Oh sorry; I coulda sworn I was in a thread about station closings...
I'll get my coat.
I'll get my coat.
Sorry.Kev3188 said:Oh sorry; I coulda sworn I was in a thread about station closings...
I'll get my coat.
Ya just wait n'see how DL will dominate once it gets >2% of the market share at DAL!!! 😛WNMECH said:Any thread about WN, is really about DL dominating Love Field and DFW.
No problem; I hear ya. 🙂WNMECH said:Sorry.
Any thread about WN, is really about DL dominating Love Field and DFW.
I do not know when it will happen. I have been digging for that info for some time now but still have nothing.robbedagain said:Your scenario is most likely what has wt scared bec dl most likely wont get the slots due to not being a qualifier... only time will tell bro do u knw when the slots will be up?
Yes E did. But, I believe he was speaking of how the gates will be operated and /or dispersed after W/A goes away (after Oct 2014). I do believe, IMO, that prior to the W/A going away, the divested slots (talking DAL only here) can and will be awarded to the "the best qualifying" airline and not necessarily just the highest bidder.WorldTraveler said:DL's interest in SLOTS - which are at LGA and DCA - are to serve small and medium size cities from DCA. DL never asked for or expected they would get slots at LGA.
E noted a long time ago that the gates at DAL go back to the airport in the event that AA does not use them which means the DOJ has no ability to influence how they are used. The usual rules of gate allocation at DAL then apply.
Despite pages and pages of trying to argue otherwise, no one would argues AGAINST DL getting the gates can show one airline other than WN who wants the gates while DL has loaded schedules.
+1eolesen said:I think it's premature to try and claim that the DOJ has no say -- they're tbe ones ordering the divestiture, and I suspect the City will work in conjunction with them to ensure the spirit of the divestiture is followed. Same thing with the other airports where gates are being given up.
The clause about gates reverting back to airport control is contained in the scarce resources clause of the master lease agreements at DAL, regardless of when it occurs (pre or post October 2014).
Once the city announces how they plan to proceed, we'll see if there's interest or not. Until then, it's only uninformed speculation to claim that the only two parties interested (or qualified) will be DL & WN.