RUBIO on Immigration bill.." I'm IN,--NO I'm OUT,--I'm IN,--NO I'm OUT "

Aug 20, 2002
The REPUG ..'Saviour in Sixteen' (16') doesn't know whether to "SH!T, or get OFF the POT" as it pertains to the Immigration bill wending it's way through the US Senate. (Southwind,..."WENDING" means "MAKING"...FYI)!

If MARCO is the BEST that you've got at mending hispanic fences, well it's a safe bet that 'my Ashes" will be looong (ago) strewn, before "G-ODS O-LD P-rotestants....(G O P) will sit in the big chair @ '1600 !

B O , Harry and the boys are playing you CHUMPS like an ol' Fiddle !

H eis trying to thread the needle. He along with most of the country realize that immagration needs to be reformed. The trick for him is decidig which group he wants to piss off. If he goes with the republicans he will piss off the Hispanixc population that is growing and growing. (anyone see the embrassing comments made by lots of people when an 11 yr old AMERICAN sang the National Anthem?). If he goes with a more linberal stance he will piss off his republican base and be branded a traitor by the RNC. Neither party has the balls to treat the real issue or go after the companies who hire the illegals.

I feel bad for the guy. He is screwed regardless of his possition.
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H eis trying to thread the needle. He along with most of the country realize that immagration needs to be reformed. The trick for him is decidig which group he wants to piss off. If he goes with the republicans he will piss off the Hispanixc population that is growing and growing. (anyone see the embrassing comments made by lots of people when an 11 yr old AMERICAN sang the National Anthem?). If he goes with a more linberal stance he will piss off his republican base and be branded a traitor by the RNC. Neither party has the balls to treat the real issue or go after the companies who hire the illegals.

I feel bad for the guy. He is screwed regardless of his possition.

As you've done so many times 'Tree, you're..."Dead on Balls Accurate" (to steal a line from Joe Pesci's great movie....My Cousin VINNY) !

But even more so, you've Identified the GOP in it's entirety. That G D party is cannibalizing itself !!
I can see things in DC staying just as they are, for Many Years to come, meaning the ' D's " in the Big Chair and the Senate, and 'G'ods...'O'ld....'P'rotestants ......retaining the House.
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The only reason Rubio's out again is the Demorats trying to slip gay marriage, into the immigration bill and has nothing to do with the hogwash you posted Barry-O!
Rubio: 'I'm done' if immigration bill includes gay marriage!

I'm all for immigration reform..........................AFTER THE BORDER IS SECURED !

Well a few days ago, you were promoting Lynchings and Ropes, now it's anti Gay ?

Maybe you want to use ROPES to LYNCH GAY's ? ?
Well a few days ago, you were promoting Lynchings and Ropes, now it's anti Gay ?

Maybe you want to use ROPES to LYNCH GAY's ? ?
If your going to quote me, at least get it right ! I ask Tree if he wanted to send a lynch mob, "WITHOUT" a rope to catch Snowden.....................BIGOT!

And if the Demorats were serious about immigration reform, they wouldn't be trying to slip Gay mariage into the bill !
If your going to quote me, at least get it right ! I ask Tree if he wanted to send a lynch mob, "WITHOUT" a rope to catch Snowden.....................BIGOT!

And if the Demorats were serious about immigration reform, they wouldn't be trying to slip Gay mariage into the bill !

If the GOP were serious about reform they would not mind granting equal rights to people. Then again, the RNC and the concept of equality are not synonymous.
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You don't have any idea either?

'Tree,...............He doesn't need Original thought/ideas, because He gets all the UN-ORIGINAL ideas he needs from FOX NEWS, or his favorite NEOCON,.......(As 'Dog has pointed out ten ZILLION times), ....... on Talk Radio !
If your going to quote me, at least get it right ! I ask Tree if he wanted to send a lynch mob, "WITHOUT" a rope to catch Snowden.....................BIGOT!

And if the Demorats were serious about immigration reform, they wouldn't be trying to slip Gay mariage into the bill !

So your argument is that the security of this country (both financial and economic) is less important than denying people equality? Those are some whacked out priorities.
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So your argument is that the security of this country (both financial and economic) is less important than denying people equality? Those are some whacked out priorities.

The thought-process of the majority of people occupying the south-east quadrant of the main land USA, is (to-say-the-least) exceptionally...IGNORANT, a vast number of times !
Bills in congress should be, and should remain, about what they are about.

If the immigration bill has language concerning discrimination against gay immigrants, fine, it is still about immigration.

If an immigration bill contains language about general equal rights issues, relief for West TX, a Bridge To Nowhere -- or somewhere, or any other unrelated issue or spending, that language should be struck, and put in its own bill, to be debated and voted on based on its own merits.

I know that ain't how it's done, but this practice of attaching unrelated matters, especially pork - barrel spending, to bills concerning entirely unrelated matters, is dishonest, it is political BS, and it is a big part of why the process, and the results, are AFU.

Absolutely for equal rights.

Also, absolutely for clarity and honesty and debating issues on their own merits.