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Seems to me the company would not have a hard time replacing anybody that is not happy here, jobs are tough to find these days. Somebody on the outside would love to get free air travel even if they stayed a short time here. Everyone needs to leave and get a job elsewhere if they are not happy here. Reading these post it seems anywhere would be better. Good luck!!!!!!!
Well, gentlemen, Jim has been one of the few pilots on this board without the typical 'me, myself and I' ALPA attitude, and that speaks well of him.

Y'all, on the other hand, descend to a personal attack on him, rather than debate him on the merits.

The more you speak, the better we can see you for what you are.
Your right Flufdriver,

I think it is very sad that someone could be so negative...the world has changed, we should all get on with it.

There have been many good additions to the route system over the past 1-2 years, and they are profitable,

Keep a good thought Fluf!

Flufdriver said:
Useyourhead...you'll learn that Jim NEVVVVVER has anything good to say no matter what. He doesn't want to admit the industry is changing by the day. Jim, nothing is the same as it was yesterday. If you browse through his post, thay are all negative. If you stay around negative people your more apt to become one to. All carriers are in the same boat...maybe blame the administartion for maybe not price regulating and letting everyone undercut the break even point. Not to memtion the price of fuel. It's changed Jim...maybe if you don't like it or have nothing HALF good to say...maybe move on the a greener pasture and let the rest of us her to try to support our families with whatever we can make. In alot of cases it's better off staying and making do rather then going somewhere else and starting over. It always looks greener on the other side. Jim...try to say something once positive. I think it's treat we'er adding flights...you make some negative comment. If we reduced flights...you'd complain. What makes you happy. It's changed Jim...get over it!!! MHO!!

So useyourhead...take in for what he's worth!!
I totally agree...everyone has a right to voice their thoughts about everything that has changed in the last couple of years...."But it would be a LONG 2,3 or 4 day trip with BoeingBoy (Jim), it would become boring before pushback! I have flown with guys like this, and you can tell real quick if they are one of them...and it makes for a long, broken record type trip. I recently had one that started whining before the towbar was disconnected on the first leg...thank goodness he split off the third leg!!

It's not going to change...either accept it or move on...no one is making anyone stay if they don't like the working conditions or the atmosphere! In fact we want you to go so we can get on with our careers how beat up and damaged they are!!

####'n NOT going to make it better...atlease it hasn't yet!! Nobody likes change, that's human nature...look at Delta, do you think they like 32.5% less, are they going to have to make changes in their life...same job with less pay...you better belive they are! It's happening all around us! Airtran lost money, ATA is hurting {BK}, AMR lost money, CAL lost money and FlyI lost money.....it's just not us. Accept it or move on...you make the choice...all the ####'n in the world won't bring it back to pre-911!

Just my thoughts......

lets see ATA and I-Air are low paid as is HP, funny if they are losing money too, it is not the employees, it is the business and the industry.

Does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

When fuel goes up ticket prices should go up, business 101.

Lets see food has gone up, energy costs have gone up, ticket prices need to go up.
700UW said:
lets see ATA and I-Air are low paid as is HP, funny if they are losing money too, it is not the employees, it is the business and the industry.

Does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

When fuel goes up ticket prices should go up, business 101.

Lets see food has gone up, energy costs have gone up, ticket prices need to go up.

The problem is that food prices went up, consumer gasoline is up, natural gas (home heating) is going up... All this while salaries are not, and lots of unemployment... That translates into an economy with less discretionary income, for things like family vacations and air travel.

If you run Holiday Inn, you can close up under performing hotels, and lay off people from a variety of seniority levels, and probably get out of a lease by subleasing your building to someone else or exercizing an "out" option.

If you are an airline, you must furlough in seniority order, leaving you with the most senior (i.e. expensive) people left, closing stations deteriorates the network (much less important for the hotel), and lastly leases are difficult to get out of because aircraft are in less demand.

Economics 101: When demand falls and supply is the same or grows, prices must fall.
diogenes said:
Well, gentlemen, Jim has been one of the few pilots on this board without the typical 'me, myself and I' ALPA attitude, and that speaks well of him.

Y'all, on the other hand, descend to a personal attack on him, rather than debate him on the merits.

The more you speak, the better we can see you for what you are.
Ain't that the truth.
700...your 100% correct! problem is we ALL have to do it or the one(s) who don't will get hammered on the search engine sites ie: expedia, orbitz...it will show the lowest fair and even one dollar will put you well down the list. This is a bunch of crap. I really enjoy sitting in the back commuting and have someone brag to me about what a great deal they got...I want to spit on them. I did tell one pr__k, you paid $39.00 and I chipped in the other $300.00 for the fuel. I can't believe in this business world we can't all agree to pass this on...they {pax} may gripe for about a week...then they simply accept the fare increase!!! Then again...you have SWA!!!! End of story!!! LOL!
Flufdriver said:
Nobody likes change, that's human nature...
Jim, myself and many other so-called whiners don't disagree that change at USAir is long past due. Where we, or at least I, disagree is on the particulars. Don't think for a moment that the founding fathers didn't debate in the City Tavern at nauseum prior to challenging old King George.
Actually, I enjoy this thread. As I intimated above, everyone is entitled to not just an opinion, but an opinion on everyone else's opinion. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Besides, if I can't stand the heat I should stay out of the kitchen...

UYH, Flufdriver, and anyone else - I accept your opinions as freely as anyone else's. After all, they are only opinions and intrinsically no more or less valid than mine.


I agree Boeing Boy...this is just a forum for our opinions....nothing more. It would not be much of a forum if everyone had the same opinions of everything. Always lots of "Food for Thought" there. Thats the way it should be.
700UW said:
lets see ATA and I-Air are low paid as is HP, funny if they are losing money too, it is not the employees, it is the business and the industry.

Does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

When fuel goes up ticket prices should go up, business 101.

Lets see food has gone up, energy costs have gone up, ticket prices need to go up.

I can't friggen believe you didn't blame OUR management. Your starting to read fair. 😱
funguy2 said:
Airline CEO's agree that the industry has too much capacity...

Airline CEO's are world reknowed for their insight and straight-shooting. 🙄

"Overcapacity" is Airline CEO-speak for "We don't want to change our business models to reflect the reality of the marketplace and the only way we can see to get back to business as usual is to artificially create a shortage of the commodity product that we are selling. Hopefully one or more of our competitors will fail soon -- preferably one that is attempting to change their business model to something that threatens us."
Flufdriver said:
700...your 100% correct! problem is we ALL have to do it or the one(s) who don't will get hammered .... I can't believe in this business world we can't all agree to pass this on...

That sort of behavior will land people in jail.
TomB...did you notice the gas station you buy gas at??? Every day the price goes up...I guess all the station owners are in jail. I don't think they are absorbing the increase in fuel that they put in their storage tank...I think you call it a "Fuel Surcharge"!! Your right, the employees will pay for it...brother!! LOL!!

TomB..what is your CCY address??

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