$25,000 Buyout


Aug 21, 2002
By God Indiana
Southwest Airlines management notified employees Monday they may be eligible for a $25,000 parting gift.

With salaries, wages and benefits the highest single cost for the carrier, just ahead of rising fuel costs, employees meeting certain criteria will be able to choose by Aug. 10 to go or stay.

Calling it "Project Early Departure," the airline is offering 10-year employees across the operation from flight attendants to ramp agents a cash buyout, continuation of medical coverage and travel pass privileges. advertisement

Southwest Airlines management notified employees Monday they may be eligible for a $25,000 parting gift.

With salaries, wages and benefits the highest single cost for the carrier, just ahead of rising fuel costs, employees meeting certain criteria will be able to choose by Aug. 10 to go or stay.

Calling it "Project Early Departure," the airline is offering 10-year employees across the operation from flight attendants to ramp agents a cash buyout, continuation of medical coverage and travel pass privileges.

Let the cost cutting begin, However - I do agree with this strategy, many people want to get out and this is a perfect way to go, money, passes, and healthcare... First of many changes in the future for southwest...
Didn't they do this (or something similar) a couple of years ago? IIRC, anyone with over a year of service could opt out? Anyone know how many people took advantage of that?
Didn't they do this (or something similar) a couple of years ago? IIRC, anyone with over a year of service could opt out? Anyone know how many people took advantage of that?
Yes they did do this a couple of years ago. Its wasn't really enticing to the senior employees. So there wasn't to many in Las Vegas that opted out.

This offer would be very enticing to me if I was a ten year employee!!! I missed it by this much :huh:
I give WN credit, for offering "this" first, before laying people off.

IMHO, $25 Grand(BEFORE TAXES) is not earth shattering, however, to the employee, who is in EXACTLY the right position, it is attractive.

Look at it this way.
A senior ramp employee, at a busy station(like PHL or BWI) is making $1,000 a week base pay. He's probably on the catering truck(not breaking his balls), and has access to a Shet load of O/T. At(say) $1,500 a week, thats $78, Grand a year, with minimal "bag touching", PLUS steady S+S OFF, on day shift !!!

Old saying;
"Everything that glitters, is NOT always GOLD"

I give WN credit, for offering "this" first, before laying people off.

IMHO, $25 Grand(BEFORE TAXES) is not earth shattering, however, to the employee, who is in EXACTLY the right position, it is attractive.

Look at it this way.
A senior ramp employee, at a busy station(like PHL or BWI) is making $1,000 a week base pay. He's probably on the catering truck(not breaking his balls), and has access to a Shet load of O/T. At(say) $1,500 a week, thats $78, Grand a year, with minimal "bag touching", PLUS steady S+S OFF, on day shift !!!

Old saying;
"Everything that glitters, is NOT always GOLD"


Wow!!! I actually agree with everything you have said for once. The word around Vegas is that allot of the senior employees were waiting for the right amount of money to opt out. If I were in this position, I would seriously consider taking so I can fulfill many of my other aspirations in life other than having a J. ust O. ver B. roke. I guess that everyone is going to have to make a hard decision for themselves.... :shock:
Wow!!! I actually agree with everything you have said for once. The word around Vegas is that allot of the senior employees were waiting for the right amount of money to opt out. If I were in this position, I would seriously consider taking so I can fulfill many of my other aspirations in life other than having a J. ust O. ver B. roke. I guess that everyone is going to have to make a hard decision for themselves.... :shock:


"ramper", See, "Never say never" :up: :up:

I mean, hey, you work there, and you probably know senior guys with a "TIT" job.
Believe me, $25 "large"(before taxes) to get rid of a job that "can" be worth 75/100 grand a year, is nutso, IMHO.

BUT, I'm sure you know other guys, who are in a position that $25,000(B/T) IS a good deal.

Bottom line, as someone mentioned above....."the last time(offer)was not an overwhelming success"

They'll have to offer at least $150,000 before I'll go anywhere. This job is too easy and pays too well to give it up for a measley $25,000. They must be joking. :p :p :p
Well it has been a couple of weeks into operation early departure. The consensus in LAS, there isn't much interest amongst the agent level employees. The only rumors I have personally heard is people in middle management have decided to take the buy out.

Is this the general opinion around the system?
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Well it has been a couple of weeks into operation early departure. The consensus in LAS, there isn't much interest amongst the agent level employees. The only rumors I have personally heard is people in middle management have decided to take the buy out.

Is this the general opinion around the system?

Most people here in BWI don't qualify. Though I spoke to some agents whom I know in Cargo who do and the buy out amount needs to be higher is what I drew from the conversation.