Hey weezz, yes I saw that, hope all is well in the American side of the house. It's amazing how we can analyze what's going wrong on your side, but we just sit in SWA land.He says I am about the money, I would like a raise, but not give the store way to get it.swamt just popped over again and went off on another full frontal assault tirade against the Association and the TWU so here I am again.
So Chip Diller, here you’re saying that currently AA guys are earning in base wages around $7,000 more per year than AMFA Members at SWA? And they have more Aircraft Mechanics too?
Well let’s see? We got an Apple and we got an Orange. Both are fruits, both can be tasty and both are good for you. Not always about comparing the Apple to the Orange as much as it’s just which one you might like better over the other sometimes. Just have to hope the fruit you want hasn’t gone rotten?
Hey weezz, yes I saw that, hope all is well in the American side of the house. It's amazing how we can analyze what's going wrong on your side, but we just sit in SWA land.He says I am about the money, I would like a raise, but not give the store way to get it.
Hey some Garbageman dropped some chit on my lawn so I thought I’d throw his chit back where it belongs/
You are actually chitting on my lawn. You should start your own thread for your spat
Dippy Dave can't help himself, he wants to be like the diseased former BB mouth piece of the anti-AMFA unskilled, 700UW. He constantly stuck his big IAm nose in AMT affairs (and pilots), and I guess finally got banished from this BB for being a constant pest.You are actually chitting on my lawn. You should start your own thread for your spat
Yet Dippy Dave praised DUI Doug for his new V6 Mustang that he bought with the pay raise we so graciously received at AA. So much for being a "standup guy" right?Yea if he was a standup guy he’d be over there knocking Management just like he does on here.
And he’s off and running his mouth (fingers) yet again.
Hey swamt want to make a bet that you go another 5 years without a contract and then when you finally get it you’ll only get a $1,500 signing bonus with no retro.
Sad sad sad.
There is always off the record stuff, we know that from our last negotiations, if you can Cramer out of the way, probably get somewhere. Because whatever the company comes up with, Bob will just ask for something ridiculous and again we get nowhere.Just read the update from 787 in UPS thread that he posted Fri. Looks like they are also not getting anything done this year too with the teamsters. I do believe both our contracts were up at approx same time so we both are going on 5-6 years with no new contract. Their sticklers seem to be retirement and healthcare. Seems the co. and the teamsters are still trying to push that teamcare through. teamsters are still asking for a $60 top out. Which I believe is where we should be at the end of our contract if settled now as we would have waited about 10-11 years which is only 1.50, or lower, per year of total waiting. I wouldn't call that unreasonable as long as there was movement by co. on scope and the rest.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at the co's RS's. Anyone hearing anything or willing to post?
AMFA files another lawsuit. Check it out at AMFA nationalike website