You know the thing that pisses me off with that attitude and that seniority level is I started in MDW, many years ago and the probation is a damned red carpet picnic now. I'm sorry, I would challenge anyone who started in the last 5 years compared to the crap we went through. Hell, I remember, after everything, and I mean everything was done, being a slave to everyone, carts cleaned up, NIT and O2 serviced up, training was up to date, you got to clean the vehicles, just to stay and look busy. Lord help you, if you were caught watching tv, on your way through the shop, and lunch, yeah, that was called wolfing down a sandwhich on your way to the next airplane. I've seen guys now asleep on the couch on probation. My eval would of been thrown in the shitcan if I was caught even thinking of sitting on the couch while on probation.