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Sep 13, 2006
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Delta Air Lines Reports $155 Million Operating Profit for March 2007 Quarter
Monday April 23, 8:00 am ET

ATLANTA, April 23, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Delta Air Lines (Other OTC😀ALRQ.PK - News) today reported results for the quarter ended March 31, 2007. Key points include:

* Delta's operating profit for the March 2007 quarter was $155
million, the company's fourth consecutive quarterly operating

* Delta's first quarter net loss was $130 million. Excluding
reorganization items, the net loss was $6 million. 1,2

* On April 16, 2007, Delta announced its creditors overwhelmingly
support the company's plan of reorganization, with more than 95
percent of ballots cast in favor of the plan.

* As of March 31, 2007, Delta had $4.0 billion in cash, cash
equivalents and short-term investments, of which $2.9 billion was

It appears that Delta is doing a very good job of increasing revenues and consequently improving upon its margins. Considering DL's favorable CASM, it will be interesting to watch what transpires over the next six to twelve months.
It appears that Delta is doing a very good job of increasing revenues and consequently improving upon its margins. Considering DL's favorable CASM, it will be interesting to watch what transpires over the next six to twelve months.

Couldn't have said it better myself. One thing to take not of is the $4.0 billion in cash-on-hand. That number has been rising slowly every quarter. Good news indeed.
Well they are certainly gonna need as much cash as they can when they merge with the other profitable bankrupt airline, NWA.
Well they are certainly gonna need as much cash as they can when they merge with the other profitable bankrupt airline, NWA.

That's only going to happen if Tilton gets his wish of consolidation, which will force everyone else. If UA can't force consolidation then why would DL want to merge with NWA? Haven't they had enough headaches to last a while? DL has done a fine job getting it's finances in order. To merge with NWA would put them back at square one. Tilton wants the consolidation so that he can jump ship with his millions.
Grinstein seems to hint acquiring a portion of a carrier would be a better undertaking, Pan Am part deux 🙄

The question is who will be so on the ropes that they will fathom selling off a hub.

Maybe UA will be willing to give up on LAX over SFO. :up:

That'll give DL the pacific hub they need. 🙂
That's only going to happen if Tilton gets his wish of consolidation, which will force everyone else. If UA can't force consolidation then why would DL want to merge with NWA? Haven't they had enough headaches to last a while? DL has done a fine job getting it's finances in order. To merge with NWA would put them back at square one. Tilton wants the consolidation so that he can jump ship with his millions.
