2015 Pilot Discussion.

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CAVOK said:
I certainly know why pilots went to PSA. PSA had flight attendants who were required to wear a form fitting outfit to the flight attendant interview before they were hired and they were former military pilots, ......
Umm...Guilty as charged Your Honor, but with an explanation, and if that's insufficient for clemency; I'm willing to hire "witnesses" and construct an at least possibly believable alibi. ;)
P.S. PSA's properly termed "Golden Girls" often liked to be escorted into Miramar when training at Scripts, as apparently did n924psa...well, when he was actually invited by someone once.
Bean said:
Who believes they are more worthy, and why?

What variables determine your worthiness?
1) Apparently you do, for reasons unknown and actually unimaginable.
2) In your case; it'd all seem nothing more than your willingness to stroke keyboards.
CAVOK said:
It doesn't take trained HR personnel to realize that "studied at" means nothing if there are not letters following the academic institution.
 In fairness; anyone without even a semblance of education in, and understanding of the business world might well be easily befuddled by that rather obvious observation. We both clearly understand that "Studied at" on any supposed resume amounts to "I drove by there once and even read the entrance sign!"
EastUS1 said:
1) Apparently you do, for reasons unknown and actually unimaginable.
2) In your case; it'd all seem nothing more than your willingness to stroke keyboards.
No. Not at all.

I'm trying to determine why there seems to be a disconnect between worthy in one groups eyes vs another.
Is it truly education?

Is that the worthy cause?

Does a college career define the pilot or just those that have one, in other words, those that don't, are they less capable of the job?
Bean said:
No. Not at all.

I'm trying to determine why there seems to be a disconnect between worthy in one groups eyes vs another.
OK. All ears here kid. Whatcha' personally got in the way of "worthy" to offer?

I believe Captain, or Dad, or First officer xyz, that there exists a disconnect from reality when it comes to where we should be, ultimately.
All pilots have seen movement, good and bad.

I believe the days of the past 123 months have finally ended.
So, if I have all your ears as you state, then what the heck were you thinking?

Did you really think what you did was ok?

Seriously, would you tell your own child to do what you did?

I am not trying to swerve you, just trying to get you to make the best of where you are.

Would you do it all over again if given the opportunity?
FL430 said:
It really took an intellectual to come up with a post such as this, one doesn't have to look any further than this:
Studied Aerospace Science & Tech. at Central Washington University

Studied Commercial Aviation at Big Bend Communtiy College

Studied General Studies at Washington State University
Thanks for caring. You forgot student government positions, volunteer work & civic activities. My feelers are really hurt. Your point (s)?
Bean said:
So, if I have all your ears as you state, then what the heck were you thinking?
Did you really think what you did was ok?
Seriously, would you tell your own child to do what you did?
I am not trying to swerve you, just trying to get you to make the best of where you are.
Would you do it all over again if given the opportunity?
If you are referring to dumping ALPA in a completely legal fashion, after they failed to correct a total windfall? A " fair " arbitration which put new hire West pilots with 17 year never furloughed East ones? Absolutely, and even faster given the opportunity.
By the way, ALPA warned you it was coming if you did not fix it, so you took a serious gamble and lost.
Not my problem.
Black Swan said:
If you are referring to dumping ALPA in a completely legal fashion, after they failed to correct a total windfall? A " fair " arbitration which put new hire West pilots with 17 year never furloughed East ones? Absolutely, and even faster given the opportunity.
By the way, ALPA warned you it was coming if you did not fix it, so you took a serious gamble and lost.
Not my problem.

Wye did they not listen to their legal counsel I wonder.

I feel bad for the fool that came up with NIC or nothing.
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