2015 Pilot Discussion.

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Kothny aka Move2CLT is out on medical?

I found him to be a patheticially infantile and seemingly spineless fool/hopeless-village-idiot online here, but I wish no harm of that sort on anyone and hope his health improves. "The World's Largest Airline" has room for at least a few court jestors in any case. ;)
What is completely baffling is the ability of Duane Giroir to maintain a crime free status during his employment. That is quite the rap sheet he has.

It's insanity if you think about it. A man with a rap sheet that includes two known felony convictions is still operating as a Captain at American Airlines.
I found him to be a pathetically infantile and seemingly spineless fool/hopeless-village-idiot online here,

Kothny has made quite the impression on the AA boys over on C&R as well. I think that they would add some choice words to your description. ;)
The other issue is the complete acceptance of the AWA confirmed scabs by APA.

The APA HQ and DFW base in general seem to have no interest at all in the issue. I don't understand why. However, the New York base is considerably more hardcore from what I have been hearing. The 767 drivers there are not thrilled to be sharing cockpits with documented scab recruiter Mike Daley. His shallow, goofy, Phoenix friendliness routine has not impressed the New Yorkers, either.

Things just keep getting better in the career of documented scab recruiter Mike Daley. The June results are out and Mike got a 777 bid. Good news for the 767 F/Os, who will no longer have to fly with the documented scab recruiter.

New York is probably not a great career move for someone with a documented background as a scab recruiter. By contrast, Mike was something of a folk hero in Phoenix.

Things just keep getting better in the career of documented scab recruiter Mike Daley. The June results are out and Mike got a 777 bid.

When the APA "leadership" came out in early support for the nic I gave up all hopes there was so much as a single functioning brain cell among them. My reasoned opinion was hardly improved by their eager capitulation to what now must be clearly seen to be an utter joke of anything even remotely approaching any "industry standard" contract that's only been a bit embellished by a desperate management's actions to prevent open revolt, and...well, I can only hope the legacy American people are simpy thrilled to now see such things happening as commerical aviation's equivalent of "trailor trash" ascend to their triple 7's. In the sage words of even "Forrest Gump": "Stupid is as Stupid does."
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When the APA "leadership" came out in early support for the nic I gave up all hopes there was so much as a single functioning brain cell among them.

The senior Captains on the APA negotiating committee saw this as a chance to move the needle in their favor knowing full well that it would tank the careers of their junior brethren. That is exactly what happened. The AA Captains got a boost for their last few years while the AA (and LUS) F/Os will forever be behind such distinguished Phoenix riffraff as known liar Mark C. Doyal and convicted repeat criminal offender Duane Giroir. To add insult to injury, many New York based LAA F/Os will finish their careers yanking gear for documented scab recruiter Mike Daley.
Marcio must have a cousin. The latest crew news features LAA Nic supporter Jimmie Walton in a rambling, inarticulate, unfocused, idiotic, three minute long "question" that bears an unmistakable family resemblance to Marcio's previous crew news insanity. As the mental midget floats from subject to subject, he add his uninformed opinions on virtually everything, all delivered with an imbecile's inflated sense of his own genius.

Robert Isom shows admirable patience as he endures the stupidity and deftly jumps in to end the mania before the assembled rise en masse and leave. Good show, Robert.

I have no doubt that during the mental free-for-all, Robert was thinking, "I can't believe I'm paying these idiot pilots so much."

Although it pains me to say, it would appear that Robert is right.
It's insanity if you think about it. A man with a rap sheet that includes two known felony convictions is still operating as a Captain at American Airlines.

No kidding, I couldn’t even load his plane with that but he gets to fly it??
When the APA "leadership" came out in early support for the nic I gave up all hopes there was so much as a single functioning brain cell among them. My reasoned opinion was hardly improved by their eager capitulation to what now must be clearly seen to be an utter joke of anything even remotely approaching any "industry standard" contract that's only been a bit embellished by a desperate management's actions to prevent open revolt, and...well, I can only hope the legacy American people are simpy thrilled to now see such things happening as commerical aviation's equivalent of "trailor trash" ascend to their triple 7's. In the sage words of even "Forrest Gump": "Stupid is as Stupid does."
I am a Lead AMT for SWA been here 24 years, we are still trying to get our contract, just curious what do the former USAPA think of our Lead attorney Lee Seham? Wish you guys luck.
Lee is a very bright guy and an excellent attorney. Our USAPA legal efforts definitely suffered when the leadership decided to change law firms. Our Vice Chairman started an affair with one of the lawyers at Lee's law firm. Lee saw this as an ethical problem, which it was, and in the ensuing weeks the attorney left his firm and our officers severed ties with Lee's firm.

We were on a legal winning streak at that time but the guy who replaced Seham lost the Addington II case. He was not even close to Seham as an attorney. The whole thing was a complete fiasco.

Good luck with your negotiations. I know from friends that it's not the old Southwest any more.
No kidding, I couldn’t even load his plane with that but he gets to fly it??

Another example of the company's selective enforcement of rules. I'm betting that the guy had a friend somewhere in management that pulled some strings for him.
I thought I’d leave this here. It is interesting.

“Co-pilot Minded Captain”


From that article: "All of a sudden more gas has been added..." was part of that essentially whiney and largely adolescent rant? What sort of "First Officer/Co Pilot/Partner in Crime"/Whatever would/could even possibly be miffed about that? It's always ideal to keep everyone on the exact same page as best anyone can, workload permitting, but anyone who would whine about not being profoundly conversationally involved in such a simple decision just plain needs to grow up...Period. Likewise any sane left-seater should always fully realize it's all indeed a team effort and that at no time in history has only half an airplane crashed. ;)

"It is interesting" all right, though perhaps not as you had intended Glenn. For your sorry sort that seems to forever need/"demand" whole heapings of entirely unearned "respect" and perhaps even a few "trophies for participating" I can only express proper sympathy at the obvious fragility of your childish egos. Hmm...Perhaps I should keep a copy of the following ready just for you, in the happily unlikely event our paths cross during my little time left with the airline? ;) https://www.google.com/search?q=copilot+checklist+pic+don't+touch+anything&client=firefox-b-1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA5-LfwODZAhXCx1kKHV5oCxEQsAQIMQ&biw=1920&bih=1086#imgrc=1rnolecjdvmu9M:
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