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You were correct E.

She underperformed badly. Joe Biden would have easily delivered those rust belt states where she lost. The margins by which she lost were thin, but he greatly changed the map. She was a flawed candidate and could never overcome her problems.

Bernie may have also been a greater draw.

It will be interesting to see what kind of agenda is put forth by Trump...the one he ran on, or the one that he can actually get through congress. I wouldn't bet on any wall being built, or any immigration reform. I could see a trade war started early on, with dire consequences, unless he actually gets some people in his cabinet that can bring some reality to his views.

I think you're dead wrong on Biden.

Biden is the face of the establishment and that's what the election was all about.
Stat freaks got shot down over the US Tuesday.....pollsters are either compromised or incompetent stooges.
Silver just playing what if to try and get that egg off his face he's a tool
Quag, the "what if" post from Silver might be correct, but there are some variables that he ignores, i.e. what if Johnson and Stein and McMuffin weren't on the ballot?

What's increasingly apparent >48 hours later is that HRC lost a good chunk of unemployed and organized labor. 1 out of 3 Hispanics voted for Trump. The current stat is that 8% of blacks voted for Trump. Demographics of the country are changing, however this election should make it clear that ethnicity and socioeconomic status don't necessarily define who they'll vote for.
Quag, the "what if" post from Silver might be correct, but there are some variables that he ignores, i.e. what if Johnson and Stein and McMuffin weren't on the ballot?

What's increasingly apparent >48 hours later is that HRC lost a good chunk of unemployed and organized labor. 1 out of 3 Hispanics voted for Trump. The current stat is that 8% of blacks voted for Trump. Demographics of the country are changing, however this election should make it clear that ethnicity and socioeconomic status don't necessarily define who they'll vote for.

Trump got the hope and change vote. He will need Democrats to pass some of his core platform, unless the party of fiscal responsibility is willing to blow the deficit and budget.

"Gang, let's stop saying "half the country" voted one way or the other. Untrue. 26% made the decision for the other 74%."

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‘Prediction professor’ who called Trump’s big win also made another forecast: Trump will be impeached

"At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: That if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence — someone who establishment Republicans know and trust."

“I'm going to make another prediction,” he said. “This one is not based on a system, it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence — an absolutely down the line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”

‘Prediction professor’ who called Trump’s big win also made another forecast: Trump will be impeached

"At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: That if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence — someone who establishment Republicans know and trust."

“I'm going to make another prediction,” he said. “This one is not based on a system, it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence — an absolutely down the line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”


Cross your fingers and keep a copy of Wapo under your pillow.
Not me. President Trump is at least a RINO at best. Pence is a true bible thumping die hard Republican. Romney and McCain are far more moderate than him. I really hope that Trump doesn't allow Pence to pull a Cheney. If so we are in for some serious troubles.

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"Hitler's only kidding about the antisemitism" New York Times, 1922

"Several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is perfected and sufficiently powerful to be employed effectively for political purposes."

"You can't expect the masses to understand or appreciate your finer real aims. You must feed the masses with cruder morsels and ideas like anti-Semitism. It would be politically all wrong to tell them the truth about where you really are leading them."

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

-Maya Angelou

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