
Aug 20, 2002
AMR has $3.9 BILLION "salted away" :up:

Comforting feeling to say the least. :)

Mabey we could invest $3 billion of it on UAL, for DIP financing ?? :unsure:

FORGET IT, Bad Idea !!!!!!!! :down:

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
AMR has $3.9 BILLION "salted away"


The way the cost of fuel is rising, expect that number to diminish significantly over the winter.

While you're at it, pray for a mild winter to ease the troubled minds of those poor stressed out commodities traders on the NYMEX...it's sooo stressful worrying about how the Northeast is going to heat their homes this winter. <_<
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
AMR has $3.9 BILLION "salted away" :up:
Let's not get too excited. Cash balances are a very seasonal thing in this business. They build during the summer while you are booking lots of passengers (and thus your air traffic liability) and deplete during the fall and winter when bookings wither away.

We've got a ton of debt coming due and pension obligations to fulfill over the next couple of years. That in addition to minimal capital expenditures will probably keep us hamstrung for a while.
Connected1 said:
Let's not get too excited. Cash balances are a very seasonal thing in this business. They build during the summer while you are booking lots of passengers (and thus your air traffic liability) and deplete during the fall and winter when bookings wither away.

We've got a ton of debt coming due and pension obligations to fulfill over the next couple of years. That in addition to minimal capital expenditures will probably keep us hamstrung for a while.

Good point!
But as for the pension obligations, if Congress enacts the pension reform which allows further payment deferral, then you may see that cash on hand hold or increase somewhat!
Hopeful said:
Good point!
But as for the pension obligations, if Congress enacts the pension reform which allows further payment deferral, then you may see that cash on hand hold or increase somewhat!
It would certainly help, no doubt about it.
Meanwhile I just spent $40.00 to fill my 16 gallon gas tank to get to work at 17.5% less pay.

Not only that but the reduction in paid time off means more trips to work, nore fuel to burn.

Good thing someone has the Billions of Dollars on hand. Because it sure as hell isn't the working man that gets his.
TWU informer said:
Good thing someone has the Billions of Dollars on hand. Because it sure as hell isn't the working man that gets his.
Nobody has billions of dollars on hand. Everyone took a pay cut and everyone is paying more for gas. We are lucky enough to work at a company that has been cash-positive enough so as not to make the situation any worse.

If you think your deal is worse than your industry peers, then I would encourage you to push for early openers next year. Just remember that the whole contract becomes amendable at that time.

Somehow I don't think we're going to have an contract negotiations for a while. That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned because the company and the unions have been able to accomplish more together in the past year or so than I would have ever dreamed.
Connected1 said:
the company and the unions have been able to accomplish more together in the past year or so than I would have ever dreamed.

Whazzat? My pay statement shows no improvements.
Connected1 said:
Somehow I don't think we're going to have an contract negotiations for a while. That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned because the company and the unions have been able to accomplish more together in the past year or so than I would have ever dreamed.

Your definition of "ACCOMPLISH"

ac·com·plish ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-kmplsh)
tr.v. ac·com·plished, ac·com·plish·ing, ac·com·plish·es

1. To send workers into personal Bankruptcy and create a recordable increase in divorce and illness.

2. To succeed in doing; bring to pass. See Synonyms at perform.

3. To reach the end of; complete.
AMR might have over $3B in cash, but a lot of that came from the issuance of their $20B+ in debt.

TWU informer said:
Your definition of "ACCOMPLISH"

ac·com·plish ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-kmplsh)
tr.v. ac·com·plished, ac·com·plish·ing, ac·com·plish·es

1. To send workers into personal Bankruptcy and create a recordable increase in divorce and illness.

2. To succeed in doing; bring to pass. See Synonyms at perform.

3. To reach the end of; complete.

Gee, I'm having a Dave Stewart flashback....
seed said:
Whazzat? You still receive a paycheck from AA?...lets all shed a tear for the employed....

That's the TWU motto we all know to well now!



Your avatar icon shows x'd out concessions, yet all you care about is having a job? Pity your confusion seed.
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Good points by all.
Ya, I know I'm sittin' back on my FAT retired A$$(believe me "It' did get fatter), but looking around at the legacy's,as we all sit at the "Texas hold em' table", I like our hand the best(More "chips")

TWU informer said:
Meanwhile I just spent $40.00 to fill my 16 gallon gas tank to get to work at 17.5% less pay.

Not only that but the reduction in paid time off means more trips to work, nore fuel to burn.

Good thing someone has the Billions of Dollars on hand. Because it sure as hell isn't the working man that gets his.
<_< OH he get's his! Trust me! He get's his!!!!! :down: