RUBIO on Immigration bill.." I'm IN,--NO I'm OUT,--I'm IN,--NO I'm OUT "

The REPUG ..'Saviour in Sixteen' (16') doesn't know whether to "SH!T, or get OFF the POT" as it pertains to the Immigration bill wending it's way through the US Senate. (Southwind,..."WENDING" means "MAKING"...FYI)!

If MARCO is the BEST that you've got at mending hispanic fences, well it's a safe bet that 'my Ashes" will be looong (ago) strewn, before "G-ODS O-LD P-rotestants....(G O P) will sit in the big chair @ '1600 !

B O , Harry and the boys are playing you CHUMPS like an ol' Fiddle !

It's Americans who are being played like fiddles. Once again, to maintain power and do what is right for the party and not its citizens, the progressives are exploiting another ethnic group 'for the party'.
Exploited blacks to get Obama in and now they are exploiting Latinos. It's not about immigration reform, its about getting these people vote capable as soon as possible.
As usual, all you've got is another lame version of "My guys are doing the 'right thing', because they 'get it', and only they care about what is best for the country, and only they act out of principle". While "those other guys" are just sucking up, buying votes, pandering to the masses, playing petty political games and engaging in Political maneuvering.

As usual, all you've got is another lame version of "My guys are doing the 'right thing', because they 'get it', and only they care about what is best for the country, and only they act out of principle". While "those other guys" are just sucking up, buying votes, pandering to the masses, playing petty political games and engaging in Political maneuvering.


I see you failed to notice that progressives have infested both parties......
No, I have been pointing that fact out for years

It's just that the GOP progressives/socialists, and their FauxNews cheerleaders, like to pretend that they are conservatives, favor corporate welfare over helping people, favor government regulation and intrusion in the people's personal lives in the name of morality, (they all do it in the name of "safety", equally wrong, but different motivation...) and have sold well meaning people with at least quasi-conservative values a fairy tale of smaller government, less government intrusion into their lives, and the moral high road. The sell job is accompanied by a lot of rhetoric about the bad guys, "those people", radical nationalism, and playing on people's fears. IOW, Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. IOOW, carrying the bible of false piety and wrapped in the flag of false patriotism.

That makes them, and their supporters, hypocrites. Lying, hating, parasitic hypocrites.
To date, the Progressive "infestation" has accomplished more for The People than any other movement in the history of mankind.

If not for the progressives, we would still be worshipping where one of George III's deranged spawn told us to, working dawn to dusk, alongside our children, just to survive, barely, at the pleasure of the privileged.

More power to 'em, I say.
To date, the Progressive "infestation" has accomplished more for The People than any other movement in the history of mankind.

If not for the progressives, we would still be worshipping where one of George III's deranged spawn told us to, working dawn to dusk, alongside our children, just to survive, barely, at the pleasure of the privileged.

More power to 'em, I say.

With Cloward-Piven the end game.......or didn't you realize that?
To date, the Progressive "infestation" has accomplished more for The People than any other movement in the history of mankind.

If not for the progressives, we would still be worshipping where one of George III's deranged spawn told us to, working dawn to dusk, alongside our children, just to survive, barely, at the pleasure of the privileged.

More power to 'em, I say.

Their tactics right from your own words:

The sell job is accompanied by a lot of rhetoric about the bad guys, "those people", radical nationalism, and playing on people's fears.
The Modern Day GOP's tactics, developed by Roger Ailes, the guy who made Nixon "likeable" for TV, fine-tuned in the Reagan "moral majority" years, and promoted 24/7 by his Ailes-puppetheads on FauxNews.
Re: use of "the Tactics"

Real Conservatives, when you can find one, not so much

Real progressives, not so much either

The Ailes inspired, FauxNews Republicans-Masquerading-as-Conservatives... Including the 21st Century version of the GOP -- Absolutely over the top with no shame. And They Are Doing It Against Their Own Best Interests For The Benefit Of And At The Behest Of People Who Don't Even Hide The Fact That They Feel That They Are Entitled To Take All They Can From Whoever They Can -- Including The Taxpayer

The MSN nuts... Just as bad, xcpt they actually believe they are trying to,do some good, vs. just enriching the already privileged, entitled ruling class.
Re: use of "the Tactics"

Real Conservatives, when you can find one, not so much

Real progressives, not so much either

The Ailes inspired, FauxNews Republicans-Masquerading-as-Conservatives... Including the 21st Century version of the GOP -- Absolutely over the top with no shame. And They Are Doing It Against Their Own Best Interests For The Benefit Of And At The Behest Of People Who Don't Even Hide The Fact That They Feel That They Are Entitled To Take All They Can From Whoever They Can -- Including The Taxpayer

The MSN nuts... Just as bad, xcpt they actually believe they are trying to,do some good, vs. just enriching the already privileged, entitled ruling class.

Lay it out on a bell curve bet its heavy on the left.