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A Living Company Can Rise Again

golden1 said:
Olliver Twist,
AMen to that..

I went for an interview last week,and got hired on...

I was sooo thrilled when the owner said when can you start,I forgot to ask if I'll get paid while in trng..

Go figure..
I'm getting swaps in order,and only plan to be at work 2-3x Per week..Less if it works out...

Better to look while you're gainfully employed then not...

No more airline for me..

This is a 9-5..Yes I'll miss the afternoon free time for appts,but I'll enjoy the large checks..

Something I never did with US..Except of course your on the BOD.or davey or db....

Way to go, others will envy you who lack the courage to make the move you just did. You are getting the jump ahead of the crowd, if U makes it, great, never look back or live in regret.
golden one,

Congrats! Onward and upward, my friend! Best of luck to you! Don't look back except on the good memories and good friends you've made. Those can't be taken away from you!

Golden One:

Congrats on your job. I hope you find happiness and fulfillment. Please remember to join us once in awhile and let us know how you are doing and how hard is was (or wasn't) to get this industry out of your system.

I am one of the one's who thrives on it. I can be having a bad day at home, growl about going to the ^%$%^& airport, but 9 out of 10 times the airport pulls me out of the funk and makes me feel better. I actually seem to draw energy from the hustle and bustle at the airport. The joy, the unhappiness, the commerce, the hassles, etc. I even wrote a poem about it once.

Anyway, best wishes and don't be a stranger.
Golden One,

Good for you and good luck.

The ironic thing about those saying "better to earn a paycheck while looking for another job", is that we are already looking. No one had to tell us what to do, we were intelligent enough to figure it out on our own. Imagine That!!!! As a matter of fact, we are having our fifth farewell party in a matter of weeks. There has been at least one a week. The indians decrease in numbers daily. Hopefully, I be one of the next.
Oliver Twist said:
There is life after USAirways! I and many others are proof of that. Here's a show stopper for you. I got a RAISE at my new job after only 6 months. A cost of living raise no less! I can tell you for certain, life is better on the other side of the terminal for me.

Pleae make no mistake in reading my post. I DO NOT ADVOCATE VOTING NO ON YOUR CONTRACT OFFERS. I DO advocate looking for a new job WITH a paycheck (reduced for sure) in hand. It's far better than unemployment checks I assure you.

Network, look around, send out resumes, do whatever it takes to find something else, just don't allow THEM to close the doors on you so you end up with nothing and still have to look for another job. Make decisions for yourself and do it quickly.

Allowing others to determine if you get to keep your house is shameful and lazy. Plan, plan plan in advance while you can and take your paycheck as you look. It sucks for sure taking a reduced paycheck, BUT it's better than the unemployment line!

Just my 2 cents worth, let the "ripping" begin.
hows the prozac dude? :shock:
golden1 said:
Olliver Twist,
AMen to that..

I went for an interview last week,and got hired on...

I was sooo thrilled when the owner said when can you start,I forgot to ask if I'll get paid while in trng..

Great feeling isn't it.

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