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A.m.f.a. Vs T.w.u.

Who would you prefer to negotiate your next contract at American Airlines?

  • A.M.F.A.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • T.W.U.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Proof is in the Pudding
Employer: NWA
Date: Sunday October 31, 2004
Time: 01:56:39 PM
All NWA IAM members are back to work!
Not even close to true....
Nightwatch said:
One thing is for sure of your statement, the TWAers were sold down the river all right.

I believe the point Dripster was making was that the AMFA continually uses the stance of "we inherited the POS contract", and now they had extended it. Wether there was merit or not does not change the fact that AMFA is also changing with time. Remember "NO CONCESSIONS" was changed to " NO UNWARRANTED CONCESSIONS".

I'll give you a few years and see where AMFA is, I'll lay good money you'll be just as dissatisfied with AMFA, if not more. You will begin turning brother against brother, since afterall, the democratic stance of AMFA allows nothing less.
We told you what the twu did to us for 22 years of sellouts. You still do not believe, but you'll be getting the picture real soon. I guess its because you hate AMFA, when its the twu who lied to you. Go figure.

I do not think I will EVER be more disatisfied with AMFA than the twu. Very VERY unlikely. AMFA just had elections for National Officers. This is something the twu membership has vehemently demanded, but is refused over and over again by the twu International. They have people in the twu International that the membership have rejected locally, yet they retain a twu International office position.

AMFA has never said "no concessions" ever. In fact Delle himself stated in the AMFA informational meeting in Tulsa that if concessions were warranted (I am also sure they would NOT use ECLAT like the twu did), they would be granted concessions as a loan, to be paid back to the workers when the time came. Management would be first, and if management refuses, no concessions. Unlike the twu, AMFA has not given concessions, so it remains to be seen.

So far, AMFA has stuck with what they have said. The airlines hate this, when they're used to lap dog unions that when offered some free booze and a few other "perks", they will sell the membership what ever the company desires.

Unions are not a religion, the are paid very well to provide a service. When that service is not provided, over and over again, its time for them to be removed.

Is AMFA perfect? Of course not, but every friend I have at NWA never wants the iam back, even the ones on furlough. In addition to this, there are no card drives to unseat AMFA at any airline that has them. This speaks volumes.

The twu tail has wagged the membership dog far to long at AA.

Name: AMFA National
Email: admin@amfanatl.org
Employer: 603-527-9212
Station: Laconia, NH
Date: Monday November 01, 2004
Time: 06:49:22 PM


AMFA Local Restructuring Proposal

October 2004

Guidelines and Rationale

AMFA National was given a mandate at the 2004 National Convention to consolidate small employee groups in numerous Locals into larger employee groups within a Local. For example, reassign the 6 Northwest members from Local 32 and the 12 Northwest members in Local 17 along with other Northwest members from other Locals into a single Local. The purpose of these reassignments would be to create a single Northwest member base in a single Local that would be large enough to rationally justify an Airline Representative for the group.

Discussions at the 2004 Convention resulted in the determination that the NEC has the authority to revoke a Local Charter if the NEC determines that the Local is not financially viable. Prior to the 2004 National Convention the NEC allowed two Locals to sign Promissory Notes whereby they refinanced their debts to National so they could send delegates to the Convention. At this time there are 7 Locals that owe in excess of $200,000.00 to National.

At the 2004 Convention there was much discussion regarding the financial viability of many of the Associations medium sized and smaller Locals. It is clear that some Locals lack the finances necessary to provide their members with basic services without relying on volunteerism. Even Locals that have approved dues assessments continue to show signs of financial instability. Regardless of these facts, the Delegates did not respond to the immediate needs of these Locals through a redistribution of, or increase in, membership dues.

The recent layoffs announced at Alaska Airlines have negatively affected the number of members that will remain in Local 37 to the point that the total number of members in Local 37 will fall below the 150 minimum to maintain a Local. On October 23, the NEC placed Local 37 in a Caretaker Trusteeship to oversee the closure of the Local. Local 34 will also see a reduction in Alaska membership to the point that the Locals’ total membership will be near the 150 mark.

Taking these things into consideration the NEC has drafted two plans to reassign members and consolidate Locals in order to meet the representational needs of AMFA’s membership and to improve the financial viability of the Locals.

AMFA Local Restructuring

Plan A

This plan was drafted from the current population based on the above guidelines:

Region I

Following the completion of layoffs at Alaska Airlines, Local 37 will have approximately 60 Alaska members and 47 Southwest members.

The approximately 60 remaining Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 47 Southwest members are being reassigned to Local 32.
Local 37 (OAK) is being dissolved.

Local 34 (ANC) is losing a combined total of approximately 120 Alaska members, leaving the Local with approximately 90-100 Alaska members and 49 Northwest members. This will likely drop the Local’s total membership below the Constitutional minimum of 150. The NEC believes that even if the number remains above 150, the Local would not be financially viable.

The approximately 90 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 49 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.
Local 34 not financially viable.

Local 3 (LAX) has 39 Alaska members and 41 Southwest members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group. Local 3 also has a total of 98 Northwest members (LAS 2), (LAX 85) and (SAN 11), not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.

The 39 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 41 Southwest members are being reassigned to Local 32.
The 98 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Local 8 (DEN) has 10 Horizon members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group. Local 8 also has 16 United members in LAS that work under LAX management.

The 10 Horizon members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 16 United members in LAS are being reassigned to Local 3.

Local 9 (SFO) has 24 Alaska members and 27 Northwest members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The 24 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 27 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Local 14 (SEA) has 34 Horizon members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The 34 Horizon members are being reassigned to Local 17.

Local 17 (PDX) has 51 Alaska members, 12 Northwest members and 49 United members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for any of these groups.

The 51 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 14.
The 12 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.
The 49 United members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Local 32 has 21 Alaska members and 6 Northwest members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The 21 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 6 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Region II

Local 18 (HOU) has a total of 505 Southwest members, 125 of who are assigned to MDW.

The 125 Southwest members in MDW are being reassigned to Local 39 to solidify the number of Southwest members in that Local.

Local 35 (DLH) has 160 Northwest members. The Local is in financial distress.

The 160 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 33, and Local 35 will be closed.
Region III

Local 2 (BOS) has 333 Independence members, the majority of which are assigned to IAD. These members are scheduled to be moved to a Local in that locality upon completion of CBA negotiations. Local 2 also has 90 Northwest members and 132 United members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The Independence members will be reassigned to Local 39 as part of this restructuring.
The Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 1.
The United members are being reassigned to Local 1.
Local 2 will be dissolved.

Local 4 (ORD) has 122 Northwest members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.

The 122 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 5.

Local 5 has 105 Mesaba members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.
Local 5 also has 453 ATA members, most of who are stationed in IND and MDW. A new Local was slated to be chartered in IND for the ATA members stationed there, the remaining ATA members were to be reassigned to other Locals upon completion of CBA negotiations.

The 105 Mesaba members are being reassigned to Local 33.
The 453 ATA members will remain in Local 5.

Local 38 (MEM) has 16 Mesaba members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group. Local 38 also has 201 Northwest member, not enough to maintain a financially viable Local.

The 16 Mesaba members are being reassigned to Local 33.
The 113 Northwest members in MEM are being reassigned to Local 5.
The Northwest members in ATL (7), MIA (6), and MCO (27) are being reassigned to Local 1.
The Northwest members in DFW (17), IAH (15) and MSY (8) are being reassigned to Local 33.
Local 38 will be dissolved.
Local 39 (IAD) has 94 Northwest members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.

The 94 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 1.

Summary of Plan A

In conjunction with the utilization of Area Representatives, in stations with sufficient member bases, the NEC believes this plan creates sufficient numbers of members to justify an Airline Representative for each employee group within these Locals. These changes will reduce the total number of Airline Representatives from 47 to 23 and will reduce the total number of Local officers from 90 to 65. These reductions will result in an overall increase in financial resources available to the remaining Locals.

AMFA Local Restructuring

Plan B

This plan was drafted as an expansion of Plan A as follows:

Region I

The implementation of Plan A would leave Local 3 (LAX) with 483 United members.

Plan B would reassign the 483 United members to Local 8.
Local 3 would be dissolved.
Region II

The implementation of Plan A would leave Local 18 (HOU) with 380 Southwest members.

Plan B would reassign the 285 (HOU), 7 (MCI), and 6 (STL) Southwest members to Local 11.
The 15 (BNA), 31 (MCO), 2 (MSY) and 34 (TPA) Southwest members would be reassigned to Local 39.
Local 18 would be dissolved.


These additional changes will reduce the total number of Airline Representatives from 47 to 20 and will reduce the total number of Local officers from 90 to 55. The NEC believes these additional consolidations will create 11 strong Locals that will have the resources necessary to provide improved representation for their members, with membership numbers necessary to become and/or remain financially viable.

Click Here for .pdf File of AMFA Local Restructuring Proposal
Strake said:
Name: AMFA National
Email: admin@amfanatl.org
Employer: 603-527-9212
Station: Laconia, NH
Date: Monday November 01, 2004
Time: 06:49:22 PM
AMFA Local Restructuring Proposal

October 2004

Guidelines and Rationale

AMFA National was given a mandate at the 2004 National Convention to consolidate small employee groups in numerous Locals into larger employee groups within a Local. For example, reassign the 6 Northwest members from Local 32 and the 12 Northwest members in Local 17 along with other Northwest members from other Locals into a single Local. The purpose of these reassignments would be to create a single Northwest member base in a single Local that would be large enough to rationally justify an Airline Representative for the group.

Discussions at the 2004 Convention resulted in the determination that the NEC has the authority to revoke a Local Charter if the NEC determines that the Local is not financially viable. Prior to the 2004 National Convention the NEC allowed two Locals to sign Promissory Notes whereby they refinanced their debts to National so they could send delegates to the Convention. At this time there are 7 Locals that owe in excess of $200,000.00 to National.

At the 2004 Convention there was much discussion regarding the financial viability of many of the Associations medium sized and smaller Locals. It is clear that some Locals lack the finances necessary to provide their members with basic services without relying on volunteerism. Even Locals that have approved dues assessments continue to show signs of financial instability. Regardless of these facts, the Delegates did not respond to the immediate needs of these Locals through a redistribution of, or increase in, membership dues.

The recent layoffs announced at Alaska Airlines have negatively affected the number of members that will remain in Local 37 to the point that the total number of members in Local 37 will fall below the 150 minimum to maintain a Local. On October 23, the NEC placed Local 37 in a Caretaker Trusteeship to oversee the closure of the Local. Local 34 will also see a reduction in Alaska membership to the point that the Locals’ total membership will be near the 150 mark.

Taking these things into consideration the NEC has drafted two plans to reassign members and consolidate Locals in order to meet the representational needs of AMFA’s membership and to improve the financial viability of the Locals.

AMFA Local Restructuring

Plan A

This plan was drafted from the current population based on the above guidelines:

Region I

Following the completion of layoffs at Alaska Airlines, Local 37 will have approximately 60 Alaska members and 47 Southwest members.

The approximately 60 remaining Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 47 Southwest members are being reassigned to Local 32.
Local 37 (OAK) is being dissolved.

Local 34 (ANC) is losing a combined total of approximately 120 Alaska members, leaving the Local with approximately 90-100 Alaska members and 49 Northwest members. This will likely drop the Local’s total membership below the Constitutional minimum of 150. The NEC believes that even if the number remains above 150, the Local would not be financially viable.

The approximately 90 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 49 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.
Local 34 not financially viable.

Local 3 (LAX) has 39 Alaska members and 41 Southwest members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group. Local 3 also has a total of 98 Northwest members (LAS 2), (LAX 85) and (SAN 11), not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.

The 39 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 41 Southwest members are being reassigned to Local 32.
The 98 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Local 8 (DEN) has 10 Horizon members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group. Local 8 also has 16 United members in LAS that work under LAX management.

The 10 Horizon members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 16 United members in LAS are being reassigned to Local 3.

Local 9 (SFO) has 24 Alaska members and 27 Northwest members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The 24 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 27 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Local 14 (SEA) has 34 Horizon members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The 34 Horizon members are being reassigned to Local 17.

Local 17 (PDX) has 51 Alaska members, 12 Northwest members and 49 United members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for any of these groups.

The 51 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 14.
The 12 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.
The 49 United members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Local 32 has 21 Alaska members and 6 Northwest members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The 21 Alaska members are being reassigned to Local 17.
The 6 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 14.

Region II

Local 18 (HOU) has a total of 505 Southwest members, 125 of who are assigned to MDW.

The 125 Southwest members in MDW are being reassigned to Local 39 to solidify the number of Southwest members in that Local.

Local 35 (DLH) has 160 Northwest members. The Local is in financial distress.

The 160 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 33, and Local 35 will be closed.
Region III

Local 2 (BOS) has 333 Independence members, the majority of which are assigned to IAD. These members are scheduled to be moved to a Local in that locality upon completion of CBA negotiations. Local 2 also has 90 Northwest members and 132 United members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for either group.

The Independence members will be reassigned to Local 39 as part of this restructuring.
The Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 1.
The United members are being reassigned to Local 1.
Local 2 will be dissolved.

Local 4 (ORD) has 122 Northwest members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.

The 122 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 5.

Local 5 has 105 Mesaba members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.
Local 5 also has 453 ATA members, most of who are stationed in IND and MDW. A new Local was slated to be chartered in IND for the ATA members stationed there, the remaining ATA members were to be reassigned to other Locals upon completion of CBA negotiations.

The 105 Mesaba members are being reassigned to Local 33.
The 453 ATA members will remain in Local 5.

Local 38 (MEM) has 16 Mesaba members, clearly not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group. Local 38 also has 201 Northwest member, not enough to maintain a financially viable Local.

The 16 Mesaba members are being reassigned to Local 33.
The 113 Northwest members in MEM are being reassigned to Local 5.
The Northwest members in ATL (7), MIA (6), and MCO (27) are being reassigned to Local 1.
The Northwest members in DFW (17), IAH (15) and MSY (8) are being reassigned to Local 33.
Local 38 will be dissolved.
Local 39 (IAD) has 94 Northwest members, not enough to justify an Airline Representative for the group.

The 94 Northwest members are being reassigned to Local 1.

Summary of Plan A

In conjunction with the utilization of Area Representatives, in stations with sufficient member bases, the NEC believes this plan creates sufficient numbers of members to justify an Airline Representative for each employee group within these Locals. These changes will reduce the total number of Airline Representatives from 47 to 23 and will reduce the total number of Local officers from 90 to 65. These reductions will result in an overall increase in financial resources available to the remaining Locals.

AMFA Local Restructuring

Plan B

This plan was drafted as an expansion of Plan A as follows:

Region I

The implementation of Plan A would leave Local 3 (LAX) with 483 United members.

Plan B would reassign the 483 United members to Local 8.
Local 3 would be dissolved.
Region II

The implementation of Plan A would leave Local 18 (HOU) with 380 Southwest members.

Plan B would reassign the 285 (HOU), 7 (MCI), and 6 (STL) Southwest members to Local 11.
The 15 (BNA), 31 (MCO), 2 (MSY) and 34 (TPA) Southwest members would be reassigned to Local 39.
Local 18 would be dissolved.


These additional changes will reduce the total number of Airline Representatives from 47 to 20 and will reduce the total number of Local officers from 90 to 55. The NEC believes these additional consolidations will create 11 strong Locals that will have the resources necessary to provide improved representation for their members, with membership numbers necessary to become and/or remain financially viable.

Click Here for .pdf File of AMFA Local Restructuring Proposal

So what's your point tuff guy? Some of AMFA's locals are having some financial difficulties so they are consolidating? Lets take a gander at your twu shall we? Look at how much money the 514, 567, and 530 wasted on fighting a union representational vote. I hear the 514 has spent them selves into a deep hole with the free booze and hotels, anti-AMFA t-shirts and buttons, hotel rooms for mock debates on weekdays, UBP time for unelected twu cronies and their followers, and don't forget the infamous twu coffin parade.

You had better clean up your own twu backyard first before you run your coward mouth while hiding behind your alias. 😛h34r:

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