and unacceptable. We must stand up and demand that our president state clearly if he endorses the remarks of the attorney general who, it must be remembered, serves at the pleasure of the president. Anything else and we truly are cowards. Yet we know in our hearts that we are not. Let us prove it once and for all, no matter what anyone might say.
One would think that given all the conservative media venues that had there been a story somewhere, it would have been discovered. Perhaps there is no story to be found. Clinton got dragged through the mud over a blow job, Bush I had a clean history, , Reagan had no history, Carter was clean. Not everyone has skeletons in their closet. I would think given the internet and instant communication that no one is hiding much of anything these days.

Odd that Mr. May was not able to find anything to back his suspicions. I guess it is easy to hurl suspicions when one does not have to worry about the inconveniences of supplying evidence.

As for being a nation of cowards when it comes to race relations and addressing the problems, I believe Mr. Holder is on the mark. Both sides of the argument seem unwilling to concede an inch in regards tot he other side. One side seems to be deluded by the idea that since we have a minority POTUS that all is good and we can move on. The other side seems to think we are still in the early 1900's and minorities have no responsibility for their own situation. There is still a substantial amount of work to be done.

While the segregation and bigotry is not anything like it was back in the 1800's or 1900's, in certain respects, we still live in a segregated society. We have come quite a long way, we even have a minority POTUS for the first time in over 200 years but we still have a way too go.

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