I wish I could say "I'm shocked!"
But alas, I'm convinced, "this is the way HP flew and they knew ALL ALONG they were going to fly this airline RIGHT past and beyond the crapper." (Tempe management: IF YOU ARE READING AND WATCHING THIS HOW IN GOD'S NAME DO YOU NOT GET IT?!?!?)
The Lovely & Talented, Significantly Better Half and I flew down to BGI on Saturday...the aircraft we flew on from PVD-CLT (B734) was just shocking. The wife, and I'll explain this another time, was completely saddened by this....this airplane SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN SERVICE!!!
Not only was it duct taped together....it was flat out broken in multiple places.
Having flown on a number of America's Wrost airplanes, I see where "The New US Airways" gets it's ideas for flying filth....and I've witnessed, first hand, TWICE (2 as in TWO) airplanes that were falling apart inside....and actually DID before and after the flight. I'm sure they were duct taped back together and re-boarded.
It really is just AMAZING!!!
But here's the more amazing part that "takes it up a notch".....Mr. Parker ADMITS customers want clean airplanes and aparently thinks they are!!! LOL I mean, Come the F*** on!!!!
I would love for he and his family to have been on the B762 I was on this past summer when I went to BCN....or to have been on that B734 I was on Saturday....I would love for his wife's or daughter's butts to have been in the seat my wife was subjected to.
Its like Marilyn Manson says, "we're all stars in the dope show."
It's friggin amazing....and yet, I can't stop watching the insanity and stupidity! It's like turning away from a train wreck...you know you need to, but you can't stop watching 'cause it's freakin' UNBELIEVABLE!!!