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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Stores isn’t going to arbitration- they’re going into mediation.
As far as we are concerned- it would be nice for the company to want a deal done quickly like we want, but if we need to wait a year then so be it. You’re so quick to point out that each group waited a year, but 2 of those groups had a much better 2nd offer that passed. Hopefully we will have a good offer that will pass too.
Stores isn’t going to arbitration- they’re going into mediation.
As far as we are concerned- it would be nice for the company to want a deal done quickly like we want, but if we need to wait a year then so be it. You’re so quick to point out that each group waited a year, but 2 of those groups had a much better 2nd offer that passed. Hopefully we will have a good offer that will pass too.
You know it's sad. I was notified by someone sitting at the table for our stores employees that from 1st vote to 2nd vote for them was no change in the compensation never changed, just blurred their vision, shook it all up, and throughout the very same deal to them, hence a second no vote.
We are all hoping the co. will in fact act accordingly as if they really do want to get something done. They will be watched very carefully from here on out since McCrady thru out the scare tactics already and the threat of dragging the nego's out.
The 2 groups you speak of (Pilots and F/A's) both did take about another year. But what most people do not take into considerations is the following facts: First off, correct, both groups took another year because, 1- Pilots fired their entire nego cmte and replaced with a new one as written within their contract to do so. 2- The Pilots also had way, way more items that came back with their survey than what we are hearing is our reasons. 3- I think the F/A's also fired their nego's and brought in new ones as well. 4- They too had way more items to settle out before getting another agreement.
As far as the stores group I am not familiar with their hold ups within their offer as of yet.
The one main item I hear about ours is economics and I don't think it would take long to iron out. But the companies efforts will be closely watched since the threats were put out and so we will see who will be doing all the delays and stalling going forward.
Stores isn’t going to arbitration- they’re going into mediation.
As far as we are concerned- it would be nice for the company to want a deal done quickly like we want, but if we need to wait a year then so be it. You’re so quick to point out that each group waited a year, but 2 of those groups had a much better 2nd offer that passed. Hopefully we will have a good offer that will pass too.
You are correct mediation on stores sorry, the stores might not be that long it only failed by 18 votes, and 50 did not vote out of 300. I hope you are right on a better deal. This ride is getting old. The fighting is getting old. I am sure we all want to retire someday. I decided to be more positive.
You know it's sad. I was notified by someone sitting at the table for our stores employees that from 1st vote to 2nd vote for them was no change in the compensation never changed, just blurred their vision, shook it all up, and throughout the very same deal to them, hence a second no vote.
We are all hoping the co. will in fact act accordingly as if they really do want to get something done. They will be watched very carefully from here on out since McCrady thru out the scare tactics already and the threat of dragging the nego's out.
The 2 groups you speak of (Pilots and F/A's) both did take about another year. But what most people do not take into considerations is the following facts: First off, correct, both groups took another year because, 1- Pilots fired their entire nego cmte and replaced with a new one as written within their contract to do so. 2- The Pilots also had way, way more items that came back with their survey than what we are hearing is our reasons. 3- I think the F/A's also fired their nego's and brought in new ones as well. 4- They too had way more items to settle out before getting another agreement.
As far as the stores group I am not familiar with their hold ups within their offer as of yet.
The one main item I hear about ours is economics and I don't think it would take long to iron out. But the companies efforts will be closely watched since the threats were put out and so we will see who will be doing all the delays and stalling going forward.
Decided to be civil. The stores was 5% more in their signing bonus. The pay rate was 8% more. The main reason for the no vote is Dallas wants their 4 postions for GSE and Dallas was able to outvote the others. Plus the fact 50 people didn't bother to vote, because some are just fed up.
Again, more firepower and reasons to get a deal done now:

Southwest Airlines (LUV) Gains 21% in 3 Months: Here's Why

And here's a quote from it:
"Additionally, the new tax law, which reduces corporate tax rate significantly, is a huge positive for Southwest Airlines."
Another great reason to get a deal done now. They will hardly feel it. Won't even break a sweat with the tax reform from Trump.
Again, more firepower and reasons to get a deal done now:

Southwest Airlines (LUV) Gains 21% in 3 Months: Here's Why

And here's a quote from it:
"Additionally, the new tax law, which reduces corporate tax rate significantly, is a huge positive for Southwest Airlines."
Another great reason to get a deal done now. They will hardly feel it. Won't even break a sweat with the tax reform from Trump.
Company holds all the cards, and the money we said No. Last thing we were told from AMFA they will present our survey to the mediator, whenever we meet again.
Hope you guys get a better deal soon. Yes everyone going up is also in my best interest because maybe my group at UAL will get a better deal too next time.
Hope you guys get a better deal soon. Yes everyone going up is also in my best interest because maybe my group at UAL will get a better deal too next time.

Not that we get a better deal. BUT, we should get an offer that makes us whole from the past 6 years AND the future 5 years that they want this contract to go. That's 11 years. Our AMFA NC is in fact negotiating "2" contracts not "1" contract. IF the company drags this crap out any longer we will be trying to get our "3rd" contract nego. and it only gets more and more expensive for the company the longer they keep putting this crap off.
On a side note, SWA, quit "trying" to spread the false rumors. YOU SWA are the ones on the screen and we await your move.
AMFA has in fact proven that they are ready to get to the table beyond a reasonable doubt, very quickly to get a deal done. Now SWA, where is your beyond a reasonable doubt that you are ready to get back to the table for nego's??? Mr. McCrady is not ready, NOR is he pushing for an expedited or quickly resolved contract from his emails that speak volumes on how he is ready and willing to stall, stall, stall the future nego's.
757, I wish you luck in your next nego's for a new contract. The way our company is going, you may very well beat us to a new contract...
As next week approaches and is our last full week prior to the survey being concluded. I would encourage all to fill out the survey and list your wishes in order as you elect them so. Make your voices heard and be heard at the table when we continue nego's once again.
I too would hope the previous yes voters would also take the time to fill out the survey's and list your wishes too. This way it will be undeniable what the membership wants.
Some are whining about the union taking the time to do the survey. But they have done this every time in the past and would be ridiculed if they did not.
Now we wait for the results. Now we wait for the response from the company on how they will handle future nego's. Will the co. follow in the steps and public threats to stall and drag this out from Mr. McCrady? After all he did put it in writing on a company email and is by now in the hands of our mediators. The last couple times the company's nego. teams have played games on saying their schedules are too full to make time to meet. Trying it again will simply force the request of their upper officers to show if they cannot. It's been done before, and if the NC cannot make time then someone else will above their heads, just ask the mediators.
As next week approaches and is our last full week prior to the survey being concluded. I would encourage all to fill out the survey and list your wishes in order as you elect them so. Make your voices heard and be heard at the table when we continue nego's once again.

I too would hope the previous yes voters would also take the time to fill out the survey's and list your wishes too. This way it will be undeniable what the membership wants.
Some are whining about the union taking the time to do the survey. But they have done this every time in the past and would be ridiculed if they did not.

Now we wait for the results. Now we wait for the response from the company on how they will handle future nego's. Will the co. follow in the steps and public threats to stall and drag this out from Mr. McCrady? After all he did put it in writing on a company email and is by now in the hands of our mediators. The last couple times the company's nego. teams have played games on saying their schedules are too full to make time to meet.

Trying it again will simply force the request of their upper officers to show if they cannot. It's been done before, and if the NC cannot make time then someone else will above their heads, just ask the mediators.

So when are you planning to ask those Mediators to be released to engage in Self Help?

Don’t you think going on Strike puts the power back in your hands or do you just want to pretend you’re talking to each other for another 6 years?
So when are you planning to ask those Mediators to be released to engage in Self Help?

Don’t you think going on Strike puts the power back in your hands or do you just want to pretend you’re talking to each other for another 6 years?
Never at our roadshows AMFA said they would not take a strike vote. So we wait and hope.
Hope you guys get a better deal soon. Yes everyone going up is also in my best interest because maybe my group at UAL will get a better deal too next time.
And I hope you guys do. Mechanics at UPS are releasing vote results this week, so maybe, if it passes, this might help you guys as well as us. Good luck D757. Not sure if ours will get done quickly as we all have seen the McCrady emails and letters to stall and drag this out, but the ball is in their court. I do know the mediators were made aware of his emails so maybe they will be expecting delays from the co. and be prepared.
When does your contract become amendable D757? I forget.
Update from UPS:
UPS Mechanics had over 94% participation, with a 59% No vote.
A couple UPS'ers I have talked to said nothing about the money offer. They say it's within the benefits and maybe even retirement. We will see soon.
Some are saying the company AND the union is trying to keep this quiet, and I would have to ask why? And why would the union agree to this?? Curious...
As we await the survey results, here's a food for thought.
MF put an article out this morning about JetBlue's year 2020 aggressive outlook. From this MF article I copied the 2nd paragraph below in quotes added by me.
My food for thought here is; If JetBlue receives a 20% income plus earnings from the Trump Tax Reform, I am really wondering what Southwest income plus earnings are from the tax reform? It obviously will be larger.
Even if it is the same, at 20%, the tax reform income plus earnings will more than easily take care of the cost of our new contract and have plenty left over. They won't even feel it.
I am not saying now we ask for the world. Just will be so easy to make us whole with the new tax reform this year and should be a no brainer for the company to quickly fix.

Unfortunately, profitability has plunged since then. Analysts currently expect JetBlue to post adjusted EPS of $1.50 in 2018, despite receiving a 20%-plus earnings lift from tax reform.