I am curious if anyone can clarify what exactly the purpose of the "alphabetize" memo to fleet is about. Our manager didnt even post it because he said he would be laughed out of the station. Appearantly a memo came from Tempe to have the bag room alphabetize the bags on the carts before they come to the plane. (I couldnt get clarification if it was alphabetize by city code or customer name because the manager was laughing so hard they couldnt answer me). Anyway it came with a nice little diagram of 3 carts lined up 1) A-J 2) K-Q and 3) R-Z (or something similar). Can someone answer just what this is supposed to accomplish? Do we not have better things to do than to put out memos to alphabetize the bags on the carts? No wonder we're in the shape we're in if this is the best policy and procedure that Tempe can come up with.
*Of course if someone can give me a really good reason and explanation as to what this would accomplish and how it would help US, then I'd be willing to apologize. (Not holding my breath though.) 😛h34r:
*Of course if someone can give me a really good reason and explanation as to what this would accomplish and how it would help US, then I'd be willing to apologize. (Not holding my breath though.) 😛h34r: