Seems that truth has struck a nerve? Blaming mgmt for the economy and then saying that they should "simply raise fares" is trying to run mgmt and shows ignorance to how economics work. Blaming mgmt across the board for inflated capacity yet for every flight that UA, AA, DL, NW, etc pulls down, FL, WN, and B6 are back-filling with 2 is also an ignorant position. But all of these torts from the unions are ok? You stance is 'stay out of my business'...well what business do you have telling mgmt what they should be doing? thing we are in complete agreement on is exec pay but as others have shown here...people don't seem to grasp stock options, etc. Now...if the stance continues to be "stay out of my business" then I think you should have zero input into wages, work rules, or any other mgmt decisions. Do I really believe that employees should be completely voiceless? Hell no. But have unions become bastardized forms of what their original purpose was? Definitely. What unions used to protect now boil down to human/civil rights and are even more protected. But to use the union to drive mgmt decisions and limit how a business can respond to economic situations (see what AQ pilots are doing now to try to completely shut down the airline's remaining business...the cargo division) doesn't make sense if you want everybody else to stay out of your business.
And no...I missed that press release. Sounds fairly sensational and with an agenda, though. I say...'who cares'? Should I start a petition to have Anderson guarantee that he will NOT be neutral? What a waste of time? This is just the same idiotic politicing done in our gov't that keeps anything from getting done and is meant to try to spin the perception towards people thinking that Anderson will NOT be neutral. It's propaganda. Same as saying that 75% of international FAs will be laid off. Same as lieing about the exec makeup and saying that NW will be running the show. No...Danny has not answered my questions elsewhere b/c they are not scripted from the AFA faqs. I asked about finances (same question he asks of the companies). I asked why misleading statements have been made to try to drum up fear. The questions I have asked I would hope you would be concerned about but perhaps the marvelous tale spun by the AFA is too strong for you to get past and think about holding them to the same standards as mgmt.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm all FOR unions and what they are supposed to stand for...fighting against TRULY hazardous working conditions, TRULY unethical treatment of employees, TRULY unethical work practices, etc. Read The Jungle to understand more. But now it is about questioning if a hiring freeze or work reduction during harsh economic situations (not brought on by mgmt as it is continuously and simplisticly stated) or making mgmt decisions via judicial orders/injunctions that end up harming business...and union members at the same time. If I saw real pitches being made by AFA...ones that make business sense and show that they won't just be going against the grain on every decision faced by the company and the industry, I would be less vocal. But the campaign of lies and mis-representations is atrocious and doesn't give me much hope for the DL culture...which has been its most valuable asset for decades. It will soon become a legacy culture with people's pride no longer laying in their work and the company but rather in the size of their paycheck and the number of 'victories' against mgmt. We're ALL in this industry together during the most challenging environment it's ever faced. To have ignorance towards true economic drivers and believe every tale spun by recruiters will not help you and it won't help the industry. I don't think you should vote 'no'...that's not what i'm trying to do. But just like the people with subprime mortgages are now learning...if you believe everything told to you and don't ask the right questions that will TRULY affect your future, you're going to find yourself in a situation that is not good. But then again...AFA would blame that on mgmt, too.