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40 FA recalls for August

I need some advice. I am thinking about taking the BOS recall ( I think I might could get it). What am I in for if I return? I have been gone five years. What is it like now besides the pay being a little less. I have not kept up with what is going on and need some advice. Help. thanks!
I need some advice. I am thinking about taking the BOS recall ( I think I might could get it). What am I in for if I return? I have been gone five years. What is it like now besides the pay being a little less. I have not kept up with what is going on and need some advice. Help. thanks!
I’m not sure how much of this has happened in the past five years but here is an idea of what’s going on;

NO hot meals except on Transatlantic Flights and first class transcon flights. Sandwiches and light snacks are sold by the flight attendants but we don't carry enough snacks for all the passengers who request them.

We clean our airplanes after every leg, unless the flight lands west of the Mississippi (and aircraft that RON.)

Catering is generally round tripped out of the hub/focus cities.

No one cares about our uniform standards.

Flight Attendants are staffed to the FAA minimums. IN the event of a double seat assignment or any issue where the agents are involved you have to send the passenger back to the podium.

Our reserve system is extremely unpopular and guarantees that no reserve flies over their guarantee.

Good new though, you can get free coffee now in the PHL crew room.

Oh, welcome back.

I’m not sure how much of this has happened in the past five years but here is an idea of what’s going on;

NO hot meals except on Transatlantic Flights and first class transcon flights. Sandwiches and light snacks are sold by the flight attendants but we don't carry enough snacks for all the passengers who request them.

We clean our airplanes after every leg, unless the flight lands west of the Mississippi (and aircraft that RON.)

Catering is generally round tripped out of the hub/focus cities.

No one cares about our uniform standards.

Flight Attendants are staffed to the FAA minimums. IN the event of a double seat assignment or any issue where the agents are involved you have to send the passenger back to the podium.

Our reserve system is extremely unpopular and guarantees that no reserve flies over their guarantee.

Good new though, you can get free coffee now in the PHL crew room.

Oh, welcome back.

That pretty much sums it up...oh...and Bagdad Bob..I mean Dave thinks the merger issues are solved........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I need some advice. I am thinking about taking the BOS recall ( I think I might could get it). What am I in for if I return? I have been gone five years. What is it like now besides the pay being a little less. I have not kept up with what is going on and need some advice. Help. thanks!

Check out this old thread. It will give you some insight as well as the other posts from this topic.


Just know that this isn't the airline it used to be. Our new motto is "We're not happy til you're not happy." I hear complaining everyday about how back US Airways sucks and how they screwed up/lost someone's reservation, lost their bags, were rude, missed their connection, and anything else you can think of. Pax complain sooooooooo much. Also nobody seems to care. We hear it so much it just goes through one ear and out the other. We have all been through so much with the company that we don't feel a need to apologize for something that isn't our fault. We just tell them to contact management and complain to them because we can't do anything about it and mgmt doesn't listen to us anyway. It is utterly embarrassing! Oh, and don't count on flights leaving on time, EVER! It just doesn't happen. It's so normal for us to be late that if we are on time I am left wondering what is going on!

FC service is a joke and the food (when there is food) is disgusting, even for a broke and starving reserve. Sorry Doug! We know you like to party but party cups just aren't classy! The seats in FC are broken half the time. It looks tacky and that's just one more angry person we have to deal with.

We do sell food on some flights and then we run out mid cabin. Then pax are angry because we didn't have any food. Or better yet, we have food but they complain that it isn't "healthy" enough for them. :shock: It's airplane food! What did you expect? If you want to eat healthy, bring your own food!

Our planes are really dirty.

They are taking away our closets claiming that is becoming the standard in our industry. WTF? That's what I was told anyway. I gave them my opinion of that and let them know that I didn't believe that crap. Imagine traveling in the Northeast this winter without closets.

Catering? What catering? What a joke, especially in Philly. Some cities are better than others.

Seat dups are a constant problem and so are families that aren't seated together (don't they see each other enough at home?). We can't leave the plane so we have to send them up to the podium, move people around, or have the pilots call. It is such a pain!

Everybody b!tches and complains all the time. Employees are disgruntled. We have the whole Reserves vs. Blockholders rivalry going on. I never understood that. I can make a drink and pass out pretzels as good as a 30 year f/a. What makes them so special? Why can't we all get along? The other day in the international crew room I heard some senior mamas complaining that there were three reserves on their international trip.

We have more trips with longer work days. Do you enjoy working six legs a day? What about 3 hour sits? How would you like to work 14 hour days? Other times you may waste a whole day by working short flights worth 2 hours and work one flight from PHL-BDL and back to PHL for example. You have to claim the extra time or you won't be paid for it. Oh, but wait! I am a reserve. I don't break guarantee anyway!

How would you like to sit reserve and not know when it is OK to eat, sleep or take a shower without being interrupted by scheduling. It seems like many times when I am sitting in base I am so close to being called that I get up early thinking they will call (like if I am number 10 or 15) and I will stay up late just in case (yes, they do call at 11pm or midnight! I have been there). Or better yet, you sit for four days without flying thinking you can go home for your doctor's appointment that you have had scheduled months in advance that happens to fall on your days off only to get assigned a trip into your off days because scheduling is short.

Can you live on poverty level wages?

Are you ready to pay union dues to a union that doesn't care about you? They only look out after the top 5% or so.

Long gone are the days when we used to hang out with the crew on overnights and get wasted, go siteseeing, and just having fun. Unless you are with a really junior crew, forget about it. Most f/as just slam and click.

Working for US Airways makes me feel like a public tranportation worker, especially with our uniforms, dirty airplanes and bad attitudes. We are the laughing stock of the public and we have to deal with moronic managment and bad publicity everyday. It's no longer a career for most people. It's just a job.
Working for US Airways makes me feel like a public tranportation worker, especially with our uniforms, dirty airplanes and bad attitudes. We are the laughing stock of the public and we have to deal with moronic managment and bad publicity everyday. It's no longer a career for most people. It's just a job.

:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

SING IT SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your post sums it all up SOOOOO perfectly!

You are my usaviation BFF.
All things considered the pay is not a little less, it is a lot less. Know your contract and be prepared to file claims to get paid what you are owed.
Are you sure you want to come back?

Wages slid back 15 years or better and the work rules are draconian.

But if you do come back...welcome back.

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