$1,000 R/t Lga-clt In Economy!

Folks, if you do not like the fare - drive it. One hour in the air is equal to about one day on the road.
My point in posting that is, if you have a lot of corporate account types on that route, the high fare is actually offsetting the corporate discounts. Is it fair? No. But my hunch is that plays into the fares to a certain extent. Dave himself said with a more rationale fare structure that many of the corporate discounts could go away.
ual06 said:
Folks, if you do not like the fare - drive it. One hour in the air is equal to about one day on the road.
Or videoconference and don't go.

This is where Southwest kills the majors. PHL-PVD used to be like this. More people will actually make the trip now, since even the walkup fare is reasonable.

With a $600 walkup, US would generate much more traffic on the route. I guess they prefer flying empty seats.
USFlyer said:
My point in posting that is, if you have a lot of corporate account types on that route, the high fare is actually offsetting the corporate discounts. Is it fair? No. But my hunch is that plays into the fares to a certain extent. Dave himself said with a more rationale fare structure that many of the corporate discounts could go away.
With rational fares you won't need corporate discounts. Reasonable fares would have more people flying. And it would wind up generating more revenue for the company!!

My best to you all....
700UW said:
US employees are the lowest paid in the industry, WN is the highest and they make money!

Maybe the fairs are so high because they paid Dave $4 million to drive this company into the ground, reward mssrs wolf, gangwal and nagin with $35 million for doing the same and now dr bonehead wants to pay dave $11 million.

And I have taken a 12% paycut, gave back one week of vacation, two sick days and two holiday, paying 17% for my medical and taken an additional paycut by being forced to work in a lower classification.

Maybe you need to get some facts before you try and personal attack people, really makes you look like a fool.
I didn't say that I was looking anywhere. I said that it's one way to read what management is saying. Like it or not there are people who read it that way.

One thing is for sure -- the cost problem isn't the dollars being paid to management. Add up all the money going to every layer of management and it probably covers about 5 minutes worth of operating the airline...

You guys have all argued that your W-2 wages are less than those of your peers at LCCs.

So what's left? Productivity. For whatever reason you're getting less work done with more people. If your thumbs aren't somewhere then you must be running around doing a lot of pointless stuff that isn't adding value. But being busy isn't the same as being productive.

As numerous posters have argued one of the pointless non-value added things that legacy carriers waste time and prevent sales with is building and enforcing insanely complex fare rules and restrictions. Is that the fault of the people in reservations or at the ticket counter who have to deal with all that? No. But does it mean that U needs to have relatively more of those people available in order to move a given number of customers? Yes it does. Would management rather fix the fare system or accuse you of being a lazy SOB? You decide. If they fix the fares will "labor cost" decrease? Yes it will. How? They'll either furlough more people or traffic will increase and the associated revenue will increase to the point where they don't need to -- maybe they'll even need to hire.
ual06 said:
Folks, if you do not like the fare - drive it. One hour in the air is equal to about one day on the road.
I've got news for you...

We do that.

Where do you think all of those people who aren't flying went? Where do you think all of those people who crawl out of the woodwork when a non-traditional carrier comes to town are coming from?

You'll find it difficult to run a business successfully by trying to charge a premium for an inferior commodity.
cavalier said:
Don't forget to include me, you pathtic wack job.
Wow God like comments like that should put u at the top of HIS list !!! Practice what thou preach.
Easy web site..Cheap fares...

Hard to use web site..High fares..

Same product .

We're just waiting for the plan....The Plan that never was.
Sorry to be so negative. It's just so discouraging.
PineyBob said:

Not a very "christian" response! Seems that our self appointed oracle of truth, faith & "Correct" thought can insult with the baet.

Sounds like Orwell to me. "Four Legs Good! Two Legs Bad!"
Do not pass judgment, that you may not be judged: for the way you judge you will be judged and with what yardstick you measure you will be measured.

Bob, I was not judging like you are here, I simply pointed to fact.
usfliboi said:
Wow God like comments like that should put u at the top of HIS list !!! Practice what thou preach.
I am not preaching a thing, never do, just pointing out simple truths to all the lost souls on these boards, someone needs to come to their rescue.
TomBascom said:
I've got news for you...

We do that.

Where do you think all of those people who aren't flying went? Where do you think all of those people who crawl out of the woodwork when a non-traditional carrier comes to town are coming from?

You'll find it difficult to run a business successfully by trying to charge a premium for an inferior commodity.
Some corporations may consider owning one of these.


Or even a low time Seneca, Archer, heck even a Cessna 172 could get from a GA airport outside NYC into any GA airport in the metro CLT area in around 4-hours.
cavalier said:
I am not preaching a thing, never do, just pointing out simple truths to all the lost souls on these boards, someone needs to come to their rescue.
Yea! I've read some of your posts, cav. Believe me, YOU are not coming to anyones' rescue!!!!
UAL06 I totally agree with your post.....

I am not trying to be rude, but I am curious about something!!! Have any of you have every taken an Economics course? Or do any of you understand the concepts of Elasticity? You may want to read up on these concepts before commenting on why the fares are so high in a market that has only one non-stop carrier servicing it. Believe it or not there is allot of sound reasoning to airline pricing. Why should an airline be any different then any other form of businesses, i.e they are in it to maximize their profits while minimizing their costs. Like any business they are not a charitable organization.
dbcwaar said:
UAL06 I totally agree with your post.....

I am not trying to be rude, but I am curious about something!!! Have any of you have every taken an Economics course? Or do any of you understand the concepts of Elasticity? You may want to read up on these concepts before commenting on why the fares are so high in a market that has only one non-stop carrier servicing it. Believe it or not there is allot of sound reasoning to airline pricing. Why should an airline be any different then any other form of businesses, i.e they are in it to maximize their profits while minimizing their costs. Like any business they are not a charitable organization.

What we don't know is how full the flight is. If the flight is filling up, US should be trying to charge that much for Monday to Thursday travel. If it is empty, then perhaps the fare is outrageous. The reality is that no one will know whether than fare was insane or perfectly rational until the flight takes off. Empty seats = Stupid fare. No availability with people willing to pay more than that closer to departure = stupid fare. Full Flight, but no one willing to pay more than 1K closer to departure = smart fare. We won't know for months.

IMHO US needs to revise their fare structure, but it would would be a bad idea for them to oversimplify it to something as simple as WN's model.
FM2436 said:
Some corporations may consider owning one of these.


Or even a low time Seneca, Archer, heck even a Cessna 172 could get from a GA airport outside NYC into any GA airport in the metro CLT area in around 4-hours.
Owning a Malibu (like the one in your link) or any light aircraft makes sense on paper and in all practicality in many situations. The biggest of which is flexibility and airport availability (*MANY* more options to fly in/out than airlines). I can get to many places in my Saratoga much quicker, door to door, than going via the airlines if the trip is under 400 miles.

However, many companies' insurance won't cover employee personal aircraft travel. The statistics that actuarials use don't paint a good picture for single pilot, light single/twin engine aircraft when comparing them to airline or business jet travel. While there's nothing inherently unsafe about flying in a single engine Piper vs. a 757, most companies don't want to be on the hook in the tragic circumstance that the employee-pilot crashes into a building or house. Guess who gets sued? Well, first the pilot's estate. Then the actual aircraft owner (usually in a company/organization name), mechanic and, the deepest pockets, the employer. Sad, but true.

To the suggestion that an aircraft could reach Charlotte in around 4 hours from a NY metro airport.....that's 490nm. At an average speed of about 115kts/hr(not counting head/tailwinds), a Cessna and/or Archer would take closer to 4.5 hrs flight time. But since that's close to the fuel limits of those models, a safe pilot will plan a fuel stop and the total trip time would be closer to 5-5.5 hrs.

The Malibu and Seneca would make it no problem in under 4 hours.

To get this slightly back on topic, many companies should start to look at average per-seat costs of chartering for trips requiring a few people. A King Air or Navajo is perfect for those trips around 500-700 miles.

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