If you could read and think for yourself you would have noticed all the other unions having trouble with your beloved company too. Get back under the supervisor's desk and vote yes.
You always come in this hot?
If you could read and think for yourself you would have noticed all the other unions having trouble with your beloved company too. Get back under the supervisor's desk and vote yes.
Hate to tell you, it will not really affect me, been here 24 years. The only over time I do is my lead overtime, and working some overtime in my station. The downlines are a total pain in the ass, they lose your tool box. You fix an airplane and maintenance control wants to hijack you for an MV 1 or MV2, plus whatever else. So you talk about spoon feeding, you sound like you don't trust our negotiating committee.Really? I have to spoon feed it to you? No more guaranteed 2.75 mechs per acft. Do you think that is an accident? It's called attrition and yes I know it doesn't affect you now but it will over time. Mx controllers on a downline? True their job description says they don't work on acft but what prevents them from going and watching a contractor do the work? Grieve it and watch it deadlock in system board and then to arbitration. We will lose again because of the twisted way they want to pick arbitrators in this new pos. I'm not going to go on and on. It's all in there and it's not always what it says it's what it doesn't say and yes I'm speaking from experience.
You prove my point once again. It's all about you. As long as you get yours. Nuff said.Hate to tell you, it will not really affect me, been here 24 years. The only over time I do is my lead overtime, and working some overtime in my station. The downlines are a total pain in the ass, they lose your tool box. You fix an airplane and maintenance control wants to hijack you for an MV 1 or MV2, plus whatever else. So you talk about spoon feeding, you sound like you don't trust our negotiating committee.
You are obviously a very angry person. No one has really stuck together his whole time people do their overtime downlines, company knows this very well. Just like the know the numbers on the bonus money and pay. You can get mad that I think it's fair, and think I am selfish, but in the end I do what is best for me and my family. You do what is best for you, Nuff said!You prove my point once again. It's all about you. As long as you get yours. Nuff said.
Not mad at all. You just make it soo easy. I'm just glad you came clean about being a selfish person. That's the first step to recovery.You are obviously a very angry person. No one has really stuck together his whole time people do their overtime downlines, company knows this very well. Just like the know the numbers on the bonus money and pay. You can get mad that I think it's fair, and think I am selfish, but in the end I do what is best for me and my family. You do what is best for you, Nuff said!
Selfish give me a break. You don't know me and I do not know you. SIx years is more than enough time to do a contract, if you do not like it,exercise your right to vote, and vote no. Quit trying to manipulate people to vote no, because you do not like it. Have a nice life.Not mad at all. You just make it soo easy. I'm just glad you came clean about being a selfish person. That's the first step to recovery.
Really? I have to spoon feed it to you? No more guaranteed 2.75 mechs per acft. Do you think that is an accident? It's called attrition and yes I know it doesn't affect you now but it will over time. Mx controllers on a downline? True their job description says they don't work on acft but what prevents them from going and watching a contractor do the work? Grieve it and watch it deadlock in system board and then to arbitration. We will lose again because of the twisted way they want to pick arbitrators in this new pos. I'm not going to go on and on. It's all in there and it's not always what it says it's what it doesn't say and yes I'm speaking from experience.
I thought you were going to be civil, I see you do not change, no wonder this board is so dead.He is such a dumb-a$$ it's pathetic...
I honestly do not see a maintenance controller leaving maintenance control to watch a contractor, talk about something stupid.Spoon feed? Yup. Of course.
Well I guess if you don't see it then it won't happen. I feel better now.I honestly do not see a maintenance controller leaving maintenance control to watch a contractor, talk about something stupid.
Not mad at all. You just make it soo easy. I'm just glad you came clean about being a selfish person. That's the first step to recovery.
Hate to tell you maintenance control is part of our group and AMFA. You act like they are management, they pay dues and are entitled to all the benefits of our contract regardless if you like it or not. Sounds like you are jealous that a 6 year maintenance controller is going to 64 a hour at ratification, wonder how they will vote? Are you mad that I and an inspector make more money than you. Maybe we need to donate to your fund , because you are mad. Talk about someone being selfish, you need to look in the mirror.Well I guess if you don't see it then it won't happen. I feel better now.
We are all selfish, and the company knows it. Why do you think they are willing to pay 30k or more for a ratification bonus. They know human nature and so do I. Good to see you Weazz.If you’re not selfish at all then I’m going to send you a PM with my address and I want you to send me a check with all the money in your bank accounts you don’t need outside of paying your bills. Unless you’re planning on taking in 40 Guatemalan refugees or something.
Give me a break with the selfish crap. Who the hell isn't selfish?
Last time I checked I had a heartbeat so I could be a lead if I was that lazy. I think the controller pay is great. The problem is ours is not. If you still worked for a living you might have a problem with it too. I enjoy working on airplanes and will continue to do so. Now get back under the desk to your union meeting.Hate to tell you maintenance control is part of our group and AMFA. You act like they are management, they pay dues and are entitled to all the benefits of our contract regardless if you like it or not. Sounds like you are jealous that a 6 year maintenance controller is going to 64 a hour at ratification, wonder how they will vote? Are you mad that I and an inspector make more money than you. Maybe we need to donate to your fund , because you are mad. Talk about someone being selfish, you need to look in the mirror.