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daybeforecommuter said:
Cav, brother you just played the last hand....desperation breeds contempt. How long has this been coming and how long have you had to do something to avoid it?
Blame, blame, blame. Go take a class dude and you will find that the closer you get to the origin/meaning of this plane of being, the less the bible looks like the word of God and the more it looks like the manipulation of men. No harm will come to these 'band of theives' because that is not how the universe works brother. If there is hell to pay it is more likely in the form of them being useless energy when/if they return to a form of conciousness they die. Believe in heaven/hell if you care...but when we see God, i promise, it will be nothing like we ever imagined.

Money is King in the here and now....Oil is King....Energy is King. Sorry you dont work for Halliburton driving trucks in Iraq. Your salary is just not justified in this economic environment.

Change hurts. Outsourcing is screwed. Osama is still alive. But it is reality.

Peace to you all.

This is not blaming, it is factual....as far as desperate, you have it wrong, totally.

I no longer get my bread and butter from U, U is my past.

I was simply stating facts that these arrogant SOB's will get their due, it's a given
USAIRWAYS leaders had this 2nd bankruptcy in mind, all along...To defeat the unions.....

In Fact, I believe it was either Mr Lakefield or Mr Bronner said before this 2nd filing....about the unions...

"We will do this...with you or without you"....

Now, what exactly does that mean?...

Seems to me this was all part of their plan to not adequately finance the airline...when RSA is worth billions of dollars.....

Its a sad game they are playing with all the families including children & communities here....

What is the old saying..."The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"....
PineyBob said:
Why not test your theory? Move on and report back. I work on a very simple theory, "Don't B*tch! SWITCH!
I'll report: There is life after U and it has a 21.00$ plus salary, 7.3% 401 K-match, 15$ copay, and profit sharing. Also, Management is proactive and responsive. I would have never known this if I wasn't laid off about ten years ago. The change is hard, but life does go on after U.
daybeforecommuter said:
Cav, brother you just played the last hand....desperation breeds contempt. How long has this been coming and how long have you had to do something to avoid it?
Blame, blame, blame. Go take a class dude and you will find that the closer you get to the origin/meaning of this plane of being, the less the bible looks like the word of God and the more it looks like the manipulation of men. No harm will come to these 'band of theives' because that is not how the universe works brother. If there is hell to pay it is more likely in the form of them being useless energy when/if they return to a form of conciousness they die.

Yep and we all just popped out of the muck in the jungle and became what we are. Oh little "closed educated mind" that you are. There is and will be a price to pay and just because you don't understand nor see it doesn't make it fantasy.

You fall lock step into what the world has taught you, to go with the flow of thinking and believing what works for the elitists of this world. Go ahead and enjoy your stay believing what you may but God help you when your turn comes upon you. Until then Peace to you as Well, and enjoy your short stay.
PineyBob said:
"Prepare yourself for the Great Day when you can't take money and buy your way"

I think Uncle Dave kind of sums it up don't you?

I like that.

Dave is not my uncle and not even from the "human" family, he was a deceptive SOB and the price he will pay for his worldly riches is way too much. Look no further than the rich man's story in the good book, and remember, our life is but a blink of the eye in eternity and how long does a blink last, 2 nano seconds at best.
USA320Pilot said:

At the beginning of last month oil prices were at $40 per barrel and company's business plan is based on oil at $44 per barrel. Each $1 increase in oil increases US Airways monthly expense by $2 million per month l, therefore, energy prices are $18 million per month over budget. Annualized that is $18 million per month or annualized $216 million per year.

Whose fault is that? Management's?

seeking the truth replies: not directly, but indirectly, yes. If the company was not in bankruptcy, a strong management team with leadership qualities could've hedged fuel cost, not over the beggining of last month, but months in advance through futures contracts. Thus avoiding these sharp increases in oil. That along with the sudden growth of LCC's is bullsh** at best. Just another pi**poor excuse, from a management team, ( who lack leadership ), and where brought in to bust union contracts have employees of all groups work for alot less and really no future.

Even said experts in the media and who follow the industry see no plan. The model of this company is broken. The Jet Blues , Southwests , have proven this to be true. This management , Siegel and company, didn't have a clue. If they did, this puppy would've been fixed the first time through bankruptcy. 24 months later this company is in worse financial shape. Don't think for one moment , that judge Mitchell and the creditors of this company don't see this.

If I were a creditor in this company, there would be some serious thought to taking what I have left and jumping ship.
You better believe there "is" such thought and why the "experts" predict U's demise is imminent.
USA320Pilot said:
It's easy to blame management but relentless LCC pressure with their cost advantage, Internet booking that further erodes pricing power, increased security costs and energy prices are crushing any attempt to be profitable.

If Judge Mitchell does not rule in favor of the company the airline will be toast.

I continue to believe it is better to have the majority of the pie than no pie.

At the beginning of last month oil prices were at $40 per barrel and company's business plan is based on oil at $44 per barrel. Each $1 increase in oil increases US Airways monthly expense by $2 million per month l, therefore, energy prices are $18 million per month over budget. Annualized that is $18 million per month or annualized $216 million per year.

Whose fault is that? Management's?

Best regards,


simply put Yes it is 100% management's fault for not planning for the future,
erroded pricing ability due to internet
growth of LCCs
not directing more purchases thru the website.
incorrectly assuming fuel would be at .80 (at the time of the writing of the estimate fuel was at .84 so they already were .04 off by simply not LOOKING at the CURRENT price.)
Jetblue had firm orders for 100 airbuses here's a hint they will grow by lets see 67-100 = 33 airplanes or roughly 45% over the next few years there it now will not be a surprise for the team anymore. and same goes for SWA. To claim they had no knowlege of that is nothing less that a complete abrogration of fuduciary responsiblities.
Inking deals to pay almost 80,000 per month per 737 while CALs is closer to 50,000 per month is MANAGEMENTS fault for negoiating such a bad deal
shall we discuss buying back stock? (self explanatory)
all of that and more fall directly under the responsiblity of managment

as does the resposiblity for growth at Jetblue and SWA and Frontier and Airtran directly fall to the managment not to the employees
Quote from original post..... (newpaper article)
[Leitch responded by suggesting that US Airways' employees, present or prospective, should not select the airline based on its present pension plans. He said the company still may choose to freeze or terminate the mechanics' and flight attendants' defined-benefit pension plans during bankruptcy. US Airways terminated the pilots' defined benefit plan two years ago, and it has never provided one to gate and reservations agents. ]
Darn, they don't even think enough of the F/S agents to even give us a mention!
Guess we really are lower than whales dung at the bottom of the ocean! :wacko:
PineyBob said:
Why not test your theory? Move on and report back. I work on a very simple theory, "Don't B*tch! SWITCH!
If enough people vote (act) to "stick a fork in it" then a fork will get stuck in it, that is their perogative. You get used to it and you switch.
RedOne said:
Quote from original post..... (newpaper article)
[Leitch responded by suggesting that US Airways' employees, present or prospective, should not select the airline based on its present pension plans. He said the company still may choose to freeze or terminate the mechanics' and flight attendants' defined-benefit pension plans during bankruptcy. US Airways terminated the pilots' defined benefit plan two years ago, and it has never provided one to gate and reservations agents. ]
Darn, they don't even think enough of the F/S agents to even give us a mention!
Guess we really are lower than whales dung at the bottom of the ocean! :wacko:

i guess that explains why usair is having a he!! of hard a$$ time trying to hire off the streets in phl and elsewhere! it is because people see statements such as the one from uselairs' attorney and the useless morons at the helm of this sinking ship
and the statements made by dr bonehead a few weeks back about calling the employees (the true assetts) nothing but liabilities and saying that liquidation is better.
Don't worry.

You were looking for work when you got this job. Things will work out for the best.

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