Just to clarify a bit. AMFA has not been nor will they ever entertain playing games during nego's. It's just unprofessional, disrespectful, and not efficient what so ever. The co. tried their waiting out games and the NC and membership did not fall for it. Very proud of the membership for holding with our NC on scope but some more work is needed to finalize some items such as LOA-1 and 2. Co. now understands that it will take full retro, correct the snap up %, and the remaining years will fall into place. I too think April could be our month, but I also refuse to change our amendable date to April, it needs to remain at Aug 16th just like it has been for over 40 years. This was a gimmick (tactic) being offered by the co. to try and forgo our Aug 16th, 2018 3% raise and forget about splitting up my full retro in 18 and 19. It's not our fault that these nego's took 6 years it is the co's and therefore they must pay for their games and tactics of a pay freeze for 6 years.
I agree with you that the "real upper management" just passed the word onto the co NC to get er done. Maybe ETOPS, Hawaii, and some air 21's, and the investigations from the FAA is encouraging the company to get it done. I do not know this as fact, it is just a thought of mine that is possibly triggering the co. movements is all. Either way I am glad to see some progress finally. But still apprehensive with how the co. has always pulled shite back at the next set of nego's, matter fact they flipped flopped this last time on scope remember? So I do put little faith to a completed deal by the end of the week set for April, what I do expect is some more games from the co. coming our way. If they would fire McCrady from nego's I bet it could get done...