Here's a piece out of our grapevine newsletter written by our Regional 2 Director Will Abbott.
It shows how far AMFA has come with all the labor groups at SWA including the teamsters.
Stay informed and stay strong we will get a new contract soon IMO...
An Informed Membership is Key to Winning a Strong Contract
By Will Abbott, Region II Director
Over the last few months, AMFA members turned out in record numbers to vote down two tentative agreements: a Transition and Seniority Integration Agreement Referendum at Alaska Airlines (ASA) and a Tentative Agreement Ratification Referendum at Southwest Airlines (SWA). Both agreements were flawed. The Negotiating Committees will use your overwhelming rejection, and the most recent bargaining survey to go back to the table and renegotiate.
It is amazing how the human brain works. We often remember moments in time differently. Our memories of events aren’t always accurate, or they fade with time. Because of this innate human flaw, it is important that we take notes and save documents for historical reference to help us remember important events, and to keep facts from becoming fiction. These same documents are often used in our preparation for bargaining.
When it comes to our careers as airline employees, information comes in many forms and from many sources, such as DOT rankings (flight delays, over-sales, mishandled baggage, consumer complaints, etc.), SEC filings, Company Quarterly Results, and Annual Reports. Being that ASA and SWA are publicly traded companies, there are endless sources of information available. From a high-altitude perspective, the airlines are competitive in every way down to the bottom line. We must understand the airlines’ environment and be prepared to overcome the challenges and changes to our work environment.
For example, during negotiations, the Negotiating Committee will compare the value of your work with other contracts in the industry to determine a value to your work. This is not always easy — work protections are varied in each Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
Enhancements to (or even maintaining) the current CBA are inevitably challenged in negotiations and it takes a well-prepared and supported Negotiating Committee to be successful. We must be well informed, not only from the perspective of our respective carrier, but about the industry as a whole. We must be prepared to choose our position and stand our ground for what is most important to the unified group. When everyone is involved, such as the high voter participation rate in the recent referenda, we will win.
Building strong alliances, both internally and externally will help AMFA prevail. To that end, AMFA has been focusing on building up its communications channels with the other labor unions on property. For example, each quarter, AMFA’s leadership has been meeting with the leadership of SWAPA (Pilots), TWU 555 (Ramp), TWU 556 (Flight Attendants), Teamsters (Stores), and TWU 550 (Dispatchers) to discuss events from each workgroup and issues of mutual concerns or importance. Meetings like this provide an opportunity to see the big picture.
We encourage all of our members to ask questions, stay informed and stay involved as we head back to the table. United we stand, divided we beg.
Have a Blessed and Safe Holiday Season.