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WN Mechanics seek mediation

This is a first in over 5.5 years. The mediator has set the 9th and 10th for continuing nego's and she has also indicated that all parties need to prepare to stay late and for the rest of the week to finalize and get it done. Why hasn't these kind of schedules been made in the past? Glad to see it but should have been scheduled for each week in the past and we would have an agreement by now. Maybe April will be our month. Hopefully McCrady will remain OUT of the nego's this time.

NMB Meeting Notice to Resume Mediation with Southwest Airlines
March 15, 2018 -- Mediator Cathy McCann will continue mediation conferences with AMFA and Southwest Airlines in Dallas, TX on April 9-10, 2018.
Download: 20180315_Mtg_Notice_for_NMB_Case_A-13790_SWA_ AMFA.pdf
Usually Swampy when they say that it signals that upper management, real upper management is driving the bus finally. Here is to getting a deal.It appears both sides are now serious no more games from either side, or the mediator will let you sit for 6-months or more, like last year.
Usually Swampy when they say that it signals that upper management, real upper management is driving the bus finally. Here is to getting a deal.It appears both sides are now serious no more games from either side, or the mediator will let you sit for 6-months or more, like last year.

Just to clarify a bit. AMFA has not been nor will they ever entertain playing games during nego's. It's just unprofessional, disrespectful, and not efficient what so ever. The co. tried their waiting out games and the NC and membership did not fall for it. Very proud of the membership for holding with our NC on scope but some more work is needed to finalize some items such as LOA-1 and 2. Co. now understands that it will take full retro, correct the snap up %, and the remaining years will fall into place. I too think April could be our month, but I also refuse to change our amendable date to April, it needs to remain at Aug 16th just like it has been for over 40 years. This was a gimmick (tactic) being offered by the co. to try and forgo our Aug 16th, 2018 3% raise and forget about splitting up my full retro in 18 and 19. It's not our fault that these nego's took 6 years it is the co's and therefore they must pay for their games and tactics of a pay freeze for 6 years.
I agree with you that the "real upper management" just passed the word onto the co NC to get er done. Maybe ETOPS, Hawaii, and some air 21's, and the investigations from the FAA is encouraging the company to get it done. I do not know this as fact, it is just a thought of mine that is possibly triggering the co. movements is all. Either way I am glad to see some progress finally. But still apprehensive with how the co. has always pulled shite back at the next set of nego's, matter fact they flipped flopped this last time on scope remember? So I do put little faith to a completed deal by the end of the week set for April, what I do expect is some more games from the co. coming our way. If they would fire McCrady from nego's I bet it could get done...
Just to clarify a bit. AMFA has not been nor will they ever entertain playing games during nego's. It's just unprofessional, disrespectful, and not efficient what so ever. The co. tried their waiting out games and the NC and membership did not fall for it. Very proud of the membership for holding with our NC on scope but some more work is needed to finalize some items such as LOA-1 and 2. Co. now understands that it will take full retro, correct the snap up %, and the remaining years will fall into place. I too think April could be our month, but I also refuse to change our amendable date to April, it needs to remain at Aug 16th just like it has been for over 40 years. This was a gimmick (tactic) being offered by the co. to try and forgo our Aug 16th, 2018 3% raise and forget about splitting up my full retro in 18 and 19. It's not our fault that these nego's took 6 years it is the co's and therefore they must pay for their games and tactics of a pay freeze for 6 years.
I agree with you that the "real upper management" just passed the word onto the co NC to get er done. Maybe ETOPS, Hawaii, and some air 21's, and the investigations from the FAA is encouraging the company to get it done. I do not know this as fact, it is just a thought of mine that is possibly triggering the co. movements is all. Either way I am glad to see some progress finally. But still apprehensive with how the co. has always pulled shite back at the next set of nego's, matter fact they flipped flopped this last time on scope remember? So I do put little faith to a completed deal by the end of the week set for April, what I do expect is some more games from the co. coming our way. If they would fire McCrady from nego's I bet it could get done...
The game part is from the mediator point of view, we have to remember this is her first mediation on her own. I am sure she has a career path plan, too and is tired of both sides. She was very clear in her letter. You know as well as I do when the company plays games and hardball the union does too. If you don't the company will eat you for lunch. It's just like having a lawyer tries to play nice and loses your court case. You want your lawyer to be a SOB to win.
The game part is from the mediator point of view, we have to remember this is her first mediation on her own. I am sure she has a career path plan, too and is tired of both sides. She was very clear in her letter. You know as well as I do when the company plays games and hardball the union does too. If you don't the company will eat you for lunch. It's just like having a lawyer tries to play nice and loses your court case. You want your lawyer to be a SOB to win.

Yes as AMFA has done and done well, I might add. AMFA's costly responses to the co's offers of what it would cost to get the scope they were asking for aligned with the ask the co was after, therefore, when the co. pulled all ask in scope off table, now the co. offer is getting more inline with the norm, the past, and only needs a few minor tweaks to get our NC to sign off on it to bring to the membership.
All I really hope for is that this can all be put behind us by mid year this year so we can all focus on our workdays and get back to the norm.
Yes as AMFA has done and done well, I might add. AMFA's costly responses to the co's offers of what it would cost to get the scope they were asking for aligned with the ask the co was after, therefore, when the co. pulled all ask in scope off table, now the co. offer is getting more inline with the norm, the past, and only needs a few minor tweaks to get our NC to sign off on it to bring to the membership.
All I really hope for is that this can all be put behind us by mid year this year so we can all focus on our workdays and get back to the norm.
When you are handcuffed by the RLA, and the company drags stuff out, the only cards you have to play without getting sued for illegal job action,is Air21 or another lawsuit if they violate your language. So AMFA has done what they could as a group, have they been perfect, no. If this is best they can get and get most of what is important to the membership, it will probably pass, because it has been this long.
If this is best they can get? Are you referring to the current offer from co. as stands?? No way that would pass, at least in Dallas. With the last offer co is at the remaining 14.8% on base, which they refer to the 16.3% for the total all in rate which includes lic, shift, long and any other added premiums. More work needs to be done with LOA 1 and 2 as well as amendable date and length of contract as there is still no raise offer for 2018 or 2023 like we have had in the past. Tweak what needs to be tweaked, get the numbers where they need to be and come to a T/A it is simple as that. We will see if April is our month or not as I expect with the company's games coming at the opening of nego's on the 9th of April...
When you are handcuffed by the RLA, and the company drags stuff out, the only cards you have to play without getting sued for illegal job action,is Air21 or another lawsuit if they violate your language. So AMFA has done what they could as a group, have they been perfect, no. If this is best they can get and get most of what is important to the membership, it will probably pass, because it has been this long.

I just remembered. Tomorrow is loc 11's monthly meeting so I will chime in afterwards if anything is different from what we all know currently. The only thing I see I get is a more detailed update from the March meetings, in other words what really went on. Stay tuned...
If this is best they can get? Are you referring to the current offer from co. as stands?? No way that would pass, at least in Dallas. With the last offer co is at the remaining 14.8% on base, which they refer to the 16.3% for the total all in rate which includes lic, shift, long and any other added premiums. More work needs to be done with LOA 1 and 2 as well as amendable date and length of contract as there is still no raise offer for 2018 or 2023 like we have had in the past. Tweak what needs to be tweaked, get the numbers where they need to be and come to a T/A it is simple as that. We will see if April is our month or not as I expect with the company's games coming at the opening of nego's on the 9th of April...
I was referring to whatever the final outcome is when they agree to a T/A. They obviously are not going to bring anything to a vote that they think can't pass because it has been so long, or afraid something would pass because it has been so long. My point is whenever they bring a T/A and it is mostly satisfies what the majority of the concerns were without any gotcha language, it will most likely pass.
I was referring to whatever the final outcome is when they agree to a T/A. They obviously are not going to bring anything to a vote that they think can't pass because it has been so long, or afraid something would pass because it has been so long. My point is whenever they bring a T/A and it is mostly satisfies what the majority of the concerns were without any gotcha language, it will most likely pass.

If the NC calls it a T/A it will more than likely pass, yes. For the NC to sign off on a T/A it would have to be what the membership is asking for in a new agreement. That why I keep saying we won't see anything to vote on until it meets all the memberships wishes and the NC is doing just that up to this point. They have told the co. they will not bring anything out for a vote until all the issues are nego as the membership wants. Your right, it's been too long of a wait, BUT, were still not going to accept crumbs for the wait that the co. made us do on THEIR behalf to "take care of the investors". Now it's time to take care of the mechanics at SWA for helping the co take care of the investors.
I am pretty sure that Mike V. is extremely unhappy with McCrady and his antics in the last nego's, McCrady didn't exactly make Mike look good after he blew up, cursing and disrespecting the nego cmte, and embarrassing himself and the company in front of everyone. I am also sure Mike has delivered a message after McCrady's fiasco, so maybe, just maybe we might get a T/A in April, but, with all the antics and games played by the co. even in the last round of nego's I do not see us at a T/A until Aug of 18. My opinion only, and I hope I am wrong and we do get one in April, but just don't expect one especially if McCrady is in there, hopefully he got fired from nego's by Mike.
Scope is finally done (for now at least) however ETOPS just got brought back out by the co. saying the 17 added million for what they say is full retro as a signing bonus, then they would need some relief for ETOPS. LOA 1 and 2 also needs to get reworked and of course the company is still trying to get April as the new amendable date and skip the 2018 raises, as well as leaving off the final year 2023 3% raise, they are still trying to get out of what retro really is and where we should be on DOS...
Gentlemen SWAMP GAS is back on the American Airlines threads once again attacking OUR Unions.

You know that means I have to unfortunately start polluting your thread again.

I try to be nice to your dog and again he chits on my lawn. He never stops chitting on MY lawn.
Gentlemen SWAMP GAS is back on the American Airlines threads once again attacking OUR Unions.

You know that means I have to unfortunately start polluting your thread again.

I try to be nice to your dog and again he chits on my lawn. He never stops chitting on MY lawn.

Or you could take the high road, but you wouldn't know anything about that would you.
Wow, it's been 6 years since I was last on a forum with swamt. What happened? You said the Southwest Mechanics are coming up to there
contract negotiations, and that the SW mechanics would be the highest paid in the industry with a leading contract.
Wow, it's been 6 years since I was last on a forum with swamt. What happened? You said the Southwest Mechanics are coming up to there
contract negotiations, and that the SW mechanics would be the highest paid in the industry with a leading contract.

I have no idea who you are or who you were. All the updates from nego's is on here as well as on the AMFA's website and yes we are going on 6 years (Aug 16th 2018 will be 6 years). Company put us on a 5 year pay freeze just like our company leader said he would. If you were to look up the current offer we are being offered you would see that we are being offered an ILC but it does not equal what we would have had if we did receive average raises thru the years, so they are trying to finalize something hopefully by mid year, but most of us are expecting anything from the way the company has been nego in the past. Next dates for us are set in April 9th and 10th. If certain parameters are met by the end of day 2 then next 2 days are set to nego late into the evenings to try and finalize things for a possible T/A, BUT we do not expect one to come out in April the way this company constantly backs out and reopens items already T/A'd. We are close but not quite to a T/A yet or AIP. BTW co. has retracted the huge scope ask they were originally after.
I have no idea who you are or who you were. All the updates from nego's is on here as well as on the AMFA's website and yes we are going on 6 years (Aug 16th 2018 will be 6 years). Company put us on a 5 year pay freeze just like our company leader said he would. If you were to look up the current offer we are being offered you would see that we are being offered an ILC but it does not equal what we would have had if we did receive average raises thru the years, so they are trying to finalize something hopefully by mid year, but most of us are expecting anything from the way the company has been nego in the past. Next dates for us are set in April 9th and 10th. If certain parameters are met by the end of day 2 then next 2 days are set to nego late into the evenings to try and finalize things for a possible T/A, BUT we do not expect one to come out in April the way this company constantly backs out and reopens items already T/A'd. We are close but not quite to a T/A yet or AIP. BTW co. has retracted the huge scope ask they were originally after.

Here. Try actually watching it and you can answer your own question you asked on the AA Fleet thread.

Here. Try actually watching it and you can answer your own question you asked on the AA Fleet thread.

Hey dummy, your own nego's prez and CB both have told me in the past that sometimes the updates are for fleet only and/or for mechanics only. I asked in order not to waste my time if it was for you fleet boys. I could care less about a group that does not affect me or my career or industry, it's that simple.

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