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-190 Pay Rates

jbu320 said:
You are a very presumptuous person. Your glass is always half empty. I only observe from my perspective that not everyone uses the same yardstick to measure reality in our own little worlds. You stick with your guns - miserable sucker. You are guaranteed a miserable existence since nothing will ever be good enough for you...nor will anyone else's existence equal your superior position in life. Go FYS :lol:
What an intellectual reply. Don't let your emotions get the better of you.

Airplane orders get cancelled every day. Then where will you be? How are you going to look the EMB scalers in the eye.

Sure won't be comfortable around the ol' jetBlue crew room then, will it?
No, Fubi, you don't get a "pass" on this one. There is no high moral ground for you to stand on.

You have shown your true anti-JB colors on far too many posts (in this forum as well as others) for us to treat you on an "intellectual" basis.

Your sole intent is to generate hate and venom--and we won't play your game.


eagleflip said:
--and we won't play your game.
You also won't answer the question about how you ("I got mine!") and Needleman can justify TO JUNIOR jetBlue PILOTS the EMB-scale you're sticking them on. $79 an hour for a Capt. on a 100 seat jet.


And all you can say is, "They'll get theirs when they upgrade."

In the mean time, I guess they can just STFU and admire you Airbus Gods with your $121 an hour and stock options.

You guys really take the cake. 🙄
I've stayed out of this discussion till now, but I'll say this....

The furloughed US Airways pilots making $58 per hour flying the smaller version (-170) would love to be making the JBlue rate, and they have up to 16 years with the company. Now the company wants the -190/195 at MDA. Somehow I doubt our management will want to pay as much as the JBlue rate on those, either.

So for those of you at JBlue. Yes, the rate is low for that size aircraft, but it's a lot lower over here.

Fubijaakr said:
What an intellectual reply. Don't let your emotions get the better of you.

Airplane orders get cancelled every day. Then where will you be? How are you going to look the EMB scalers in the eye.

Sure won't be comfortable around the ol' jetBlue crew room then, will it?
When I am corresponding with someone whom exibits intellectual abilities, I shall exhibit the same. Your pious attitude toward my company and it's employees is not representative of one who posesses a whole lot of intellect.
When aircraft orders are cancelled and for that matter the whole damn ballpark blows up, I'll be where I've been before and I'll come out just fine. In the meantime, I don't feel I need to defend the actions of a small group of 900 pilots to someone who is so hellbent on discrediting us and our company's objectives. I never said I agreed with the differences in pay rates. I never said I supported it. It cannot be changed overnight but be assured things work their way toward parity over time whether it meets your approval or not. The thing you need to know is that no one on the property has a ball and chain attached to their legs at B6. We're all free to do as we wish.
May I suggest you find a hobby. :down:
Fubi's only hobby is slamming JetBlue. Just take a look at how much time he spends here and on other boards doing just that. Now that he lost his job at Alaska he has all kinds of time to blame his woes on us, instead of taking responsibility for his own poisonous personality.
FWAAA said:

B6 Captain pay for the 320 ranges from $110-$139/hr, not all that far behind AA, ... especially considering the 70 hr B6 guarantee and AA's 64 hr guarantee. On average, AA pilots don't exceed the guarantee (of course, some do).
You are obviously not an AA pilot, if you think most AA pilots don't exceed 64 hours. Lines are built to 85 hours, so most pilots are flying to within a few hours of that. The only pilots for whom "guarantee" really means anything are pilots on reserve, and their guarantee is 73, not 64.
MadDogMike said:
You are obviously not an AA pilot, if you think most AA pilots don't exceed 64 hours. Lines are built to 85 hours, so most pilots are flying to within a few hours of that. The only pilots for whom "guarantee" really means anything are pilots on reserve, and their guarantee is 73, not 64.


Lines at AA are built to a max of 78 hours with the ability (read volunteer)
to fly to 85 hours projection/83 hours scheduled projection.

I love hearing the complaints about how the LCCs are messing up the industry. If you were to look at how badly US has gouged passengers in major markets for years with their average fares, you would be appalled. There is a reason the "fat and happy" cannot compete in the marketplace anyomre. They rely on too few full-fare passengers who will actually put up with the horrible delays at most hubs to get where they are going. Don't you know that most full fare passengers are pudhing for their companies to get into the fractional business? Have you seen how many corporate jets are on backorder right now? Until the federal government can clean up the airways, anybody with no real FF loyalty and plenty of money will avoid the hassle and go around the hubs as much as possible. In fact, a growing trend in some market pairs shows that some passengers who have price elacticity are willing to pay a little more for the non stop flight. Good luck dinosaurs. :down:
markkus757 said:
I love hearing the complaints about how the LCCs are messing up the industry. If you were to look at how badly US has gouged passengers in major markets for years with their average fares, you would be appalled. There is a reason the "fat and happy" cannot compete in the marketplace anyomre. They rely on too few full-fare passengers who will actually put up with the horrible delays at most hubs to get where they are going. Don't you know that most full fare passengers are pudhing for their companies to get into the fractional business? Have you seen how many corporate jets are on backorder right now? Until the federal government can clean up the airways, anybody with no real FF loyalty and plenty of money will avoid the hassle and go around the hubs as much as possible. In fact, a growing trend in some market pairs shows that some passengers who have price elacticity are willing to pay a little more for the non stop flight. Good luck dinosaurs. :down:

Very wisely put with some reality and insight for a change. Thank you. :up:
Good luck dinosaurs

Let's see...I want to go from Fargo to Frankfurt or how about Moline to Manila, does Jetblew provide this service? So much for the dinosaur theory. Have some more of the Neeleman Kool Aid.
Bigsky said:
Good luck dinosaurs

Let's see...I want to go from Fargo to Frankfurt or how about Moline to Manila, does Jetblew provide this service? So much for the dinosaur theory. Have some more of the Neeleman Kool Aid.

In my humble opinion, I believe there is more to be gained in flexibility to changing surroundings than in where your carrier flies.