2015 Pilot Discussion.

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I am a Lead AMT for SWA been here 24 years, we are still trying to get our contract, just curious what do the former USAPA think of our Lead attorney Lee Seham? Wish you guys luck.

My apologies for not answering much earlier, the excuse being that I've not checked in with this thread for awhile now. IMO you could easily do far, far worse for representation and methinks you're in reasonably good hands there. I'm saddened to see Southwest's transition from "this place is the best ever, and who wouldn't want to work here?" to a sadly predictable decay phase after the likes of Herb are gone and mindless MBA-bean-counters have clearly taken over instead. What I would strongly suggest is to realize the sad reality of that being true and be willing to properly fight, versus habitually instead assume your current management has any even tiniest part of the employees interests at heart whatsoever.
My name is A DON I RAM. Without it you may CUM no further.

Yet once again you serve only to blatantly evidence the obvious lack of even the slightest IQ testing or even psych screening ever done as any part of the hiring process at AWA. Good luck in life...You will clearly need such.
A330 Fleet Bulletin: New Flight Crew Rest Area Jammed Door Emergency Egress Training Module
Instructor: F/O Ray Burkett

2018-04-10 at 9.49.12 PM.png

Miss Carie Saracino.

Sucking in her gut. Check.
Thrusting out her chest. Check.
Not fooling anybody. Priceless.
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