PIT E-Line October 15, 2004
Dear Members,
Not good news.
The judge has just ruled to allow the company to impose 21% wage reductions to IAM, CWA, AFA. Will go into effect for 4 months starting October 15, and ending February 15, 2005. The company was granted "outsourcing" for the next 4 months, he approved 279 a/c min language gone into this period, and increase in f/a hours to 5-10 hours per month depending on c/s needs.
One thing for sure, many of us will file personal bankruptcy, have to sell our homes, and if displacements commence, we will surely not survive this job.
What we are seeing here is a company who has used the bankruptcy system to dismantle the U workforce. The seniority is a big issue with management and they are hoping we either resign, or get terminated. Many f/as will have a difficult time making ends meet and not be able to take on a second job as our flying will now be increased on this reduced wage.
The new hourly rate for the next 6 months will be $32.42, top out, much lower than America West and puts us 22% below the average low cost carriers as our analyst presented to the courts. This is almost a $10 hit in wages per hour. America West is currently in negotiations for raises which will place them close to where we are today at $41.05 top-out. The more junior workforce will suffer mostly, and the emotional upset will be devastating to them. They just will not be able to maintain. Hard to work or look for additional work with this type of LTO system.
I am of the hope that ALPA T/A fails, so that the pilots will only have to endure an extra 2.5% more wage reduction, and the rest of their T/A crap goes away. They can then have another opportunity to renegotiate a better deal, just like the rest of us...OR, if the company goes for a 1113 abrogation, we can then be released to "self help", which we will exercise.
If the employee morale was not shattered, it is surely shattered now. We will have a very difficult time negotiating a long-term proposal, as the company has increased the cost target to $145 million.
Stay tuned...
Local union meeting will be at the HYATT at the airport on November 12, 2004, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I have much to share with you on what may take place and how these cuts will effect us and the rest of the industry.
In solidarity,
Local 40