
TWU informer said:
1. To send workers into personal Bankruptcy and create a recordable increase in divorce and illness.
Let's have some early openers in 2006 and see if the situation gets any better, then.
Connected1 said:
Let's have some early openers in 2006 and see if the situation gets any better, then.

Sure it will !!!!

Carmine and Dennis from the Tulsa Maintenance Base are going to generate $500 Million for the Tulsa Base alone before the end of 2006. They call it the "Break Through Goal" which was generated at the Union/Management "Pajama Party".

This is true, because they said so, and there are enough Teams in Tulsa working on the now to have a professional sports league.
TWU informer said:
Sure it will !!!!

Carmine and Dennis from the Tulsa Maintenance Base are going to generate $500 Million for the Tulsa Base alone before the end of 2006. They call it the "Break Through Goal" which was generated at the Union/Management "Pajama Party".

This is true, because they said so, and there are enough Teams in Tulsa working on the now to have a professional sports league.
<_< If they make it will we get our concession money back???????? :unsure:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
AMR has $3.9 BILLION "salted away" :up:

Comforting feeling to say the least. :)

Mabey we could invest $3 billion of it on UAL, for DIP financing ?? :unsure:
FORGET IT, Bad Idea !!!!!!!! :down:


Bad ideas never stopped them from squandering money before. Look at TWA.
TWU informer said:
That's the TWU motto we all know to well now!



Your avatar icon shows x'd out concessions, yet all you care about is having a job? Pity your confusion seed.

The true pity is knowing your response was coming, even as I typed my response to Wrench. You are so predictable, brother.

Did I mention that I went to the street rather than take a cut in pay to a parts cleaner? When I state "NO MORE CONCESSIONS", I back it up.

So you see BROTHER, I DO NOT HAVE A JOB, in the airline industry. And my having a job now has nothing to do with being a BROTHER to you, or anyone else.

My response to Wrench was one of disbelief or disgust, not sure which. The airline mechanics profession is heading overseas and to 3rd party vendors, hope you're willing to follow it, I am not.

BTW...what was AMFA's motto?...NO CONCESSIONS?...it's good to see AMFA shows flexibility in their everchanging stance.
seed said:
The true pity is knowing your response was coming, even as I typed my response to Wrench. You are so predictable, brother.

Did I mention that I went to the street rather than take a cut in pay to a parts cleaner? When I state "NO MORE CONCESSIONS", I back it up.

So you see BROTHER, I DO NOT HAVE A JOB, in the airline industry. And my having a job now has nothing to do with being a BROTHER to you, or anyone else.

My response to Wrench was one of disbelief or disgust, not sure which. The airline mechanics profession is heading overseas and to 3rd party vendors, hope you're willing to follow it, I am not.

BTW...what was AMFA's motto?...NO CONCESSIONS?...it's good to see AMFA shows flexibility in their everchanging stance.
Wrong! AMFA's motto was not "NO CONCESSIONS", it was "NO CONCESSIONS...EVER!"
Connected1 said:
My response to Wrench was one of disbelief or disgust, not sure which.

Ummmm..........so you are disbelieving what? And disgusted by what? Lot of negative energy there.

Agreed, airline mechanic work is headed to cheaper labor, whether the planes go there or the cheap labor comes here. Or the present labor force is made cheaper.

It's supply and demand. As long as the FAA allows unskilled untrained unlicensed people to work on planes, there is no hope.
MCI transplant said:
<_< If they make it will we get our concession money back???????? :unsure:

The company? Give money back? Excuse me, but may I have some of what MCI transplant is smoking? It must be some goooood stuff! :lol:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
AMR has $3.9 BILLION "salted away" :up:

Comforting feeling to say the least. :)

Mabey we could invest $3 billion of it on UAL, for DIP financing ?? :unsure:
FORGET IT, Bad Idea !!!!!!!! :down:

I believe Katrina will take a big chunk out of that $3.9 billion, when the markets open monday we may be shocked to say the least!
Having cash on hand may make it easier to ride out the next couple months which will be very difficult.

However, if you think that the airlines in bankruptcy and those that are about to go in are going to have no impact on AA, you had better get another think coming. AMR isn't going to sit on its duff (unlike NHBB) and burn through that wad of cash while other carriers cut their costs. Those other airlines will cut costs and AA will look like a big, fat inefficient operation (in other words, something akin to NHBB). Big fat, inefficient operations eventually fall victim to the reality of the competitive situation. For NHBB, it will probably be a heart attack. For AA, it will be its own bankruptcy filing or cuts just as deep outside of bankruptcy. I don't see a whole lot of folks at AA crowing because they got their cuts out of bankruptcy while UA employees got theirs from the court. If the company has to cut, the cuts hurt just as bad no matter where they come from.
Wretched Wrench said:
Ummmm..........so you are disbelieving what? And disgusted by what? Lot of negative energy there.

Agreed, airline mechanic work is headed to cheaper labor, whether the planes go there or the cheap labor comes here. Or the present labor force is made cheaper.

It's supply and demand. As long as the FAA allows unskilled untrained unlicensed people to work on planes, there is no hope.

Wrench...my thoughts were just this...you and others continue to type about the 17% cut in pay, as other brothers are without a job, wishing they could enjoy the $$$ your 17% cut in pay enables.

No one wanted a cut in pay, or offered it as a friendship offering to the stock holders...the truth remains...your cut in pay is better than many enjoy every two weeks.

Do not allow some to turn my type into an AMFA drive...some people that post here throw their 2 cents in to attempt to promote Delle, or the TWU, for that matter. Now is not the time to debate unions...after all...unions now rep less than 10% of total workforces in the US...and the numbers are dropping...not growing. After being in another profession for a couple of months now, I have seen that most workers dislike unions...though their reasons all differ, they do not see the unions as their salvation...and are accustomed to working for under 15 dollars an hour...shame. :shock:

I do not want to return to AA anytime soon. I actually enjoy going to work everyday...and guess what!...I don't hear negativity at every corner...IMAGINE THAT!
Question/Observation from seed "BTW...what was AMFA's motto?...NO CONCESSIONS?...it's good to see AMFA shows flexibility in their ever changing stance.â€￾

Answer/Observation from aafsc, "Wrong! AMFA's motto was not "NO CONCESSIONS", it was "NO CONCESSIONS...EVER!"

How can the AA AMFA posters reconcile this with the report posted by TIME FOR A CHANGE on the NW forum in Post #15 at

Seems to me like concessions were offered – just not the right ones or enough – but CONCESSIONS - by any definition.
Do you really need to liberally sprinkle your posts with personal insults?

I have a hard time taking your pro-Delta ramblings seriously when you are attacking another poster for no reason.

You worry about what your beloved Delta is going to use to collateralize it's DIP financing.ASA has already been monetized, ComAir and it's first generation CRJ's can't be worth much more than what ASA commanded.

Good luck with that.
Hi, LGA,

You know better than to put stock in the blatherings of WorldTraveler, who now must resort to name-calling and insults to mask the pain he is feeling over the imminent bankruptcy of his beloved Delta.

While this industry is certainly in a world of hurt right now (oil prices), I would certainly, NO MATTER WHAT WORLD TRAVELER SAYS, be with CO or AA at this point in time.

Nobody knows what the future holds, but a Delta-less future is far more likely than a CO-or AA-less future.

Misery certainly loves company, and World Traveler loves to spread it around!
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  • #30

"HEY "Dick Head", get over on the "SCAB" board.
We're over here discussing AA, and their $3.9 B cash, not talking about "cesspools" like Mr. T etc.
