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Wo Resolution: No Voting For Alpa J4j Pilots

When I was hired by AAA , I was put into the Metro-Express,or as it was better know, the Norde-298 program. We had two bases, IPT and MDT.
We were AAA pilots, paid our dues.The Capts got 1/2 vote. F/O no vote with the AAA MEC. At the time, I could have cared less. Just happy to have a job and a number on the list.
But when I did ask why this was, I was told that it was a matter of "tallent".
Go figure.
Anyway, it seems that each ALPA MEC can say who votes and who doesn't.
One more thing. No pilot has to belong to ALPA. There are more than just a few here at AAA. They do have to pay a service charge each month, but it is less than the full dues.

I do not believe that quitting is the solution.

We -- all of us regional and mainline alike -- pay our 2% per year to the AirLine Pilots Association in order for them to provide us a service. That service is representation.

Frankly they haven't done a very good job. With pensions being destroyed, pilots furloughed, contracts abrogated, pilot groups pitted against one-another and the association itself the focus of a DFR lawsuit I believe it is fair to say that the union is in trouble.

We -- all of us -- should expect ALPA to use our 2% to help us to enhance job-security, improve quality of life, and enforce the contract. So far they have failed both the regional pilots and the mainline pilots in these endeavours. These are challenging times for US Airways and its pilot groups. It is going to take progressive leadership at all of the group affiliates to protect as many jobs as possible today and into the future. The PSA resolution is a giant step in the wrong direction!

But quitting is not the solution. Demand that the union do what they are paid to do! If the PSA MEC violates ALPA bylaws and labor relation laws at a local level, then it is up to ALPA national to correct the problem.

At the same time, Bill Pollock and the US Airways MEC should recognise this as a problem. Other divisions within their company are fighting them rather than working together. Today PSA -- tomorrow MidAtlantic. This is time to mend fences.

Wake up US Airways MEC! You just took a friendly-fire shot across the bow. What do you intend to do to repair the damage?
a friendly fire shot across the bow? thats better than the limpet mines stuck to the hulls of the wo's by :censored: group and the mainline mec

You've made very vaild points. And to respond to your inquiry(sp) about those who have already taken Mgt positions, they were previous PSA employees who have returned and so far have not turned against the current PSA staff. Thats not to say that they are not being watched closely. To give them credit, they have made positive changes in the working enviornment since their rehire. Its when the rest of their furloughed friends get here is what we're worried about.

You can not blame us for trying to protect what little we have left. Your MEC has taken almost everything from us. How are we to know that your portion of the Mainline Pilots(the younger and furloughed ones) will not attempt to do the same? If the furloughed portion of U are true advocates of working together then we would be able to hear and see your actions, and so far there has been none, other than to rape our seniority list and our contract.

Mending fences can start on a form like this, but more action needs to be taken on behalf of the Mainline Pilots to make it mean anything.

You will find many here willing to help, including myself, but until you can get some control of your MEC I'm affraid that the WO's are on the defensive right now.
As a LEC status rep and voting member of the MEC I voted yes for this resolution. As long as the mainline MEC Chair Bill Pollock continues to make statements like, "those jets are ours, all of them....", in reference to the 70 seaters being flown at a WO property at 100% mainline furloughees while 70 seaters can be flown at MESA at 50/50, I will not support allowing pilots with their interests vested in a different airline to vote or hold office at my property. Whats to stop the J4J guys from taking over the PSA MEC, and then working with the mainline MEC to bring furloughees here at 100% thereby leaving PSA pilots out on the street? If you don't think it "could" happen, just look at how the American pilots tried to muscle their way into Eagles captain seats on the ERJ and CRJ. The only thing that stopped the AA pilots is that fact that Eagle is ALPA and AA is APA, other wise ALPA would have turned a blind eye once again to the lowly regional pilots. My vote had nothing to do with the past, and everything to do with the future. This resolution was meant to send a signal to ALPA national that there are a lot of grey areas that need to be addressed, but most likely it will amount to nothing and the furloughees will get to vote and hold office anyway.
You people are fools, you are fighting each other and playing right into the company's hands, your enemy is not your union brother and sister, it is Dave Siegel and his gang of thieves.

Labor Union: an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions
Your wrong, mainline(mec) has promulgated the wo's "second class" citizenship and most certainly didn't treat us as 'brothers and sisters' to quote your statement, we were held back and repressed.
But now you guys need us so suddenly it's a different story. Now its 'hey friend', not the usual disdainful look we'd get in passing, you guys made this bed, and now you have to sleep in it.
I don't know anyone in the wo's that likes mainline so expect to see MUCH MUCH more animosity when they have to start flying with us. As for the voting situation, I think that maybe you should be allowed to vote since it will affect you while your stuck slumming with us, but most definately NOT HOLD A POSITION.
You guys are so deluded, I can't believe you don't understand why the wo's don't trust anyone at mainline.

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