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Woman lights up Florida governor Rick Scott

Kev3188 said:
You clearly haven't been near a ticket counter or gate lately...
Obviously your judgement is clouded by your partisan hackery....
townpete said:
Obviously your judgement is clouded by your partisan hackery....
Wow isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
Kev3188 said:
Poor woman screaming about not being able to afford healthcare while using her custom laptop in a high end coffee shop.
delldude said:
Poor woman screaming about not being able to afford healthcare while using her custom laptop in a high end coffee shop.
And grifting on the free wifi as well lol
Kev3188 said:
Yes, let's focus on that instead of the much more important issue. 🙄
You ever see a doctor about that shiny object syndrome?
Which more important issue is that?

Looking like an idiot after screaming like a howling monkey?
You know if ya make one dollar above the monthly Medicaid maximum wage, you get kicked off it?
Then you work back below the Medicaid max, you have to refile which takes 90 days. While you refiling, there a bunch a 'free' clinics that will take ya if you got a rejection letter.
Also, in this wage area, you make too little to get a subsidy on the Marketplace.
ACA, working for you. 
Kev3188 said:
All the more reason to go to Single Payer...
Government hasn't done anything cost effective in anything it touches. Last thing we need is them running HC. They already have their fingers in it now and there are massive issues.
Open up 57 state competition for openers.

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